Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)


Silverette, Snowballs Lover, Divine Creature!
Son of a bitch these last couple Cie'th missions suck!

I've had trouble with Gigantuar for awhile now. But this one with two Raktuj...whatever they are(EDIT: Raktavija)...dammit!

Whats Your team?

I usualy from chap 11 on fang/hope/lightning


Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Son of a bitch these last couple Cie'th missions suck!

I've had trouble with Gigantuar for awhile now. But this one with two Raktuj...whatever they are(EDIT: Raktavija)...dammit!

Trick to Gigantaur is Aegisol (or w/e the defensive shroud is called) + Instant Chain. Just sit in COM/MED/MED until the Instant Chain procs and away you go.

The one with the two Raktavija is the only mission I actually had to grind for.
Finally beat it once I had Fang up to ~20k health and Lightning/Hope up to ~15k. Fully upgraded Witch's Bracelets for all of 'em, Instant Chain for Fang and Lightning, and kept Shell up at all times. Helps to start off with an Aegisol as well.

God, I hated that mission.

Anyone here beat mission 64, btw?

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Fang as SAB/party lead, immediately summon Bahamut, fully debuff all 3, and hit them with Megaflare just before their stagger gauges clear. Should give you a time of ~1:40. :awesome:

Or do it the old fashioned way, but in my experience that will only result in tears and saying hateful things that you can never take back.


fresh to death
I lent one of my friends the 360 version of ffxiii, the one I completed, and fully regret doing so.
I WANT TO CARRY ON CIE'TH MISSIONS, I'm only up to 23 or something.
I guess I'll just have to stick to my Ps3 version. Still in Palumpolum. sob.


Double Growth
I'm still stuck on the Tonberry mission/haven't played it in a while :sadpanda:

I used the deceptisol shroud (dunno what its called in the Japanese version) with Vanille as my party lead. Then I immediately cast Quake to stagger them, and then summoned Hecon-whatever because he's freaking awesome[/s]!


Double Growth
no its that stuff that ensures that you get a preemptive strike. But actually...which Tonberry mission do you mean? The first or the one vs 3 tonberries? I was assuming the latter.


AI Researcher
That's 'Sneak Smoke' for me, then :monster:

I mean the first one, where you're meant to be fighting a Cie'th but Tonberry kills it then kills you (at least that's how it always went in my game).


FFFFFFFFFF is it even possible to get a 5 star rating against Barthandalus?? I've tried a couple of times and beat him in 9 minutes, but still can't get more than a 3/5 :(


Alex Strife

Finally finished the game! I can read spoilahs nao! Only that they're not actual spoilers for me, anymore...

The ending was unexpected, in a way. I mean, I for one wasn't expecting Dahj and Serah to actually be uncryztallized.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I've been wondering, am I just crazy or did it seem that Dajh looked different as a crystal than anyone else? Like he was just encased in crystal, where as everyone else looked like they had actually turned in to crystal.

Alex Strife

I actually thought it may differ on every individual fal'Cie.

Vanille, Fang and Serah all looked as if they were naked, only their figures were seen when in crystal form. Cid was very similar, but his clothes were retained, and visible, whereas in Dahj's case, he wass "inside" a crystal, rather than "turned into crystal".

Of course it is only speculation, but I'd think every fal'Cie would produce a different kind of crystalization.

Alex Strife

^ That's EXACTLY what I thought at first, but again Cid's the exception, because he's not naked, right? They could have done with him the same they did with Cid, because then we'd have a clear difference between the Pulse l'Cie and and the Cocoon l'Cie.


AI Researcher
Square dashes my dreams :sadpanda:

Wasn't Cid a strange case, compared to Dahj who just fulfilled his Focus normally?

Alex Strife

That's also true, hito... damn Square, keeps messing up with our heads!

That, or we just care about insignificant things :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
^ That's EXACTLY what I thought at first, but again Cid's the exception, becausehe's not naked, right?They could have done with him the same they did with Cid, because then we'd have a clear difference between the Pulse l'Cie and and the Cocoon l'Cie.

Or maybe it was different for Cid because he wasn't entirely human, but a Cie'th hybrid, and was show as a whole crystal form, instead of being encase inside a crystal?

Wait a moment, who turned Cid into a l'Cie? Because if it was Barthandelus, Barty was a Pulse fal'Cie, right? Then Cid should have been naked, right? Why only boys get the fanservice with Vanille and Fang, damnit?
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