Game of Thrones


^I'm wondering that myself, things are moving along really quickly. That's one of the reasons I brought up the show going ahead of the books in an earlier post. It's going to happen by like season 6, if that.

trash panda

Well now,
I recently mentioned that I came across the (fan) theory that Howland Reed is a Warg who currently dwells inside of Jojen’s body. I have PDF copies of all five books, so I did simple text searches for “warg”, “Howland”, “Crannogmen”, etc…to see what I could find…Alas, nowhere is it mentioned anywhere in the books (to my knowledge) that Howland Reed is a warg. Here are the stuffs of interest. And really...these are just my ramblings done during a quick lunch break no means is this thorough......


Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched
his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black. After that he remembered nothing. They had found him still holding her body, silent with grief. The little crannogman, Howland Reed, had taken her hand from his.

This is the first time that the name “Howland” shows up in GOT.

He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood.
In the dream his friends rode with him, as they had in life. Proud Martyn Cassel, Jory’s father; faithful Theo Wull; Ethan Glover, who had been Brandon’s squire; Ser Mark Ryswell, soft of speech and gentle of heart; the crannogman, Howland Reed; Lord Dustin on his great red stallion.

The second time it appears…also take note of the name Theo Wull.

Ned had pulled the tower down afterward, and used its bloody stones to build eight cairns upon the ridge. It was said that Rhaegar had named that place the tower of joy, but for Ned it was a bitter memory. They had been seven against three, yet only two had lived to ride away; Eddard Stark himself and the little crannogman, Howland Reed.

His name appears.

“If he comes so far, but no one thinks he will,” Robb said. “I’ve sent word to Howland Reed, Father’s old friend at Greywater Watch.

The first time that Robb sends word to Howland…


Finally all of the principal vassals of House Stark had been heard from save for Howland Reed the crannogman, who had not set foot outside his swamps for many a year, and the Cerwyns whose castle lay a half day’s ride from Winterfell.

So…we know more or less that Howland has not left the swamps…

Maester Luwin crouched beside Bran’s seat to whisper counsel in his ear. “You must greet these ones warmly. I had not thought to see them here, but... you know who they are?”
Bran nodded. “Crannogmen. From the Neck.”
“Howland Reed was a great friend to your father,” Ser Rodrik told him. “These two are his, it would seem.”

A mention of his name when Meera and Jojen appear at Winterfell to pledge allegiance to Robb.

It was said that they were a cowardly people who fought with poisoned weapons and preferred to hide from foes rather than face them in open battle. And yet Howland Reed had been one of Father’s staunchest companions during the war for King Robert’s crown, before Bran was born.

Just another mention of his name…

Something his (Bran’s) father had told him once when he was little came back to him suddenly. He had asked Lord Eddard if the Kingsguard were truly the finest knights in the Seven Kingdoms. “No longer,” he answered, “but once they were a marvel, a shining lesson to the world.”
“Was there one who was best of all?”
“The finest knight I ever saw was Ser Arthur Dayne, who fought with a blade called Dawn, forged from the heart of a fallen star. They called him the Sword of the Morning, and he would have killed me but for Howland Reed.” Father had gotten sad then, and he would say no more. Bran wished he had asked him what he meant.

Just a mention that Howland Reed somehow saved Ned from Arthur Dayne.

Lewin to Theon:
“The same is true of the Reeds. Moat Cailin sits on the edge of the bogs. Lord Howland can make your uncle’s occupation a visit to hell if he chooses, but so long as you hold his heirs he must stay his hand.”

Lewin presumes that Howland is still in the swamplands…


“Go upriver flying my banner. The crannogmen will find you. I want two ships to double the chances of my message reaching Howland Reed.

The second time that Robb attempts to make contact Howland Reed.

He turned to his two messengers. “Tell Howland Reed that he is to send guides to me, two days after I have started up the causeway.

The third time that Robb attempts to make contact with Howland Reed. Presumably, by this point in time, Howland knows someone’s trying to get in touch with him.

Galbart Glover (to Robb) rubbed his mouth. “There are risks. If the crannogmen should fail you...”
“We will be no worse than before. But they will not fail. My father knew the worth of Howland Reed.”

Just a mention…

Meera telling the tale of the Knight of the Laughing Tree to Bran:
“There was one knight,” said Meera, “in the year of the false spring. The Knight of the Laughing Tree, they called him. He might have been a crannogman, that one.”
“Or not.” Jojen’s face was dappled with green shadows. “Prince Bran has heard that tale a hundred times, I’m sure.”

Why would he say “or not”, unless he had some knowledge about who the KOTLT actually was, or factual evidence that the KOTLT was not a crannogman. Meera seems to think the KOTLT might have been a crannogmen...why does Jojen dissagree...what reason does he have to dissagree if he's no the one telling the story, hmmm?

“You never heard this tale from your father?” asked Jojen.
“It was Old Nan who told the stories.

