Game of Thrones


Save your valediction (she/her)
Maybe GRRM wouldn't let them cut them. Maybe it's a Kreacher thing (Rowling made them include Kreacher in movie 5, which alerted fans to his importance later in the novels)


the dwarves might very well have to wait a season as book 3 is dibided over two seasons


Save your valediction (she/her)
White Walker was lol. They should have just given them crystal-like Sauron armour and left them alone. It looked like a mummy halloween costume. Way to end an otherwise great episode.

Here's hoping for Season 3
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
To be honest I still find
to be more intimidating than what they showed last.
I mean wtf is
supposed to be?

It looks like a 60 yr old man has went out into the snow without any clothes on and got a bad case of frosbite on his moobs.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
The White Walkers are the new Black Smoke Monster.

Because of the lengthy time between each appearance the special effects departments have time to almost completely change their appearance.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum

are they really going to kill shae like in the books? they're putting a pretty good effort into making her sympathetic and integrating her to tyrion's later plot? hmmmm

i liked the dany/drogo shit ahhhhhhh
I have to issue a complaint. Usually with the spoiler tags here, I do not know if it is "TV Episode" spoilers, or "Book" spoilers. On multiple occassions have I accidentally read spoilers about things that don't retain to aired episodes.
I would appreciate it if the posts could be more specific about whether a spoiler is about an aired episode or an event AFTER the episodes.



are they really going to kill shae like in the books? they're putting a pretty good effort into making her sympathetic and integrating her to tyrion's later plot? hmmmm

I actually like the fact they're doing that. Makes it
all the more satisfying as Tyrion slowly, slowly chokes the life out of her, :monster:

ANYWAY. Good episode, but being ever critical, I do think they could've done bits better;
Dany's climatic moment was... kind of an anticlimax, the House was a lot more stifling and claustrophobic and wtf is this shit in the books, and there was MOAR FIRE.
. And the ending is... well,
zombies!1... only not nearly as fucked up as it should be - or could have been. Actually, the first section of the first episode, as pointed out, is still the most fucked up of all; shame they haven't been able to emulate that since.

Tyrion's acting seemed a bit forced and unconvincing, and they
should've had him grow a beard or look more uncouth or something; a bit underwhelming, considering he was pretty much half-dead in the books iirc.

And I guess a season-wide remark needs to be made: The show is severely lacking in hodoring. Or fanservice, I guess, :monster:. They did at least chuck an "it is known" in the last one.

Also, speaking of it is known, the suggestion was given in the series that
what little Dothraki remained - like a dozen, is what was suggested - were all killed, and now there's a new dozen of those to go rape and pillage? :monster:

shave that fucker bald already, ffs


Fiat Lux
HOTU was crap and all kinds of stupid.

Winterfell's fate has confused the shit out of book & non-book fans alike. Following the book would have left a far better cliffhanger.

Stannis strangling Melisandre? Seems OOC to me.

Brienne's like a bloodthirsty psycho bitch nao. Butchering a group of soldiers before they even drew arms and slowly torturing one of them? Looks like D&D have missed the point of her character as well as Jaime's. Brienne is supposed to be an archetypal and naive knight of honour. Now she's just kinda... scary.

Let's face it, the Battle of Blackwater was about the only good thing about Season 2. Which was pretty much par for the course where COK was concerned, anyway. It's just most of the unforced changes and weird devotions of screentime from D&D that have boggled my mind.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Couldn't agree more. There is a very very thick line between streamlining for television audiences and re-imagining even the basic story elements. Season 2 falls far on the side of the latter, the changes added nothing to the show's story while having disastrous implications on the plot of the original.


Fiat Lux
Gaaaah. Sorry, need to bitch more:

* Jon's story has been completely butchered. They don't understand his character at all. Jon was supposed to be a protegee of the Night's Watch, a bright, capable young steward who was PICKED by Qhorin Halfhand for his potential, he didn't need to volunteer. Now he's some gapey-mouthed flid who's desperate for a father figure (derp... that's the one thing he DID have in his life) and makes incredibly dumb decisions. Book Jon didn't botch Ygritte's execution and become the butt of lame pen0r jokes. I wasn't keen on the casting of Qhorin Halfhand in the first place (guy looks far too mousey) but it's the writing that destroyed his part in the story. Again, there was no need to change how it originally unfolded but for some reason they went for a lame scene where Jon seemingly kills Qhorin for being trolled rather than a scheme they hatch together. And where the fuck is Ghost!? Oh wait, "budget".

* Robb has become the biggest retard in the show - moreso than Jon. He willingly ditches his honour and his chances of winning the war because of some foreign bootay and to score points against mummy dearest. At least it had some context in the book, where he succumbed to a moment of weakness after Bran & Rickon's "deaths" and married Jeyne to do the honourable thing. Now he's just like 'whatever'. The
Red Wedding
can't come soon enough.

* Giving Littlefinger ANOTHER one of the Hound's lines, just to shoehorn more Aidan Gillen into the show. And Littlefinger divulging his plan to rescue Sansa in the throne room? Yeah, good job there, slick. Such lazy writing.

* Dany's khalaasar has suddenly grown twice in size? And Xaro has no guards stationed outside his chambers?

* Maester Luwin didn't feel the need to warn Bran & co about what happened at Winterfell?

* Ros becoming Varys' new partner-in-crime. Seriously, which one of the writers is Esme Bianco banging? I understood her being used as the go-to whore for character expo (even if it was overused) but now they're setting her up as something more? Just... Just no. There's enough book characters who haven't had enough screentime and you want to waste more on HER?

