This is fucking disturbing.
Not only was the history of Ardyn wrongly erased, but the perverse obfuscation of what kind of person Somnus Caelum was in reality is
incredible. He was an incredibly, bloodthirsty dick who betrayed his own brother happily. I figured there'd be a sibling schism and falling out but this is beyond anything hinted at in the game.
Not only that, but it
really calls into question the sincerity of Somnus's words when Noctis encounters his spirit that entreats him to save his "wayward" and "hate-consmued" brother.
Is he for real? What the fuck...? Is he just a total liar even in death?
I imagined the Ardyn of the past wasn't evil as he was in the present (especially considering he chose to heal the sick by sacrificing his own well-being) However... This new revelation is unreal. He was a legitimately kind, just and loving ruler.
He didn't want to just burn people alive on suspicion of being infected.
And he got fucked over hard.
No wonder he was consumed by hatred.
The most disturbing fact is Noctis and Ardyn are quite similar in that they both were made to shoulder truly unfair and unjust fates that cost them the women they loved. In another world, they'd be friends.
I don't know who is responsible for this but the gods of FFXV's Eos are cruel. Like, Fal'Cie levels of cruel.
No villain in Final Fantasy has ever had this much of a righteous and legitimate grievance regarding their fate as Ardyn. This doesn't absolve or excuse Ardyn of what he does of course but... This man truly was wronged in the worst, and cruelest way possible. I'm just floored.
I guess this is one way to sell having your new playable character go total annihilation for everything the protagonist of the main game fought to defend.
S-E is foolish to abandon this story with this much level of revelation of unexplored detail here. This is fucking wicked to reveal this late after the main game and opens up so many questions and possible threads of where the plot goes and how the world resolves. Just.
What the fuck are they thinking...?
What did Tabata do to them? Did he bad touch them or something?