Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Oh yes Satsu, currently loving that description!!!

I'm not bothered about the no-female characters thing... I mean it would be nice, but I guess X-2 did all female so all male isn't the worst thing in the world? Maybe I'm biased idk. I mean I'm not super excited about the all-male thing, it's not like one of them is going to be a homo and we'll finally have some representation in FF XD. But a buddy experience thing is going to be cool to play through.

My interest in this game has definitely been completely reignited.



"With Final Fantasy 15, I do want to make it more casual," he says. "Of course the depth of the game is going to be there, but I want to make it so players can easily experience the satisfaction of the depth of the game." There's an option to set that car to drive itself, allowing players to sit back and take in the sights - although there is also an option to drive it manually, should they want to engage more fully with the world.

"Another example is in the combat," explains Tabata. "With the hardware specifications of the newer consoles, it's possible to set it up so you have different enemies and different choices of attacks you can enter in, but I want to simplify that. It'll basically be a one-button action, and the AI intuitively outputs an action that kind of satisfies, gives you that instant gratification, and it connects with the simple touch of a button. I myself am not getting any younger. I don't want to be frantically pushing buttons.

...I don't like the sound of that.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
TBH, the combat mechanic was what I don't like about KH. I've never been good at pressing buttons fast and in a certain order. Give me Turn-Based or a shooter any day of the week.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Oh yes Satsu, currently loving that description!!!

I'm not bothered about the no-female characters thing... I mean it would be nice, but I guess X-2 did all female so all male isn't the worst thing in the world? Maybe I'm biased idk. I mean I'm not super excited about the all-male thing, it's not like one of them is going to be a homo and we'll finally have some representation in FF XD. But a buddy experience thing is going to be cool to play through.

My interest in this game has definitely been completely reignited.

It would be great if they were actually all officially gay*, then tumblr would implode. AH HA tumblr. Look. NOW WHO IS PRIVILIGED?! A CAR FULL OF GAYS BEING OPPRESSED BY A GIANT TURTLE! HANG YOUR HEADS IN SHAME!

*and the slashfics are already being written no doubt.

And no, I don't give a shit about no female characters either. I'm able to relate to either, or rather - in terms of FF characters these days I find them all equally unrelatable, probably because I'm not a J-Rock star :monster:
What I said on tumblr and will say here is that the all-male line-up was probably essential to the story they wanted to tell. I don't see why they should have to compromise their narrative just to fulfil some quota. SE has a good history of providing strong playable female characters. There has to be room for all-male casts and all female casts and everything in between.

Too bad at least one of them isn't gay, though. (Or maybe he is and it just doesn't figure in the narrative?) I vote for the one with the glasses.


3x3 Eyes

It's getting a lot of heat in the comments, and for good reason. This also has me quite worried too. After the backlash of 'auto-battle' and the game simply playing itself, and the success of classic styles like Bravely Default, it seems like they are still only pretending to listen to fans.

My excitement has been curbed quite a bit until some clarification on the battle system comes along.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Yeah I'm not ready to pass judgement on some comments that could have easily been misconstrued for something else. I think it'd be great to add more options into the combat system so for people who want to coast through certain parts of the game it's there. God knows hitting a brick wall in an RPG has stopped me from playing how many goddamn times.

More options, when presented in an accessible, unobtrusive way, can never be a bad thing when it comes to games.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Until I play the game I don't give a damn.

The FF hate cycle continues, dudes are saying that XIII wasn't so bad now.


That Man
All I want is Swords and Combos.

I'd laugh if halfway through the game you suddenly play as Stella with an all-female party to counterbalance the all-male party. *remembers what happened in FF8*

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Gladiolus/Noctis everywhere.

You're crazy. FFXV is all about Noctis/Prompto :@ LET THE NEW LTD BEGIN!!!!!!!!!


I'm not too fussed about the lack of playable female characters. In fact, the angry posts on tumblr about how offended people are FFXV being a sausage fest/needing more female representation deeply amuses me for like a couple of seconds, and then I scroll right past it for the shiny gifs. Cause that's all I'm on tumblr for -- reblogging pretty things. and not really posting art

I kinda find it weird that Kotaku has Tabata saying that he wanted the battle system to be more than just simply pressing a button for a single action, and having a "continuous flow of action" but eurogamer quoted him saying "one button action" and "I don't want to frantically push buttons".

Well, which is it?!

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
As long as I have some control over what goes into the combat, I'll be good. So long as it's not crazy like Dragon Age. Way, way too confusing and not a good balance between computer controlled vs. human input.


You're crazy. FFXV is all about Noctis/Prompto :@ LET THE NEW LTD BEGIN!!!!!!!!!

Now you listen here missy

Can there be ONE, just ONE FF slash pairing that isn't two hairless bishie boys? JUST ONE IT'S NOT MUCH

throw your support behind GladNoct or suffer the consequences. THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^I know fuck all about the characters but I'm sick of hairless bishies, so I ship it.:salute: Hooray for actual human males! Down with the Ken-dolls and their smooth areas both north and south of the border.
I speculate Octo simply appreciates a break from the bishie form in the J-RPG genre, not that she has anything against smooth shapes full stop. *thoughtfully strokes chin*

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Now you listen here missy

Can there be ONE, just ONE FF slash pairing that isn't two hairless bishie boys? JUST ONE IT'S NOT MUCH

throw your support behind GladNoct or suffer the consequences. THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN


*waits for Ignis/Noct and Cor/Noct shippers to show up* :wacky:


I'm not kidding, the FF bishie obsession has to end.


Hot and doesn't fit the stereotype. Support GladNoct or die.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What Shad said. If someone is naturally smooth or hairy or whatever I don't think they should have to change.

Tets....does this mean you're pubeless? :wacky:

And yeah, I guess it's pointless to complain, because Japan seems to be obsessed with 'bishie' types, but I'm not a 14 year old girl who is afraid of men who look like men anymore. And in general, I'm increasingly rejecting any aesthetic that has people (of either sex) having to piss about pulling their hair out or torturing themselves in a variety of different ways. I just think it's kind of sad that we have to do that. /rant

Carry on :monster:

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
I'm not kidding, the FF bishie obsession has to end.

Hot and doesn't fit the stereotype. Support GladNoct or die.
Really? Cause I was just joking and I still don't really seriously ship Noctis with anyone yet. :monster: I think it's still too early to ship anyone with anyone on a serious note when XV still hasn't come out yet...

Not gonna comment on the whole FF male protags needing to stop being bishies thing, mostly because I think it's gonna come down to the fact that it's preference and we're not gonna budge from our positions.
Last edited:


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
What I like about Gladiolus and Prompto is that they look somewhat normal. I want more Snow liking guys and less Kuja ish guys.


He needs the freckles back


I like the shaved sides.


That Man
Gladiolus looks cross-eyed in that gif, lol.

That aside, my only concern about this game is that it doesn't turn in to a farm fest.

It's one thing to push one button over and over, but pushing one button over and over in the same place just to get stronger gets annoying... and also makes me sleepy.

FFXIII had that problem, FFXIII-2 had that problem, thankfully Lightning Returns mostly overcame that problem (though you still have to Gil farm in a few places if you want to buy anything but that's not too bad)...

I don't care if FFXV's new director is a crusty old man, that's no excuse for resorting to single button gameplay and single area farming.

If I want one-button gameplay I'll go watch a movie and "hit play" instead.
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