Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Great Old One
I was very bored looking at that. Sausage fest going on... a sausage fest, talking about being hungry.

But it was pretty, so, idk. Whatever.

I miss Fang.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I miss Fang.

Quoted for truth...*stifles sob*

It looks very pretty, dunno if it's just how it seems from watching it but the combat appears a bit clunky - hopefully it'll feel better actually playing it.

I also really want a Wayne's World-esque "Bohemian Rhapsody" montage in the car.


Party on Noctis!


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I liked the big turtle.

Other than that it's Zoolander(as someone on tumblr pointed out) meets Jurassic Park.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Quoted for truth...*stifles sob*

It looks very pretty, dunno if it's just how it seems from watching it but the combat appears a bit clunky - hopefully it'll feel better actually playing it.

I also really want a Wayne's World-esque "Bohemian Rhapsody" montage in the car.


Party on Noctis!
Petition to have That 70s Show theme song be the music that plays whenever Noctis and Friends are driving around in the world map.

Edit: Shit, that gif wasn't the 70s Show at all. But still, I can totally imagine them singing all the songs you can sing while on a roadtrip. XD
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Pro Adventurer
Here is a brilliant video analysis of the gameplay in FFXV trailers, not including the newest one. I find the trailers alone too flashy to get an idea of what's happening, but this guy slows it down and takes a look at what seems to be going on.


It looks alright, :monster:. The action / fight scenes look a bit ehh though, needs to be faster. But then, I'm probably comparing it with proper 3rd persion action titles like Devil May Cry (3/4) and God of War, :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Looks gorgeous. Wish I could get a better sense of the game atmosphere, though.

Turtle in the earlier trailer looks like a colossus out of SotC.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
pants shatted laughing :lol:

Seriously, that rain should have fucked their hairdos up. A whole part of the game should be about maintaining the hairstyles.



Yep, sounds like Shimomura alright. :monster:

Pretty impressive fan recreation, too. Someone (maybe the same person?) did that for Omnis Lacrima before it was officially released as well.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Haha Lex you goan like this

“In the sense that the world is seamlessly connected, then yes, that’s right,” responds Tabata. “That’s how the story will be told, as you ride a car and go on a journey.”

The interviewer also mentions that the trailer’s style and the way the characters were shown, gave off the vibe of a road movie, which is basically where the main characters leave home to travel from place to place, and are often placed in situations that are different from their everyday lives. In Final Fantasy XV‘s case, Prince Noctis is on the run and will go on a journey with his buddies.

“Exactly. We’re designing it to be a road movie that you can experience as an RPG. You’ll feel the romance of going on a trip, and such,” Tabata says.

4Gamer then mentions that the trailer and demonstration footage both focused on male characters, and that they get a feeling that it will be like a trip with guys. Meanwhile, they point out, we’ve only seen female characters in cutscenes.

“The party will only have male characters,” replies Tabata, “and that hasn’t changed since its previous form of [Final Fantasy Versus XIII].”

4Gamer asks if the road movie-style is also something that the game inherited from the days Versus XIII.

“Yes, we’re making Final Fantasy XV to have a strong road movie vibe to it,” explains Tabata. It’s a part of the game in which we’re placing great importance.”

Other stuff (I think from NeoGAF)

You will mostly camp out during the actual game, he told 4Gamer. And camping out is important. Since time is a real factor, characters who don’t sleep will do worse in battle.

When a day is over, accrued experience will be calculated in an effort to give players an idea of how much they’ve accomplished over that stretch of time.

Monsters in dungeons will also wander above ground during night, adding extra impetus to camp.
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