Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


AI Researcher
i just want the skull t shirt but i don't want to pay skull t shirt prices

i'll sew my own before that happens


I played the demo last night. (Currently have a loan of a PS4, thanks to my brother's friend studying abroad :D)

I was blown away by the graphics and level of detail! Now, I haven't played many advanced games like these - even for the PS3 I had only played HD versions of FF & KH (as well as Ni no Kuni and Where the Wild Things are) so this was just another level!

Elements like the dodge roll should hopefully be a lot more fluid by the time the game is released. Otherwise, combat system was pretty fun. Iron Giant battle was difficult enough the first time, but about halfway through battling him a second time I got the hang of it properly and smacked lumps out of him without getting hit. Jesus I warped up so high at one point - I kinda wanna play again just to see how much HP I'd lose falling from the height I was at :P

A good bit of the demo felt like what I imagine the next KH to feel like; the music captures a good bit of Shimomura's sound, especially the menu screen. Turning into a car, being small in size, and warping in battle like that certainly added to those impressions.

I love the little touches!
---The detail of the magazines/books [a Coeurl on one of them?], the food items, the paintings on the walls. (I wonder if the guy on the King [of "plus signs"?] card is supposed to be someone notable to some degree :P)

---Carbuncle asking if I'm asleep after being inactive (saying "in your dreams, of all places") - A Cactuar image followed after that message :P

---I adore the changes in the weather and the time. It was phenomenal. The lighting, use of shades, little things like the clouds passing the sun. It was stunning. The gameplay of the demo is quick, but exploring and seeing each area with different weather and time kept me to about 2 hours total.
Even the menu screen background changes over time!

The demo achieved what it needed to do, and I'm really looking forward to playing this game now.


Pro Adventurer
New info on gameinformer guys!(I apologize in advance if i'm wrong to link the source)

I appreciate how the 'fantasy based on reality' keep a balanced mix of classic and modern! or as seen in other monsters (like Naga), keep the Amano concept.

---I adore the changes in the weather and the time. It was phenomenal. The lighting, use of shades, little things like the clouds passing the sun. It was stunning.
I completely agree. This demo has shown a lot of potential on the technical/graphic side.


Eyes of the Lord
Today´s morning (in the west) there was an ATR, this one was mostly aimed to the japanese audience and was a recap of the Uncovered: FFXV event. However, some new tidbits were dropped:

Via NovaCrystallis.Com


Pro Adventurer
Found a cool FFXV shirt on TeePublic


The name of the design? Stand By Me.


That Man
I saw the Malboro in the video, and yeesh... I hope he doesn't throw every negative stat in the book at me...


Eyes of the Lord
Some interesting discovery by user @RetroPS4 in MOGNETCENTRAL forum:

RetroPS4 said:
I ran across something very strange yesterday as I was watching the Deus Ex Panel twitch stream, the audio went really screwey twice, at first it was short then later, it happened again and there was a major case of the streams being crossed. The first cut-in is from the Uncovered event, the second is from the SE Setsuna stream, but what's wierd is that the third is what sounds like brand new trailer I went to GAF couldn't find anyone talking about it, then went to GameFAQ's ugh! and someone who claims to be a composer posted this- make of it what you will, but I agree, this music is NOT from any released Heavensward trailer and there was no trailer at the panel today...So unless there is still a yet to be released Heavensward trailer today

Here was the first thread:

This is the extracted twitch audio, in the actual stream it lasted about 10min and got more and more garbled as it went on looping in many other sources? untill complete cacophony set in, then it suddenely fixed itself

Original Twitch stream: The first in-cut is at 7min 48sec and is the beginning of the Twitch pre-show Uncovered audio and lasts until 12min 1sec, and then big one is from the Setsuna stream yesterday starting at around 17min 10sec, the music track from a third (unknown) source fades in at 18min 51sec and that sample loops continuously until the proper audio is suddenly restored at 27min 5sec.

