It's being developed by a different team so that's not really a concern. The only thing that might happen is that they could spread out the releases so they don't have two big games come out around the same time.My only concern is that i don't want this to slow down ff7r part 2.
I have to admit, as someone who plays FFXIV, part of the reason I'm happy Yoshida's team is making a main title FF game is so that all the people who don't play MMOs, but do play single-player games can get a chance to see what kind of game a lot of the devs behind FFXIV can make.The aesthetic and tone of the story appeals to the 14 player base while the action gameplay appeals to mainstream audiences. Plus, the project is publicly backed by notable developers such as producer Naoki Yoshida and battle director Ryota Suzuki. It's a slam dunk.
I just wish to point out what an excellent summary this is. I am skeptical towards FFXVI being any form of bridge between the two communities, but I did feel like the style was a mix between FF14 and FF15 (srsly for so many scenes I was thinking FFXVI is a prequel to FFXV), so there might be more to this bridge notion than I'm giving credit.The division between the online and single player communities is palatable.
This is when I wonder if people even bother to research how FFXIV deals with leveling up and equipment, or if they just hear "MMO" and think it's just like WoW, that is you have to be grinding all the time. Which isn't the case at all.MMOs have a tendency to become full-time commitments and so by default the two camps grow further apart.
If I'm being honest, the main thing I don't like is paying a $13 fee every month to be able to keep playing the game.This is when I wonder if people even bother to research how FFXIV deals with leveling up and equipment, or if they just hear "MMO" and think it's just like WoW, that is you have to be grinding all the time. Which isn't the case at all.
The thing is that the longer and longer FFXIV has gone on, the more and more it's become possible to play it like a single-player Final Fantasy game, at least when it comes to the Main Story. Shadowbringers introduced AI controlled party members which take the place of other people for the story dungeons and you can basically play it as if you're playing a solo game since the Main Story gives you so much Exp you basicly get a free ride to the level cap for one job. And there's been talk that the FFXIV team wants to make that kind of thing available for all the other story dungeons eventually.
There is a sizable chunk of the FFXIV player base that only logs in on the week a patch hits, do the story content and then don't log in again until the next patch hits months later. Even more people just log in for the expansion every two years, finish it in a few weeks and then leave until the next expansion rolls around. FFXIV has been designed with people not having to sticking around to get through the main story ever since Yoshida took it over. He's never wanted to get people to feel like they have to grind to see the story content because for him, the point of FF is the story. And making that harder to do goes against what FF is about.
Lightning and Terra aren't real, they cannot hurt you.
Also Yuna.
Yeah I'm not saying this game shouldn't have had a female main character, I'm just saying "Final Fantasy never has girls" is pretty disingenuous.Yeah I see the point, but XV was such a sausage fest you’d think they’d have backpedaled at least a little lol.
I mean if “Joshua’s Shield” were a milquetoast generic brunette woman, same dialogue, outfit, and attitude, my interest in the game would probably be doubled.