Game of Thrones

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Yeah, not gonna lie, that whole Jamie and Cersei scene pissed me off, and brought the overall quality of the episode down quite a bit. I haven't read the books, so I wasn't even aware it was a change until I read this thread. I just know that it is so far out of character for Jamie that it might as well have been a completely different character we saw on screen during that scene. Whoever thought that was a good idea should be fired before they fuck something else up.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I don't know about it being the director's favourite scene but he did say the "turned consensual" thing. Which is why I linked that TV Tropes page.

I'm just about done with this show honestly. Probably not permanently (odds are they'll go past the books) but jesus christ this is disgusting and embarrassing. Someone needs to be fired over this shit. At the bare minimum they need to never work with that director again.

Serah Farron

I haven't even watched the episode yet, but I have read the book so I know what happened and what they changed. I'm completely disgusted. They ruined character development for them. It's so gross and the interview about it being "turned consenual" FUCK OFF YOU'RE GROSS. I cannot believe people on tumblr are saying Cersei deserves to be raped, especially for "denying him sex" before. Fuck off. I dont care HOW much you hate a character, you never ever ever ever wish someone to be raped. Disgusting. I hate people. And I hate what they're doing to the show and to my favourite characters.

Honestly I'm probably not going to keep watching. I'll stick to the books.

I mean really, do you REALLY think Jaime, who is in love with Cersei would fucking rape her? He is against rape and it's been shown even on the show? ?? ???

and it's to make her "more sympathetic" that' s terrible. Joffrey is a piece of shit but she still lost a child, that's enough to be sympathetic for. You don't need to use rape as a plot device yet again. Just.. smh.

Fucking hell I'm so pissed.


We have come to terms
In all fairness, about half of the sex scenes in the books between Jaime and Cersei could be termed rape, since, by and large, someone says 'no' at some point during it. The fact that they ultimately give in does not change the fact that it's still rape. The very first time we're exposed to it - when Bran catches them - Cersei is saying no. In the case of this one, in the sept - in front of their dead son's body - it's the same thing. Cersei says no, tries to fight him off, then gives in.

Then, on the other hand, we've got Cersei who literally says that some women deserve to be raped (which people seem to take at face value and think is okay or something idk?)

Idk. I'm not going to stop watching the show. because I enjoy it a very great deal, but at the same time, I'm rather irritated that this particular scene - which is a big deal and a major turning point in the relationship between two very important characters - has been twisted around backwards in a very OOC role reversal and is sort of fucking with the way that both Jaime and Cersei have been developing as characters in the show. Some things, I can understand - Dontos barely appearing, for example, or combining Gendry and Edric Storm - but changing pretty important stuff like this is just kind of disappointing.
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It would take a whole lot for me to stop watching this show out of disgust. The brutality is just part of the show's atmosphere, regardless of tact (or lack thereof) in the writing and in public statements. Rape and murder? Oh, it must be Monday.




We have come to terms

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Save your valediction (she/her)
Latest episode
While it is nice that the phrase "I also disagree with the rape scene" seems redundant here (Hooray Progress-Generation!) I would also like to add my support for the already-said sentiments of "Jaime wouldn't do that" and "What the fuck were they thinking?"

May I say though that from the first frame of that scene until the "You're a hateful woman," trapdoor of awfulness, that was my favourite scene in GoT so far. Tywin's war-on-two-fronts conversation with Tommen while sticking it to Cersei, Cersei's face as she worried about losing Tommen to her father and also her pride that he isn't like Joff, Tommen's own youthful integrity, the three second Jamie/Tommen/Tywin moment that said five-chapters-worth, and the great Cersei and Jamie scene. What a sequence!!

Episode was good. A lot of people moving their pieces into place for the next play, which we didn't see when it was all the climax of the book. This season is shaping up to be my fave since 1.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
I wonder if Peter Dinklage ever drop is the faux english accent. He been doing it since before GoT. He is originally from New Jersey, hard to imagine him with that voice.


And I find it really weird he's been doing it that long because it's actually a terrible English accent.

trash panda

Well, everyone here's already summed up most of what I think about the Jamie/Cersei thing.

I'm also mildly dissapointed that Daario Naharis doesn't look like a clown.

What I really wonder (seasons down the line, perhaps) is...when Dany's nephew Aegon shows up, is she going to try to marry him or will she attempt to take the Iron Throne from him. It seems like (at this point in the books), she was happy enough just farting around in Meereen.

I wonder if her Dragons are just going to end up killing her...or if she'll end up having children. In her last chapter, GRRM made a point to mention that she had her that mean she's able to procreate again?
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Howl, next time you write spoilers that go beyond the currently aired episodes can you mark it as "Book Spoilers"? As such:
[SPOILER = " Book Spoiler "]

trash panda

I'm doing all kinds of internet Googlage right now because I fell asleep during so many chapters in ADWD...which, interestingly enough has lead me to the theory that
Howland Reed is currently inside of Jojen Reed's body. Omgrghr! He knows what happened in the Tower of Joy! If this is true, much excited!!!!


(with appropriate music)

Totally stole this from someone btw. :awesome:

trash panda

I started out looking for information on whether or not Aegon VI is actually Rhaegar's son...which lead me to this compendium of ASOIAF theories...

Could just be fan speculation but I like the idea that Howland is around and quite possibly might spill the beans on what really happened at the Tower of Joy. Jojen is wise beyond his years and (as the theory points out), he knows a lot of intimate details surrounding his father's personal life.

EDIT (a whole day later). I was in a hurry and I meant to say that it's entirely fan speculation.
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Chloe Frazer
I hardly remember the last book (gasp!), but wasn't it pretty sure he just looked the part? IDK.

Finding a boy that looks the part is not that hard since Aegon doesn't have the more recognizable Targaryen traits (white hair) since he wasn't born of incest.

I have a suspicion that "Mockingbird" will be the episode to deal with the truth behind John Arryn's death and Littlefinger killing Lysa.

It's rather obvious what episode 8 "The Mountain and the Viper" and episode 9 "The Watchers of the Wall" are going to be about. I'm still not sure if Tywin and by extension Shae are going to die in episode 9 or 10 though I would prefer 10 as fans have gotten used to the most important deaths and plot twists be left for episodes 9.
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We have come to terms
oh my god I am going to burst into tears when shae dies I love her so much

but at the same time I can't wait to see lysa die and whether or not they add the line about tywin shitting gold

and I'm REALLY looking forward to the fight between the Red Viper and The Mountain

Seriously though, don't click her second tag (or mine) if you haven't read the book. You'll wish you hadn't!


I'm actually pretty sure Tyrion's going to make a run for it next episode and do his shit; I don't actually recall anything else coming up in his storyline or happening in that city
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