Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


I like to draw
Airships confirmed!! & a FFXV PS4 console is in the works...... dammit :'( I knew I shouldn't have bought a PS4 last month!

Oh my God I just read the article fully and saw the airships being confirmed. Holy heck I am so happy to hear that! :excited:

Also Awato, I'm considering waiting for the VII remake before I buy a PS4 myself, to see if there's a special Remake edition... But I'm not sure if I can wait that long. :wacky:

For real >_<;; I noticed the time limit to get Episode Duscae was about to come up, so I was like "I HAVE TO GET A PS4 NOW!!!"
I think I am mentally prepared to just settle for PS4 skins, though!


3x3 Eyes
That's awesome news on the airship! And 50 hours is pretty decent.

*Saves article to read through later*

Edit: Ok, read article. A little disappointed that they only know how to implement airships finally but that it doesn't currently exist in the game. I guess, what, 6 months to a supposed September release date should give them enough time, but it's just so shocking that such a prominent element of the game has been left this long to implement.
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Eyes of the Lord
Edit: Ok, read article. A little disappointed that they only know how to implement airships finally but that it doesn't currently exist in the game. I guess, what, 6 months to a supposed September release date should give them enough time, but it's just so shocking that such a prominent element of the game has been left this long to implement.

Airships were never key feature in XV and I doubt I will be now since the game was originally designed without them in mind.


3x3 Eyes
Edit: Ok, read article. A little disappointed that they only know how to implement airships finally but that it doesn't currently exist in the game. I guess, what, 6 months to a supposed September release date should give them enough time, but it's just so shocking that such a prominent element of the game has been left this long to implement.

Airships were never key feature in XV and I doubt I will be now since the game was originally designed without them in mind.

That's not what I meant. I know it was never in the game until now as they were struggling to work out how to implement it. I meant that airship implementation and world physics itself isn't a light feature that can just be slapped on. This better not be some FFX point and click style.


They've said quite a few times in the ATR's that if they were doing airships they'd only do it the proper way (I.e. Actual flying, it would be pointless to implement a list given that the game will more than definitely allow you a way to teleport anyway).

They've also always said that airships wouldn't be available at launch. Are you saying you'd prefer they weren't in the game at all? It's only by fan request they're even bothering to put them in anyway. I see this as a great thing, because it sounds to me like they're aiming to have it available at launch when originally it was just going to be an extra feature of a patch further down the line. The days of wandering on a chibi-style world map are far gone.


3x3 Eyes
Are you saying you'd prefer they weren't in the game at all?

I'm saying that if it ends up as a point-and-click style implementation then yes, it might as well be left out and they shouldn't even bother. That's just pointless. The next 6 months that effort could actually be put to better use elsewhere, like framerate optimisation which the article mentioned they were trying to tackle and raise to a better standard.

If it's actual full-on airship flying (then that's awesome) but why has it been left this long to implement in the game's cycle - fan response or not? Again, only 6 months or so till launch - that's a lot of work to implement into the game, especially if it is a launch feature like you mentioned.


These things have been explained already though dude.

1. As I said in my previous post, they've already said it's a proper airship. There would be absolutely no point including a list-style airship in a game where you can already teleport from location to location.

2. As I and others have also said, the airship was never a planned feature (upon release). They planned to implement it if and when there became time to do so. It stands to reason that what they've told us they're focusing on is what they've been focusing on - consistent framerate, optimisations and balancing.

Why did you leave out those parts of my post when you quoted it?

I sound like I'm massively pro-SE here, and of late I actually haven't been. But I've watched every single one of the ATR's from start to finish and the things you're worried about are not the things you should be worried about.


3x3 Eyes
Why did you leave out those parts of my post when you quoted it?

Because either I'm just not expressing myself properly today, or people are just talking cross-purpose to what I'm actually saying.

I know that airships was never a part of XV. I've followed development since Versus. I know this! However, this isn't just like throwing in Moogles into the game at the last minute. They've now said that they now have an idea on how to implement airships into XV.

All I'm saying is that with 6 months to go, it feels like a proper airship is a massive feature to implement at this late stage of the game's development cycle, especially with other important issues - like a consistent framerate - which they stated they still need to tackle.

That's all I'm saying. No more, no less.


Eyes of the Lord
If airships is only meant to be used as an optional transportation device and its not a core gameplay feature (which it is not) then making this last minutes implementations are nothing to worry about.


Why did you leave out those parts of my post when you quoted it?

Because either I'm just not expressing myself properly today, or people are just talking cross-purpose to what I'm actually saying.

I know that airships was never a part of XV. I've followed development since Versus. I know this! However, this isn't just like throwing in Moogles into the game at the last minute. They've now said that they now have an idea on how to implement airships into XV.

All I'm saying is that with 6 months to go, it feels like a proper airship is a massive feature to implement at this late stage of the game's development cycle, especially with other important issues - like a consistent framerate - which they stated they still need to tackle.

That's all I'm saying. No more, no less.

Fair! Thing is, I don't think developing and implementing the airship is going to be as resource/personnel-heavy as you're imagining. They'll either have the whole team working on making the game a smooth experience, or they'll have a small team of like 10 people (out of the usual 300-ish that work on mainline FF titles) working on the airship on the side. It's entirely possible it won't be there on release still.

6 days til the March event where we might hear more about it anyway!


Oh my god, why has no one posted this yet. It's literally hours old. Like I watched it 600 years ago.

i was expecting massi amounts of discussion about this you disappoint me tls


Confession: I made that post before I watched the video. The video is fairly crap. But Haipu mode has engaged.

TLS Stream party for the whole event, who wants to join? (You better be there force, take a day off uni or whatever it is you do :monster: )

It's this wednesday at [some american time, see video] and 3am the following morning for me. I'm going to sleep early so I can watch the whole thing since it's going to be loooooooooonnnggg.


Pro Adventurer
It's not much as far as videos go, but somehow it still managed to make me excited. What the heck :wacky:

I could listen to that song for a while. AaaaaAAhhhh I want this soundtrack I know I'm going to fall in love with the songs from this game.

Edit: The font they use when they spell out 'Uncovered' looks cool :awesome:
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3x3 Eyes
If airships is only meant to be used as an optional transportation device and its not a core gameplay feature (which it is not) then making this last minutes implementations are nothing to worry about.

Fair! Thing is, I don't think developing and implementing the airship is going to be as resource/personnel-heavy as you're imagining. They'll either have the whole team working on making the game a smooth experience, or they'll have a small team of like 10 people (out of the usual 300-ish that work on mainline FF titles) working on the airship on the side. It's entirely possible it won't be there on release still.

6 days til the March event where we might hear more about it anyway!

If airships really aren't a resource-heavy feature to implement, then my mistake, points taken.


I like to draw
I really do wonder why they chose to do this on a Wednesday.. Thursday is going to suck when I have to wake up early for work >_<

trash panda

That's exactly what I think, Awato. I kind of sort of would have liked to just go to the event to get out of the house but I wouldn't be looking forward to the traffic and getting home late with work in the morning. :( Considering that it's being streamed and all my friends are FF nerds I'm sure I can count on there being a hefty stack of updates when I wake up Thursday morning. :lol:

<----------so happy at the mere mention of Airships! :awesome:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
7pm for me too so I'll be there. How are we streaming it, like the VII trailer was done in a google hangout?


Pro Adventurer
^Lith mentioned it'd be cool to stream it on a Skype call maybe? I prefer Skype myself but I can do Google Hangout too.
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