Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


3x3 Eyes
Ok that is a REALLY cool way to do DLC.

From 1st November that website listed will give you access to minigames every week. Complete the minigames to unlock those special weapons for use in your game come the release date.

So pre-ordering from Amazon gets you the Masamune, some gear for the crew, and with these weekly challenges done, 3 special weapons as well.

Yeah, that is quite cool, and a really interactive way to do things.


Eyes of the Lord
Final Fantasy XV - All (?)* Ascension Grid Abilities.
Elementalism 24 AP- Absorb more energy from elemental deposits
->Elementality 72 Ap - Absorb even more energy from elemental deposits
-->Enhanced Elementality 99 AP - Absorb much more energy from elemental deposits
-->Elemagnetism 48 AP - Enhance energy absorbtion rate of elemental-absorbing weapons
->Magic Level 48 AP - Enhance the magic of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effect of similar abilities do not stack
-->Magic Level II 99 AP - Enhance the magic of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effect of similar abilities do not stack

Powercraft 20 AP - Enhance potency by 10 when crafting spells
->Magic Action 24 AP - Gain AP for using elemency
-->Bonuspell 333 AP - Recieve an extra spell when crafting
--->Bonuspell II 999 AP - Recieve two extra spells when crafting
->Extra Powercraft 99 AP - Enhance potency by 30 when crafting spells
-->Super Powercraft 555 AP - Enhance potency by 50 when crafting spells
--->Ultimate Powercraft 999 AP - Enhance potency by 100 when crafting spells

Health Level I 10 AP - Increase HP of each party member by 2x the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack
->Vitality Level 99 AP - Increase vitality of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack
->Spirit Level 99 AP - Increase spirit of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack
->Health Level II 99 AP - Increase HP of each party member by 5x the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack
-->Health Level III 333 AP - Increase HP of each party member by 10x number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack

Accessory Slot 16 AP (Noctis) - Equip two accessories
->Accessory Slot 333 AP (Noctis) - Equip three accessories
->Accessory slot 16 AP (Gladiolus) - Equip two accessories
-->Accessory Slot 333 AP (Gladiolus) - Equip three accessories
->Accessory slot 16 AP (Ignis) - Equip two accessories
-->Accessory Slot 333 AP (Ignis) - Equip three accessories
->Accessory slot 16 AP (Prompto) - Equip two accessories
-->Accessory Slot 333 AP (Prompto) - Equip three accessories

Happy Camping 20 AP - Increase AP gained for making camp
->Happier Camping 48 AP - Further increase AP gained for making camp
-->Fitter Survival 99 AP - Occasionally double the items from Gladio's survival skill
--->Fittest Survival 999 AP - Receive double the items from Gladio's survival skill
Roadrunning 32 AP - Gain AP for long trips in the car
->Roadlife 99 AP - Gain experience for long trips in the car

Angler Action 18 AP - Gain AP for catching a fish
->Reel Experience 333 AP - Gain experience for catching fish
->Item Angler 84 AP - Double the items gained from fishing
-->Sportfishing 99 AP - gain more AP for reeling in a big catch
-->Expert item Angler 555 AP - Triple the items gained from fishing

Snapshot 12 AP - Take photos in battle. Up to five can be saved. Depletes the tech bar by one
->Aperture 333 AP - Chance of gaining AP through Snapshot

Aftertaste 18 AP - Extend the status boost time from meals eaten at camp
->Appertize 20 AP - Gain AP for cooking someone's favorite food
->Lingering Aftertaste 99 AP - Further enhance status boost time from meals eaten at camp
-->Persistent Aftertaste 333 AP - Greatly enhance status boost time from meals eaten at camp

Chocojockey 32 AP - Gain AP for winning chocobo races
->Chocoboracer 99 AP - Gain experience for winning chocobo races

Chocobump 32 AP - Gain AP for long trips by chocobo

Combat (Noctis Only)
Airstep 6 AP - Use left stick and O to take a step in midair after attacking (costs MP). one time only
->Death Drop 28 AP - From afar press O in midair to warp into range and strike down from above
-->Osmostrike 52 AP - Recover MP when an arial attack connects
->Airsplip 16 AP - Dodge enemy attacks in midair by holding square
-->Airstride 52 AP - Perform a second Airstep after a second midair attack
--->Airdance 333 AP - Airstep after midair attacks an unlimited number of times

Light Phase 8 AP - Reduce MP cost of phasing
->Experimagic 99 AP - Increase Noctis's MP by the number of levels he has gained. The effects of similiar abilities no not stack
->Ultralight Phase 32 AP - Further reduce the MP cost of phasing

