Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

Alex Strife

Yeah but it's more commonly known as a pastry which is decidedly less badass than Lightning. I'm with Tres on that one.

That pastry name doesn't exist in Spain, so :catfight:

Also, as for the name "Claire", I'm pretty sure they maintained the "American" name.

And about "The Nest", as I said, the meaning is really fine, but... as Glaurung said, it feels weird, after so many months reading and hearing Cocoon.

While I find the "Piasa" thing better, now. I still wonder, what kind of relationship does it bear with the original name? It's interesting, though, how they came up with a new name that had a bit of mythology behind.

Oh, and Glaurung, when you talked about the "Hecatónquiros" being related to mythology, I already looked up on our friend wikipedia. :D


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
While I find the "Piasa" thing better, now. I still wonder, what kind of relationship does it bear with the original name? It's interesting, though, how they came up with a new name that had a bit of mythology behind.

Well, looking at the depiction of the original piasa, it does look like Yaag's Proudclad. Though I'm still a bit disappointed that they erased the reference to FFVII, they did a good job.

Oh, and Glaurung, when you talked about the "Hecatónquiros" being related to mythology, I already looked up on our friend wikipedia. :D

Sorry, I just felt dorky :B

Alex Strife

Well, I guess you could say it bears a certain ressemblance... I am also disappointed about erasing that reference to FFVII. I suppose I shouldn't be that pissed off at the names, seeing that at least most of them actually have some sense.

Oh, and I loved your spoiler tag!


Double Growth
I think DanielReturns has a little alert go off on his computer every time a negative FFXIII review comes out.

That said, I do enjoy Zero Punctuation and this one was no exception:monster:


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
I think DanielReturns has a little alert go off on his computer every time a negative FFXIII review comes out.

That said, I do enjoy Zero Punctuation and this one was no exception:monster:

Shit I've been sussed :awesome:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Question about the ending, spoilers ahead.

So in the end, most people in Cocoon slowly starve to death?

Cocoon is saved from falling with the crystal pillar thing, but all the fal’cie are dead/turned off or whatever as Orphan is dead. Humans in Cocoon completely relied on the fal’cie for food & power, but now the fal’cie are dead the people of Cocoon have to relocate to Gran Pulse and start new lifes right?
(You see some people on Pulse in the end FMV.)

Well it was mentioned that Cocoon as a population of “Tens of Millions”. How are “Tens of millions” of people going to gather enough fresh food to survive? Surely millions will starve to death slowly.

You can’t just drop millions of people off on an alien world and expect all of them to survive. Alright the local animal and plant life is an available food source but feeding tens of millions of people 3 meals a day will require a massive amount of food.

Plus weren’t there already cities & people on Gran Pulse, and the Cle’ith stones indicate that all of these cities fell due to a combination of war, famine, disaster or turning into Cle’ith. My point being that human civilization (already well established with many cities all over the world) died out on pulse.
People born and raised on Pulse couldn’t survive it, so how will the millions of people of Cocoon survive?


Sorry to be “that guy” that picks apart the plot but this was a pretty big flaw to me. Wasn’t it supposed to be a happy ending? But we get mass starvation. :wacky:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Question about the ending, spoilers ahead.

So in the end, most people in Cocoon slowly starve to death?


Sorry to be “that guy” that picks apart the plot but this was a pretty big flaw to me. Wasn’t it supposed to be a happy ending? But we get mass starvation. :wacky:

Actually, war, famine and disaster were entirely the fal'Cies' fault. Since there are no more maniac fal'Cies, I think it's hard to repeat that.

"Tens of millions" is a very vague term, it can go from 20 to 99 millions, but even with that it's a big number. Sure it will be hard, but Grand Pulse is completely deserted, and I don't think that Cocoon's population is bigger than old Pulse's, so I think there's room for everyone.

So they better move their bland asses and begin searching for food and learning to hunt or they will really starve to death.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Rarely do FF titles end on a note that everything's perfect. Even with happy endings, the most they usually offer is the promise that life goes on -- including with all the troubles and struggles that brings.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I was reading the english cast and I couldn't help but to laugh my ass off when I oticed which actors repeat from Persona 4:

Troy Baker: Snow, Kanji.
Laura Bailey: Serah, Rise.
DaveWittemberg: Amodar, Teddie.

Those who have ever played/watched Persona 4 know what I'm talking about :awesome:

They should play King's Game in FFXIII, by the way.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
KanjixRise is canon?! I KNEW IT. :awesome:


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I have one question.

Why the fuck do Serah and Dajh just walk up to you over a HILL after sixty hours of trying to save them?


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Ok, so just completed it on PS3.

You can start writing the story for FFXIII-2 :awesome:

Now that we are with questions, i don't know if this has been answered already but: When Yaag died one could see a lifestream-like thingie with pireflies and all... was that supposed to be his soul? Where do souls go in FFXIII's world? Or was it only to round the FFVII reference with Yaag's character?

My brain hurts...



Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
I just finished the game myself. I thought they portrayed the ending quite interesting. Although in my opinion it seemed unlike the previous FF games.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
So in the end, most people in Cocoon slowly starve to death?

Cocoon is saved from falling with the crystal pillar thing, but all the fal’cie are dead/turned off or whatever as Orphan is dead. Humans in Cocoon completely relied on the fal’cie for food & power, but now the fal’cie are dead the people of Cocoon have to relocate to Gran Pulse and start new lifes right?
(You see some people on Pulse in the end FMV.)

Well it was mentioned that Cocoon as a population of “Tens of Millions”. How are “Tens of millions” of people going to gather enough fresh food to survive? Surely millions will starve to death slowly.

You can’t just drop millions of people off on an alien world and expect all of them to survive. Alright the local animal and plant life is an available food source but feeding tens of millions of people 3 meals a day will require a massive amount of food.

No, the people of Cocoon fucking adapt and pull their shit together just like every other depiction of humanity in other works of fiction that don't have the luxury of having their asses wiped by demigods. Tens of millions of people is a drop in a bucket to an entire planet worth of flora and fauna. They'll be fine.
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