The first time Jojen asks Bran if he’s heard the tale of the KOTLT before, since obviously, it involves his Aunt Lyanna and is a crucial piece of Stark history and during that tourney, Rhaegar openly made clear his affections for Lyanna. Why on earth had Bran never heard this story before?

Meera…telling the story:
As my prince commands. The daughter of the castle was the queen of love and beauty, with four brothers and an uncle to defend her, but all four sons of Harrenhal were defeated on the first day. Their conquerors reigned briefly as champions, until they were vanquished in turn. As it happened, the end of the first day saw the porcupine knight win a place among the champions, and on the morning of the second day the pitchfork knight and the knight of the two towers were victorious as well. But late on the afternoon of that second day, as the shadows grew long, a mystery knight appeared in the lists.”
(Bran)“It was the little crannogman, I bet.”
“No one knew,” said Meera, “but the mystery knight was short of stature, and clad in ill-fitting armor made up of bits and pieces. The device upon his shield was a heart tree of the old gods, a white weirwood with a laughing red face.”

The crannogman was described as being small in stature, which would explain the ill-fitting armor…but there would be no need for him to arrive as a mystery knight…after all, if competitors were required to prove their status as knights, then mystery nights would not be allowed to compete in the first place…there had to be another reason for the KOTLT to conceal their identity, and I do believe it’s because Lyanna herself was the KOTLT.

But the next morning, when the heralds blew their trumpets and the king took his seat, only two champions appeared. The Knight of the Laughing Tree had vanished. The king was wroth, and even sent his son the dragon prince to seek the man, but all they ever found was his painted shield, hanging abandoned in a tree. it was the dragon prince who won that tourney in the end.”

So the king sent Rhaegar to go find the KOTLT…
Meaning Rhaegar would be the one to crown the next queen of love and beauty. My explanation is that when Rhaegar went to find the KOTLT, he found Lyanna and fell in love with her which would explain why he crowned her. It is unlikely that he crowned her on behalf of her appearance, since she was never described as being physically beautiful…nor would he have a reason to crown a complete stranger…he must have met her prior to crowning her, and I repeat that it is because Rhaegar went to find the KOTLT and I believe he found Lyanna…

“Oh.” Bran thought about the tale awhile. “That was a good story. But it should have been the three bad knights who hurt him, not their squires. Then the little crannogman could have killed them all. The part about the ransoms was stupid. And the mystery knight should win the tourney, defeating every challenger, and name the wolf maid the queen of love and beauty.”
“She was,” said Meera, “but that’s a sadder story.”
“Are you certain you never heard this tale before, Bran?” asked Jojen. “Your lord father never told it to you?”

So…Meera and Jojen both know the story of the KOTLT and Bran doesn’t…but why doesn’t he? And why is Jojen so concerned that Bran hasn’t heard this story…this is the second time he’s asked.

“Wull?” said Meera. “Jojen, wasn’t there a Wull who rode with Father during the war?”
“Theo Wull.” Jojen was breathing hard from the climb. “Buckets, they used to call him.”

Maybe Howland Reed is just a thorough storyteller, however the way that Jojen refers to Howland’s old war friend by his nickname makes me think that it is Howland inside of Jojen. A person’s nickname is sort of an intimate detail, IMO…you don’t call someone that you never met by their nickname…and Jojen never met “Theo Wull/Buckets” because he died at the Tower of Joy.

Jojen shook his head. “No. Best stay, and eat. With your own mouth. A warg cannot live on what his beast consumes.”
How would you know? Bran thought resentfully. You’ve never been a warg, you don’t know what it’s like.

Yes, how does Jojen know this if he’s not a warg? :wacky:

Also note that in the final two books, Howland Reed is never mentioned by name.
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^I'm wondering that myself, things are moving along really quickly. That's one of the reasons I brought up the show going ahead of the books in an earlier post. It's going to happen by like season 6, if that.

Yeah, pretty much, and it makes me sadfeis. After season 6, both the books and the TV show will turn to shit. I just know it. [/marvin]

trash panda

I'm actually pretty sure Tyrion's going to make a run for it next episode and do his shit; I don't actually recall anything else coming up in his storyline or happening in that city

Enough things happen in Tyrion's POV chapters to last him at least a few more episodes prior to his leaving Kings Landing. We're still waiting for his trial by combat to occur.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, pretty much, and it makes me sadfeis. After season 6, both the books and the TV show will turn to shit. I just know it. [/marvin]
At least it looks like they're going to do two whole seasons for book three judging from plot summaries. Maybe this means they'll also do two whole seasons for books four and five, which would give Martin an extra year to catch up and possibly allow for book six to come out before they start writing/filming it? We shall see, I guess :monster:


Chloe Frazer
The A Song of Ice and Fire novels on which Game of Thrones is based were originally planned as a trilogy, to be titled A Game of Thrones, A Dance With Dragons, and The Winds of Winter. However, soon after George R.R. Martin finished writing the first novel, A Game of Thrones, he realized it would have to expand into a much longer book series. The plotlines which Martin originally storyboarded out as the plot of "book one" (A Game of Thrones) were expanded into three novels: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, and A Storm of Sworms. Thus the first three novels are in many ways one very long novel - and the climax of A Storm of Swords concludes many of the plotlines begun in A Game of Thrones. Martin even initially planned to make a five-year time jump between the third and fourth novels, to emphasize how much of a chapter-break the climaxes of the third novel were to the overall story (though the time jump was later abandoned).