Chained Fury 10 AP - Boost damage dealt when unscathed during chain attacks
->Warp Factor 24 AP - Boosts warp-strike damage
-->Daemon Destroyer 24 AP - Warp-strike to break daemon appendages
-->Warp Factor II 52 AP - Further boost warp-strike damage
--->Point-Blank Warp-Strike 333 AP - Deliver a critical hit when warp-striking at close range
->Stalker 28 AP - Boost blindside damage
-->Super Stalker 64 AP - Further boosr blideside damage

Blink 16 AP - Phase though an enemy's attack without using MP by pressing square at the last second.
->Blink Boost 32 AP - Recover a bit of MP by blinking through attacks at the last second
-->Impervious 333 AP - Negate damage by pressing square immediately after being hit
->Warp Decoy 99 AP - Leave a hologram to divert enemies after warping
-->Static Edge 34 AP - Significantly increase damage dealt after entering stasis

First Shot 6 AP (Prompto) - Gain first strike against a nearby enemy with a firearm. Adds to tech bar
->Shock Drop 24 AP (Prompto)- Electocute an enemy with machinery when Noctis attack it in midair
-->Sharp Shock 99 AP (Prompto) - Boost Shock Drop damage
->Scintilla 18 AP (Prompto) - Deliver a counterattack and stun enemies with a firearm
--> Ballistic 64 AP (Prompto) - Swiftly unleash damage on an area with a firearm. Makes enemies flinch

Link Up 8 AP (All) - Boost link strike damage
->Super Link Up 32 AP (All) - Further boost link-strike damage
-->Critical Link 333 AP (All) - Always deliver a critical hit when link-striking
--->Limitless Link 999 AP (All) - Break limit on link-strike damage
-Deathblow 16 AP (All except Noctis) - Deliver an devastating blow to a vulnarable enemy
-->Ultimate Deathblow 99 AP (All except Noctis) - Deliver an utterly devastating blow to a vulnarable enemy

Reflex 6 AP (Gladiolus) - Deliver a powerful counterattack with a greatsword. Makes enemies flinch
->Engage 18 AP (Gladiolus) - Gain first strike by delivering a powerful greatsword slash
-->Intercept 64 AP (Gladiolus) - Protect Noctis from enemy attacks with a shield
->Antagonize 24 Ap (Gladiolus) - Make an enemy flinch with a paralyzing kick while Noctis is defending
-->Acute Antagonism 99 AP (Gladiolus) - Boost Antagonize damage

Analyze 6 AP (Ignis) - Automatically scan most enemies weaknesses at the onset of battle
-Vemon Fang 24 AP (Ignis) - Poison an enemy with daggers when Noctis chain attacks it
-->Virulent Venom 64 AP (Ignis) - Boost Venom Fang damage
->Lancet 18 AP (Ignis) Deliver a counterattack and drain an enemy's HP with a polearm
-->Regenerate Heal 99 AP (Ignis) - Heal an ally with a hidden recovery item

Tech Strike 48 AP (Noctis) - Add to tech bar when Noctis lands attacks
->Tech Damage 99 AP (Noctis) - Add to the tech bar when Noctis suffers damage
-->Quick Tech 333 AP (All) - Accelerate tech bar replenishment rate

Starsshell 8 AP (Prompto) - Draw enemy attention across a wide area with a firearm. Weakens daemons. Depletes the tech bar by one
->Recoil 18 AP (Prompto) - Deal heavy damage with machinery by overloading its energy output. Depletes the tech bar by two
->Gravisphere 18 AP (Prompto) - Draw enemies in an area closer together with machinery by creating a gravitational field. Depletes the tech bar by two
-->Trigger-Happy 72 AP (Prompto) - Unleash a barrage at multiple enemies with a pair of firearms. Depletes the tech bar by three
--->Limit Break 999 AP (Prompto) - Break limit on damage from Prompto's techniques

Regroup 8 AP (Ignis) - Bring all allies together in stalward defense. Resuces from danger and restores Hp quickly. Depletes the tech bar by two
->Overwhelm 18 AP (Ignis) - Concentrate ally attacks on a foe with devestating Deathblow strikes. Depletes the tech bar by two
->Enhancement 18 AP (Ignis) - Imbue Noctis's weapon with the element gis target is weakest to. Depletes the tech bar by one
-->Sagefire 72 AP (Ignis) - Unleash a devastating fire attack with daggers. Depletes the tech bar by three
--->Limit Break 999 AP (Ignis) - Break limit on damage from Ingis's techniques