Maybe this is from the upcoming E3 trailer?
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Could you fix the youtube link? You do the letters and numbers after v= in the URL between the youtube tags.

Really interesting discovery though, I love mad conspiracy things like this, let's go digging <3


Eyes of the Lord
Interview with FINAL FANTASY XV art director Yusuke Naora.

EDIT: Some image comparison from the footage shown in the video interview.

Prompto VSXIII (up)CG design vs XV (down)in-game design.

More design comparison from the above:

Pre-Beta build (aka old build above) of the game vs Reclaim your Throne (below) trailer build.

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May's issue of GamesMaster had some content about FFXV. Saw it in work, so I figured I'd just let myself bypass the sealed plastic cover and write out what's in it :P (Swear I'll return it to the shop when I'm back in)

I haven't been keeping track of FFXV news, bar that Uncovered event (and playing the Platinum demo), so what is here is probably news to absolutely no one who frequents this thread :D - especially as this mag would've had this content written a while ago.
So at the very least, if anybody walks by an issue of GamesMaster and are tempted by it (but can't sneakily open its cover), come ye here :monster:

Contents include mentions of: The Platinum demo, the combat system, Chocobos and cars (Regalia), the inspiration of western open-world settings and magic in the environment.

After ten years in development FFXV is finallyclose to release, with a launch date of 30 September recently announced at an event in LA. Alongside all of the bombast, celebrities and confetti, loads of new details and trailers were revealed, as well as a free demo you can grab on PS4 and Xbox One right now. Rather than being a section from the actual game, the Platinum demo sees a young Prince Noctis guided through his dream by an adorable fox-like Carbuncle.​

While last year's Duscae demo let you explore one large area, Platinum is more about getting a broad taste of what the game can do with its tech, and a few hints at some of the areas you'll visit. Panels you stand on show you different times of day and types of weather, and at one point you can even turn into a monster or toy car to see what they're like...though these transformations won't be in the final game.

The combat has also seen a major update since the Duscae demo. It's now a lot more action-focused, and simpler to control, allowing you to assign up to four weapons, spells or items to the D-pad and switch between them mid-fight to string together combos. It's a departure from the tradition turn-based battles most Final Fantasy fans are familiar with, but it works. Those who finish the demo will also receive a small treat - the Carbuncle you follow will turn up in the main game with the name you chose for it.

We also get a closer look at riding Chocobos, which can be summoned at will, a bit like Geralt's horse Roach in The Witcher 3, but with rather more flapping and some long floaty jumps to help you reach difficult spots. While your yellow-feathered friends can't fly, your car, the Regalia, can - taking to the skies using jet engines that fold out of the boot to make getting around the world easier - though this ability'll only be unlockable near the end of the game.

Flight of fantasy​
The Witcher comparisons feel even more pertinent after seeing a glimpse of just how large and open the world will be. Expect plenty of distractions as you embark on your journey to reclaim the throne of Lucius. In fact, game director Hajime Tabita himself has admitted that he's been "inspired by western open-world games." The influences are clear - the setting responds to your actions like in Far Cry, fields burning if you use fire magic and monsters becoming frosted and running away if you use ice spells; you can choose to be stealthy in some areas, like in MGSV; and all of those giant monsters you can hunt down are definitely reminiscent of Geralt's adventures.

It's clear that Square has invested loads in making Final Fantasy XV a success - it's going all out to turn a giant but quirky JRPG series into a mainstream stunner set to rival the biggest and most popular triple-A western games, to the point where we're told it needs to hit 10 million lifetime sales to break even. Everything we've seen suggests it'll pay off big time.



I like to draw
I kind of appreciate "chocobros". It's just so silly to the point that I actually like it xD


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
Out of curiosity, does anybody know of an English translation/transcript of the conversation Tabata and Sakaguchi had on NicoNico a few weeks ago? I can't seem to find one anywhere.
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