Final Fantasy XVI


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
The FF 35th anniversary website just opened : l

No, I won't allow it, fuck off hope.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield

A new hope rises from the ashes. The sun always comes no matter how dark and cold the night is *sniff*


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I see some Warriors of Light continue to march with hope in their hearts.

One day it'll pay off. Hopefully this year :monster:
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Pro Adventurer
Forspoken is not likely to impinge upon FF16. And it can also still be moved since, as a new IP, it doesn't really have expectations set.

I think this is wishfull thinking.
Forspoken is a triple A game, so it will be treated as such. They won't allow another big game to overshadow it.
And it already had multiple trailers, a delay, and a release date. So delaying it AGAIN, and changing the foccus to another game that hasn't even had a release date announced yet(when Forspoken already had two), wouldn't make sense.


Sharp Shinra Shill
The same logic you are making about Forspoken applies even more to FF, given its pedigree and buzz. And the fact that SE, at the end of the day, knows where its bread is buttered.

And if FF16 comes out with a date by June that's during the holidays, the resulting hype will overshadow whatever work Forspoken has done over the two years or so of reveals and trailers and yadda yadda.

There is also the possibility that they would feel the gap between October and December is enough time for the former to have its time out in the sun.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Ok, but what "soon" to Square-Enix really means?
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