Dawnhammer 8 AP (Gladiolus) - Deal heavy damage to a single enemy with a powerful greatsword slash. Depletes the tech bar by two
-> Cyclone 18 AP (Gladiolus) - Deal damage to nearby enemies with a fearsome shield shockwave. Depletes the tech bar by two
->Royal guard 18 AP (Gladiolus) - Move quickly to guard Noctis with a shield. Depletes the tech bar by one
-->Impulse 72 AP (Gladiolus) - Ambush enemies with a frontal sweeping greatsword area attack. Depletes the tech bar by three
--->Limit Break 999 AP (Gladiolus) - Break limit on damage from Gladiolus's techniques
*It´s unknown if more nodes will be unlocked at some point in the game as this data was taken from the opening hours from the recent demos.

Thanks to gamefaq user widget624 for compiling it from the video.


That Man
Was watching a showcase of some 40 or so FFXV monsters.

I'm actually worried this game will be hard to play now.

The Titan trial alone seems real scary.

Also Battle Camera doesn't help much against off-camera mobs it seems.

Will this game have a Bestiary Guide? Or practice mode?

Alex Strife

Why the game being hard should be a concern?

Because at the end of the day, people play games to have fun. If the game was too hard to have fun (for some people), that would ruin their enjoyment. This is exactly why lots of (most) games have difficulty settings; so that everyone can enjoy them.

This of course does not mean games should be "dumbed down" but I can understand the reasoning behind it and I do feel the need for developers to at least keep such things in mind and provide options.


I think the combat is going to take some getting used to, but it'll be one of those ones where you'll feel like an expert after the initial learning curve. That's how most ARPG's tend to go for me anyway.


Red Dead Chocobros



That is incredibly promising. I'm actually a bit shaky from reading that. Delightfully unexpected.


After all this time, it feels impossible that I’m about to write these words, but here it goes: Final Fantasy 15 is good. In its first 15 hours, at least, it’s very good

Keeping in mind all these shifts in the gaming landscape, the huge amount of time it’s taken and the well-documented internal changes in development staff, I went into Final Fantasy 15 with a lot of concerns. Final Fantasy is one of the series that originally pulled me into games, and I’ll always have a bigger place in my heart for Japanese RPGs over Western ones, but that’s exactly what scared me. With as much money and time as Square Enix has spent developing Final Fantasy 15, a bad game could kill the series and significantly injure the genre for a long time to come.

Final Fantasy 15 is not a bad game. I spent the past few days rolling my way through a demo containing the game’s first five chapters in full, and barring it going completely off the rails as the game continues — a distinct possibility! — it’s on the verge of being an excellent game. And while it certainly takes some inspiration from Western RPGs, Final Fantasy 15 manages to be great without giving up the Japanese identity that long-time fans will be looking for.

It’s a world that feels simultaneously true to the series’ roots but fresh and different. Most importantly, though, it feels like a world. This seems like the most obvious necessity for this type of game, but Final Fantasy 13 failed to create a believable or memorable locale out of Gran Pulse across three full games. Final Fantasy 15 pulled me into its world, aware of different locations and looking forward to discovering them for myself, within hours.

Thus far, I’ve encountered dozens of side quests, and they all seem fairly fleshed out, with full voice acting and unique locations and challenges.

It’s standard open-world stuff, but to a high degree of quality. And if you’d rather not deal with all the open-world bloat, it seems like you can progress through Final Fantasy 15 more or less fine by just focusing on the main storyline, at least to the point that I got to. Doing side quests nets you more cash and increases your level and stats, making the main story stuff easier but not trivialized.

In 15 hours with Final Fantasy 15 I experienced dozens of moments like this, little developments that had me actually squealing with delight. I still have some concerns, like whether the story will pay off in the long-term, or why some of the voice acting is so rough, or how the camera can get really finicky during intense, close-quarters combat scenarios. But any complaints I have feel really petty right now in light of what Square Enix seems to have accomplished with Final Fantasy 15.

That is: It’s made Final Fantasy relevant again. They’ve actually done it. I cannot wait to play more.

So on and so forth, go read it. I'm actually super shocked, Polygon are particularly 2edgy5me when it comes to game reviews these days.
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Ghost X

I am now confident in this game. Have been for a few weeks, despite what I said earlier in the thread :p. I suspect the plot might potentially be the best in the franchise if the fan theorists' speculations holds remotely true. It could be very dark and tragic and morally grey, with huge twists. Juicy good stuff :p.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
This is one of the few times I'm annoyed I don't have a console. I really wish I could play this with all you guys when it comes out.

