I had an incredible time with the demo and can't wait to spend a shitload of time playing this.
More and more games have been doing the "stick is a mouse in the menu" thing, IIRC Cyberpunk and a bunch of other recent action games have done this and I'm also not sure what the appeal is. But at least the D-Pad works so standard menu cycling is still there.
Regarding the voices Hito, they did specifically make the English VA a priority this time round. Koji Fox mentioned in an interview that they knew they wanted to nail the English VA and avoid the usual translation pitfalls. The script was written in Japanese, then translated to English, then some dialogue was adjusted to sound better in English and re-translated back to Japanese. It's the first time they've done something like this and going by the demo it seems to be successful (so far).
I am shocked to hear the mouth movement doesn't match the Japanese at all, it might be that it'll be better in the main game and they just bunged the English movements into the demo to save space. They've been on record saying a huge portion of the JP playerbase is using the English VA more and more which is one of the reasons they decided to prioritise it this time. This is the same team that consider the XIV English VA "canon" after all.
Watching this now, I'm enjoying seeing folks reactions to the demo: