Game of Thrones


Pro Adventurer
I read the books along with the series. I already finished Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings and I plan to read the 3rd book after Season 4. I think that works well.

As for chapters, I'm bored with Davos chapters. IMHO ASOIF is unnecessarily long, it could have been more compact and would have been more effective.


Chloe Frazer
A Feast for Crows is gonna be a difficult one to adapt to the show because A Storm of Swords
did a massive shakeup in the status quo and then fan favorites like Tyrion, Dany and Jon aren't POV characters.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The showrunners have already confirmed that they're going to combine the chronology of AFFC and ADWD, so the separation of characters won't be a problem.

Anyway, yes, read the books, although it's an open question whether it's better to read ahead of the show or not. I've found it harder to force myself to keep up with the show knowing what happens. On the other hand I also don't have anyone to watch it with, which doesn't help.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V


this summary is also pretty nice


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.

Serah Farron

Was looking forward to this. Although idk the whole scene I found a bit more disturbing in the books (despite me being glad he died). Also my brother wanted him to die more painfully lol. He ranted on about it after the show.

Also, please. No killing Cersei. Like, ever.

She better never die, ever. She's one of my favourite characters and I'd be pissed, no matter how much of a 'bitch' she is. She's fab doing it, I love her. Lena is so fantastic. Cersei hate fuels me.

Also ew at the implied Brienne/Jaime pls no. Brienne is amazing on her own and doesn't need to be put in a relationship with a man. Let Jaime have Cersei cough

Can't wait till next week's episode! I found an audio book for A Feast for Crows on yt and I've been continuing it there. I really like the guy's voice who narrates it. I'm not even halfway through though lmao. I'm on Chapter 12 I think.

trash panda

Re: Cersei Dying, or the possibility of it happening...

I hope that the younger brother who is fated to kill her turns out to be Jaime and not Tyrion. I highly suspect that if it isn't Jaime who does her in (because GRRM loves to do things unexpectedly), she will do it herself. She's too prideful to let someone else take her life. Considering the amount of shame that she endured in her last few chapters, I don't forsee her rising back to the top any time soon and Cersei doesn't seem like someone who'd want to live her life in the shadows, so perhaps she'll just end it.


The show is most definitely going to beat the books in terms of arriving at a conclusion. If GRRM continues writing at the same rate we'll be seeing the final book in 2021. Ish. What's the show going to do, take a 5 year hiatus?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The showrunners know how it ends and a number of other important details of the plot so they'll probably just go past the books.


^I knew that much already, I just think it'll be weird for the show to go beyond what the books have already laid out.


Harbinger O Great Justice
^I knew that much already, I just think it'll be weird for the show to go beyond what the books have already laid out.

Welcome to the world of what happens to anime & manga all the time.
It's just happening in a more Western format for once. :awesomonster:

X :neo:


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
I think the guy that plays Hodor might have the easiest acting job ever. Doesn't matter what is going on, he just needs to stare blankly. And he only need memorize one line.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
I have never noticed english accent dropping "r" sounds. I know the "new jersey" accent does (and replaces them with "a" sounds a lot, and vice versa). Has heard when Stuttering John say "Pamaler Randerson".


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The lack of pronunciation of the r in certain contexts is actually one of the defining characteristics of British accents.

Pay attention to the way he says "are" in "Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?" or the way they pronounce "Mercia". Or "Arthur" for that matter.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
What stood out to me more is that he's not actually pronouncing the H either, so, :monster:


Always strikes me he says it too fast. When reading the books I imagined him saying it more as "Ho Door" kind of slow and deliberate.


We have come to terms
No one warned me that Hodor
sang songs using only the word 'Hodor' in the books

It was glorious and it made me laugh so hard I cried, in large part because I was imagining the actor doing it.
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