Guess I'll wait on the PC release that's sure to come with a large chunk of the DLC...


I keep replaying Episode Duscae because I cannot wait D:
There's actually still the occasional stuff like small dialogues I run into in ED that I hadn't encountered yet.

By this point I have no doubt the gameplay/exploration etc stuff is gonna be fun.
Only concern for me is this:
whether the story will pay off in the long-term, or why some of the voice acting is so rough


Only concern for me is this:
whether the story will pay off in the long-term, or why some of the voice acting is so rough

I was surprised when I read that! I mean, especially given the features they keep putting out about the voice actors. The cast seemed pretty cool in them, and I didn't hear anything that I took issue with, so I'm really curious as to when/who/how the voice acting is rough...


For the record the reviews only contain the first 15 hours, or up to Chapter 5 of the game. This is hopefully to avoid story spoilers rather than hide what could potentially be badness XD.

Having said that, Polygon's is not the only glowingly positive review now:


"The narrative told in FFXV's first five chapters is captivating, offering an enticing setup for an epic conflict. [...]

The brief time it takes to access FFXV's open world makes it stand apart from past entries. But none of this would mean anything if the combat system wasn’t up to par. Fortunately, this aspect has been the highlight of my experiences thus far, providing tense and exhilarating battles against a variety of creatures both small and large. [...]

Whether for fans or newcomers, the game's numerous mechanics and activities proved rich and engaging. What remains out in the world of Eos is undeniably alluring, and I can't wait to explore more of it once the game finally launches this November." (Thanks to PshycoNinja for the quotes)


"Where Final Fantasy 15's story is winning me over, though, is in its moment-to-moment scenarios and side quests, and there are some truly impressive set-pieces within those opening chapters. [...]

As much as the combat and those big set-pieces are Final Fantasy 15’s more impressive draw, it's the small moments that I cherished the most. [...]

Final Fantasy 15's world is visually striking, existing on the cusp between the real and the fantastical, and it's really easy to get lost in simply being here, drinking everything in while enjoying the playful banter between these four anime bros. It's a deeply strange juxtaposition, and having those grounded moments where you get lost in the routine of everyday life in a world where a giant freaking crystal meteor just hangs out in the middle of a big open valley makes it all the more intoxicating.

But that's the paradox of the open-world, especially in a series as narrative-driven as Final Fantasy, where the pull of the main plot is diametrically opposed to the desire to seek out and craft your own stories. I'm not sure how (or even if) Final Fantasy 15's later chapters will attempt to fix the issues I have with its story, but even if it doesn't, I've enjoyed my time exploring its strange world and experiencing what it has to offer, and I can't wait to see where it goes next."


"Most of our heroes might look generic at a glance but they're emotive, have more intriguing motivations than a lot of previous Final Fantasy party members, and the world -- Eos -- is easily the best part. Think of it like a wondrous jacked-up Spira from X, with a bigger budget and less tacky nonsense like Blitzball (I actually don't hate it despite said tackiness, but that's a discussion for another day).

Even if XV crashes and burns with a horrible mid to endgame (is anyone else really jazzed to see what the superbosses will be like?), I think Eos will carry the adventure. It's gorgeous and teeming with life and personality, and there's going to be a hefty community around the high level of food porn present in XV. It's fantastic. The same goes for traveling around by foot, Chocobo, or car -- it really just grows on you over time until you're stuck in the world, committed to seeing it through until the end. Folks who dig the meandering nature of the pair of Xenoblade games will fit right in."

US Gamer

"That's an enormous burden for a single game to shoulder, and by all rights FFXV should be a failure. A spectacular failure, at that. Yet I've put in half a dozen hours with the game now, starting from the very beginning, and I'm pleasantly surprised to find they may just have pulled off what by all rights should be an impossible feat. [...]

And, incidentally, I could have finished the game's first chapter in far fewer than six hours. But FFXV really sets you loose once the introduction has rolled, and I've spent most of my time wandering the wastes in search of hidden quests (there are a few!), secret fishing spots (I found a doozy tucked away in some ruins), completing monster hunts (and there are still quite a few in this region that are well beyond my team's current capabilities), and generally just seeing where I can go (basically anywhere that isn't walled off). Square Enix has a lot riding on this game, and despite all odds, FFXV just might be able to shoulder those impossible expectations."
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