oh no is there a problem with the cc remaster. i wanted that since i never got to play the original
From what I understand, you can't really play the whole game through with friends easily like you could (locally) in the original. Like, there's no multiplayer in the home town and only the host gets rewards/progress from beating a dungeon (edit: I think the others do get rewards, but as ForceStealer says below, not being able to progress together destroys the appeal of the multiplayer unless you only want runs with randoms), so everyone has to do it in their own file to progress (and you have to regroup for each run). And they got rid of local multiplayer. I'm not sure if they patched it, but at launch I think there was also wacky stuff like multiplayer being region locked and the game having its own friend code system. Can't speak to how they handled multiplayer gameplay (without the GBA and such), since the aforementioned stuff was such a turn off for me I never really looked into it.
Single player is probably fine, but that was never really the game's main draw. It just seems like they either misunderstood the appeal of the multiplayer or could not adapt it properly it for online. They probably would've been better off making a whole new entry than trying to modernize the GCN game. Everyone needing to progress in their own game is fine for Souls, since those games aren't really meant to be something you play through
entirely in co-op, but, IMO, CC was more like a cozy adventure you can play through together.