Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
I'm really digging Prompto's redesign -- I mean, I do like his old design cause he had that boyish look that fit the image of being Noctis's playful friend who got him into (relatively innocent) trouble, and he looked adorable but now he's got a manlier face (but it's still a bit bishouneny) and some muscle and it makes him look hotter now he looks like the sort of friend who would drag Noctis (or maybe Noctis was the one who dragged him into it, despite his looks) into some deep shit sort of trouble that incidentally made them really great friends afterwards. XD

...I do miss his freckles and his previous hair color though.

I don't think Gladiolus got any obvious redesigns like Prompto did, so he looks about the same to me from the time he was introduced -- looking bara as hell. Now, if he could just put his some of his hair in a low ponytail, I think it'd look really good on him. *strokes chin*
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Pro Adventurer
I can already sense the incoming landslide of slashfic.

Not that I am, y'know, complaining. :D


Pro Adventurer
Actually, it might be that for me too. For some reason, I can't really do pairings in some fandoms at all (e.g. FF8, Due South, Band of Brothers, Stargate SG-1).


That Man
Am I the only one in to this game for the story, sword battles, and rpg elements?

Is the rest of the world just interested in pretty boys?


Because we are incapable of being both interested in the story and attractive men obviously.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be saying this if I was plastering the screen with images of Stella's tits.


Because we are incapable of being both interested in the story and attractive men obviously.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be saying this if I was plastering the screen with images of Stella's tits.

I'm more interested in that black haired chick tbh :monster:



Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Am I the only one in to this game for the story, sword battles, and rpg elements?

Is the rest of the world just interested in pretty boys?

I'm in it for its version of the FNC Myth.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I care mostly about plot-lines and world-building and how flexible the RPG mechanics are. Which are some of the areas most neglected in fan-works. I do tend to pay attention to how the majority of the fandom perceives pairings though as that directly affects how much romance I have to dig though to get to the stuff I like. And this oen is shaping up to be full of it...


Oh, I read there's gonna be an extended presentation of Type-0 and XV a week from now. Can't be bothered to look for the link atm, just google ya lazy bastards /hypocrite :monster:


AI Researcher
shirtless-shavey-sides is the hottest imo [/contribution]

I kinda find it weird that Kotaku has Tabata saying that he wanted the battle system to be more than just simply pressing a button for a single action, and having a "continuous flow of action" but eurogamer quoted him saying "one button action" and "I don't want to frantically push buttons".

Well, which is it?!
there was something on twitter (from someone leaking info?) about someone's quote about frozen being in kh3. i haven't followed the news about kh3 so i don't know if this quote was reported as 'frozen world will be in kh3' or 'won't be', but apparently this was a misquote that came about from cultural differences (because japanese people won't come out and confirm or deny things and this got taken as a fact by the foreign media) and not what he actually meant to say.

which is a lot of words to say maybe there was just some misunderstanding going on

that twitter account also had the quote about the change of director being the company's decision, but it didn't attach those words to nomura himself. so maybe it wasn't him who said that?

tbh i haven't kept up with news on this because i was waiting until there was an actual release date before getting invested in anything other than the occasional trailer. which is how i got through the 8 years of development hell without caring much


Pro Adventurer
I care mostly about plot-lines and world-building and how flexible the RPG mechanics are. Which are some of the areas most neglected in fan-works. I do tend to pay attention to how the majority of the fandom perceives pairings though as that directly affects how much romance I have to dig though to get to the stuff I like. And this oen is shaping up to be full of it...
Look on the bright side: that means you get to be the one to play around with all the neglected characters, and you'll basically get dibs on the non-romantic story-lines and themes if you write fast enough. ;)

Also I will take all the FF15 slash over one more time-travel Sephiroth/Cloud wingfic.

I tend to fixate more on individual characters and the potential for connections and disconnections between them (whether romantic or non-romantic). As long as the gameplay doesn't get in my way, I don't really care about it. The plot can be the most cliche, fantasy plot ever, but as long as the characters are fun, I will take it (aka FF5).
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Serah Farron

throw your support behind GladNoct or suffer the consequences. THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN


I'm more into Ignis/Prompto though...... which me and a few others call Ignito...... IGNITE MY HEART.

Honestly, I'm still bothered by no playable females. But... if it wasn't for Ignis.. and Prompto... and the demo looking so good, I probably wouldn't be as interested as I am now. I've finally got hype for this game after all these years? Hahaha.

Look I never asked to ship anyone, but that damn keyart man. Ignito having a freaking BBQ in the middle of nowhere. SO MANY HEADCANONS HAS HAPPENED SINCE SEEING IT. Don't look at me.....

I still want to know black-haired girl's name. I thought it was Luna 'til it was said recently the girl in the TGS trailer was (which tbh when I thought it was a redesigned Stella I was happy, 'cause DAMN lookin' good) but now we know it's a third female character (yay!), that's awesome too. Can't go wrong with that. Unless Luna = renamed Stella, but guess we might find out in Dec? Either way, hoping they're like twins or something. Maybe Luna the good one and Stella the bad one. Yessssss...... yesssssss..... :awesome:

I like the idea you can camp though, that sounds like fun.

Lex, have you seen that GladNoct fanart on tumblr? As far as I know it's the only one on there right now >__>

Still waiting for my Ignito fanart....... I check everyday.


Lex, have you seen that GladNoct fanart on tumblr? As far as I know it's the only one on there right now >__>

Still waiting for my Ignito fanart....... I check everyday.

I had not! Thanks for sharing, j'adore <3


That Man
Because we are incapable of being both interested in the story and attractive men obviously.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be saying this if I was plastering the screen with images of Stella's tits.

Actually I would, because I'm a boring guy who hates fanservice in general. :salute:

It's okay, people can be fans of whatever they want about a game, so long as I get what I want OUT of said game.

*mostly in it for the cool swords, piloting giant robots, and smashing soldier's heads in car windows*


Pro Adventurer
The thing that actually super-excites me about this game are the monsters. I love the scale of them; it reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus. Leviathan actually looks and feels like a goddamn leviathan, Adamantoise is mindbogglingly majestic, and that shot of Noctis hugging that wall in the hallway while a Behemoth stalks towards him out of the shadows gives me the chills. I hope the rest of the game is like that. I mean, brodudes on a roadtrip, yeah, I can take it or leave it, but please for love of god, at least give me the monsters.

Most of the trailers so far have made me feel like a little kid in a candy store, and I really hope to see dragons that will make me think, "Yup, that's a dragon, all right."



Adamantoise is mindbogglingly majestic

I'm looking forward to hacking away at its feet for 15 hours. :closedmonster:

I actually wonder if jumping is still in the game. Tabata removed some of the KH-esque feel of the battle system and the recent presentation had them all stuck to the ground.

At least there's still the sword warp, I guess.

Celes Chere

Lex, have you seen that GladNoct fanart on tumblr? As far as I know it's the only one on there right now >__>

give me GladNoct or give me death tbh.

Also I feel like it's the Final Fantasy version of Four Brothers LMAO? But maybe that's just because they're all described as brothers.... and there's four of them. orz

ANYWAY I'M HYPED AS FUCK I really don't care about it being an all male cast in fact I'm excited because I tend to favor male characters. And FF has been very balanced with their genders and they've already had an all female game so... why not an all male one?

My only concern is what's his face saying basically that he's so old he doesn't want to push buttons so he's going to make the game more simplistic? If I'm understanding it correctly. :no:

He's not even the target audience so omg?? IDK ABOUT THAT GUY BUT IT LOOKS FANTASTIC SO FAR... I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE DEMO. after all these years//

also lol @ people saying that it's not right to 'drive a car in a final fantasy game!!'' did u miss ffvii and ffviii where you had to drive that shitty car literally everywhere and it ran out of gas half the time and it DIDN'T EVEN PROTECT YOU FROM MONSTERS?

MOST IMPORTANT EDIT: i want to express that the latin throw together of words sounds really stupid like IGNIS STUPEO SCIENTIA it's worse than the fuckin' harry potter kid names at the end of the series and that's a pretty big deal
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Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
^Agreed, the full names of the characters sound ricockulous. I'd have been content to just have them with their first names, but eh, minor irk :monster:


Pro Adventurer
did u miss ffvii and ffviii where you had to drive that shitty car literally everywhere and it ran out of gas half the time and it DIDN'T EVEN PROTECT YOU FROM MONSTERS?
That's what you get for not driving on the road. :monster:


That Man
It'd be interesting if the royal car had hidden gimmicks like TURBO! or turrets like the Batmobile or something.
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