Looks like a new summon in that trailer. I thought it was shiva at first, but it appears to be a faerie, and looked to have a companion. Any guesses?
It was, but I'm a little mad that that was in the trailer. I wanted that moment in the game to kind of take my breath away, Noct finding out about his father and the fall of his city and whatnot...I'm sure the fully fleshed out scene will have more of an impact than this blip in the trailer, but maybe now not as much :/
After I saw that I honestly dreaded going on Twitter after that trailer was released because I knew certain crowds of people were going to be out full force, ranting that the female lead was slapped a male character. Aaaand that was indeed the case, among other things.
But nobody had an issue when Lightning slapped and punched the shit out of people in XIII.
All in all, good trailer; it was nice to see the story showcased a little bit more. Definitely got the chills.
I too, am wondering why Gentiana hasn't aged.
Double Standards.
Umm let me be clear... very clear.
My comment about Luna being slapped is in regards to a spoiler leak I read a while back. Nothing about SJWs or any of that stuff.
If people do continue I will spoil it for everyone, so I suggest we all stop here before it gets worse.
Honestly, at this point, Luna can't win. She can't stand up and be compared to Stella, who no longer exists and thus has to compete with the expectations of the viewers own imagination, she is in a game already criticized about it's women to men ratio, so her role is hyper scrutinized. So the developers hype her up as a "strong female character" constantly to satiate those fears, but that in turn annoys everyone who is already tired of hearing how strong and independent she is without ever showing it.
And now, a villain does something villainous to her, and already people are decrying that. But I bet if she is too strong and powerful, people will call her a Mary Sue.
There are more unreasonable expectations thrown at her than the entirety of the game sometimes.
Honestly, at this point, Luna can't win. She can't stand up and be compared to Stella, who no longer exists and thus has to compete with the expectations of the viewers own imagination, she is in a game already criticized about it's women to men ratio, so her role is hyper scrutinized. So the developers hype her up as a "strong female character" constantly to satiate those fears, but that in turn annoys everyone who is already tired of hearing how strong and independent she is without ever showing it.
And now, a villain does something villainous to her, and already people are decrying that. But I bet if she is too strong and powerful, people will call her a Mary Sue.
There are more unreasonable expectations thrown at her than the entirety of the game sometimes.
That was the first trailer since the E3 2013 reveal that actually made me excited while watching.
This is probably one of the best trailers I've seen for the game so far. Totally agree with Channy about the chills.
Final Fantasy XV's press cycle in general has been a hard lesson in western gender politics/equality for square I feel.
The English speaking reaction to lack of female party members and sexualisation of Cid totally blindsided them to the point that they didn't understand the problem and initially made fun of it during a Dev stream because they felt wanting more females and not wanting sexualised females were conflicting stances.
Cut to 12 months of English press asking them what's up with no girls and SE spending a lot of PR time telling us there are definitely great strong females in the game as NPCs.
But so far, Luna has been marketed to us as a character who: sits in a chair (fine), dramatically stands up from a chair and shoves a gun away (cool), summons/battles/I don't really know Leviathan with her magic powers (yeahhhh), and repeatedly gets the shit kicked out of her (wait WHAT). Not even during a dramatic battle scene - she gets kicked around as a child, then gets pimp-slapped by Ardyn.