* The White Walker is just totally cool with letting Sam live? They seem to be awfully merciful these 'Others'. First they let Gared go, now Sam. Maybe we've got 'em all wrong and they just want the meek to inherit the earth?

I think that finale was probably the worst episode of the bunch. It was just an absolute mess from start to finish. Season 1 was so good. Even with the limit to the budget, it worked because it was brilliantly paced, they streamlined the source material as faithfully as they could, and there were some real hard-hitting performances. I know that Book 2 was not as straightforward as the first, but even so, they've done a poor job adapting it, and budget/time constraints are becoming a flimsy excuse. It took GRRM to write Episode 9 to remind them how it's really done.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Also, DOREAH!! I don't understand why they did that with her character... it made me so sad. I would rather have had her die right away like in the books.

When I look at Season 2, collectively, as a single adaptation of a single story, it reminds me that David Beinoff had the audacity to say that his fucking terrible Troy screenplay was based on The Iliad. Maybe Dan Weiss is the Paul Simon in this case, but instead of "Simon & Garfunkel" it's "Simon & Gilbert Godfrey." Just speculating.

ITT: Masa and Ite rage circle-jerk.
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Watching as I go along with this post.

Joffrey @ King's Landing - Seems like just going through the motions. Gillen's appearance at the end is kinda meh but I'm not too incredibly fussed. Sansa subtly carries that scene imo.

Varys/Ros - As much as I am against them adding useless extemporaneous shit to the show, I found this scene relatively inoffensive. It was an obvious powerplay by Varys against Littlefinger by stealing her from him, and so far anything that pits Littlefinger and Varys against each other is fun as hell. There hasn't been enough of that in the series, I think.

Jaime/Brienne - they've run with a different interpretation of her idea of honour that's slightly less sympathetic than it was in the books. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I respect Bernhoff and Weiss' adaptation of her, because looking from a different perspective I can easily see how they came to that conclusion about her.
Also, I think they just wanted to show her being a badass, but w/e. The look on Jaime's face is priceless.

Robb/Catelyn - Yeah I felt this scene might have been weaksauce. Makes Robb seem incredibly childish, which is an odd face-heel turn given his previous honorable shit. Catelyn has derped a bit in this season, yes, but every scene she has been in makes me love the character more.
Robb's wedding - huge yawn.

Melisandre/Stannis - It's interesting seeing Melisandre taken out of her comfort zone on screen. They could have fleshed out Stannis' moment of doubt/weakness a little better, though. It was the right scene to have post-battle, but they handled it pretty oddly.
Also it makes Melisandre look like one of those dark-side-seductresses. D'you think she gets off on being strangled? :awesome:

Theon/Luwin - I absolutely love everything about this scene. Everything in this scene sums up Theon Greyjoy and the men he leads and everything he's done this season. He's being utterly irrational and batshit insane, of course, but it's been acted so well it makes him a much more interesting character than he was in the books imo.
The speech was glorious, but the absolute piss-take at the end was even more gold at the end of the rainbow. My favorite scene out of this episode so far.

Luwin/the kids/Osha - pushed all the right buttons, all of them ;-;

Also Theon has the best theme in the soundtrack out of the entire series. Ramin Djawadi has been absolutely on form.

Varys/Pod/Tyrion/Shae: I liked this scene as well, but it was mostly just character interaction, nothing mind-blowing. Shae becoming more sympathetic? I like. It's fun to see Tyrion trying to rationalise her as a whore in order to stop having all them feelings :monster: Tyrion still great as usual, anywho. Scar could be a little more disfiguring? But meh that's just the same conscious decision as they did casting someone as good-looking as Peter Dinklage.
also CMON MOAR PODRICK SCREENTIME PLZ he looks like a cool kid to watch
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Fiat Lux
Casting ideas for Season 3?

Damian Lewis

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Paddy Considine

Ideally, get Conan Stevens back. If not...

Nathan Jones

Robert Maillet

Although, chances are they'll stick with the other guy for continuity sake. Which means the battle with the Red Viper will suck ass.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Damian Lewis for everything
the end

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Asa Butterfield

they mention jojen has haunting eyes a lot in the book, so i thought this was pretty much perfect.
i am still unsure how old they will make meera but i assume not much older than bran to make their relationship less... anakin/padme i guess


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
i hope when you say anakin/padme you're referring to phantom menace anakin padme

honestly was there ever a "relationship" between those characters anyway? i was too caught up with all the
running away and the talking to the trees and shit
to notice :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
i hope when you say anakin/padme you're referring to phantom menace anakin padme

honestly was there ever a "relationship" between those characters anyway? i was too caught up with all the
running away and the talking to the trees and shit
to notice :monster:
yeah, bran at least does love meera in book 5 and meera just... idk she thinks bran is their little prince and she loves him but it's never really said if it's romantic or just sibling like.
either way, i really love the reeds+bran


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
how old were they in the books anyway :monster:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Just checked all the wiki's for those ages.
I knew Bran constantly referred to the both of them looking to him for guidance even though both were older :/

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Just checked all the wiki's for those ages.
I knew Bran constantly referred to the both of them looking to him for guidance even though both were older :/
i know meera always deferred to his decision when him and jojen were fighting over what to do cause he was their prince

also feast for crows says bran is 9 and meera is 16, jojen is 13 so i guess he had a birthday during SoS?
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