A further problem was that what Martin originally planned as the middle novel (A Dance With Dragons) grew so vast that it could not possibly be published as a single novel, as it exceeded even the third novel in length. This caused several production delays, until Martin answered the "Meereenese Knot" by cutting it in two: the fourth novel (A Feast For Crows) follows all of the characters in the Seven Kingdoms, while the fifth novel (A Dance With Dragons) happens concurrently with the fourth novel, covering events outside of the Seven Kingdoms during the same time frame. It was as if Martin took the original, too long to print novel, removed all of the chapters taking place at the Wall or in Essos, and then published them as a separate novel. However, the events in the two novels happen concurrently, and the TV series will simply present these events in chronological order, intercutting between the two storylines. This is somewhat similar to how Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers was internally divided into two sections: the first covered Aragorn's quest, while the second half covered Frodo's actions during the same time span (thus the middle of the novel "backs up" to show Frodo's perspective from the same day that Aragorn's storyline began). The film adaptation of The Two Towers simply intercut the two storylines chronologically, as it was felt that it would seriously damage the flow and pacing of the film to focus exclusively on one set of characters, then the other.

Thus, David Benioff said he is very confident about Season 4, because it contains many climactic scenes which not only ended the third novel (to a greater extent than the Red Wedding), but concluded storylines begun in Season 1. In contrast, Benioff said that "Season 5 gives me nightmares." It will be as if they took book four and book five, cut each book in half, and then intercut the two storylines - but ultimately, the end of Season 5 will correspond to the middle of book four and the middle of book five. Unlike the third novel, in which the Red Wedding provided a convenient mid-point to stop at, quite simply, there is no real stopping point in the middle of book four and middle of book five. It would be as if the mid-point of Season 2, "The Ghost of Harrenhal", was used as the climax of an entire season. The writers have been aware of this for many seasons, and were worrying about it even since Season 3, but more so than any other season, Season 5 has no clear climax.

So the first half's of book 4 and 5 will be season 5 and the second half's will be season 6, I think and hope that this gives Martin enough time to finish The Winds of Winter, best case scenario the book will be released next year. Then I hope that the book is big enough that it needs to be separated in to two seasons and then by some miracle Martin will release A Dream Of Spring in that time.


Joe, Arcana


Pro Adventurer
Uh, you guys do realise the director is just a hired gun right?
He was probably told to film an ambiguous rape scene, and then he was interviewed after and he just told them what he put together which is likely how he directed the actors. He is a workman, not a politician.

Anyway is there anything on books 4 and 5 being made into one season yet?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Look at Arya's post three posts up from yours (post #1432). Books four and five are being made into seasons five and six, spliced together chronologically and split at the midpoint of each book.

Also, Nicolaj Coster-Waldau is a bit more than a hired gun and the director of that episode has done several episodes of the show if I'm not mistaken.


Chloe Frazer
Director Alex Graves is a bit more than a hired gun, he has directed season's 3 ep.4 "And Now His Watch Is Ended", ep.5 "Kissed by Fire", season's 4 ep.2 "The Lion and the Rose", obviously ep.3 "Breaker of Chains" and will be directing ep.8
The Mountain and the Viper"
and the unnamed season finale.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'm in the general crowd when I say that it was so out of character for Jaime. I was literally shouting at my TV going, "WHAT WHAT WHAT!? ... WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?" for about five minutes.


The A Song of Ice and Fire novels on which Game of Thrones is based were originally planned as a trilogy, to be titled A Game of Thrones, A Dance With Dragons, and The Winds of Winter. However, soon after George R.R. Martin finished writing the first novel, A Game of Thrones, he realized it would have to expand into a much longer book series. The plotlines which Martin originally storyboarded out as the plot of "book one" (A Game of Thrones) were expanded into three novels: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, and A Storm of Sworms. Thus the first three novels are in many ways one very long novel - and the climax of A Storm of Swords concludes many of the plotlines begun in A Game of Thrones. Martin even initially planned to make a five-year time jump between the third and fourth novels, to emphasize how much of a chapter-break the climaxes of the third novel were to the overall story (though the time jump was later abandoned).

A further problem was that what Martin originally planned as the middle novel (A Dance With Dragons) grew so vast that it could not possibly be published as a single novel, as it exceeded even the third novel in length. This caused several production delays, until Martin answered the "Meereenese Knot" by cutting it in two: the fourth novel (A Feast For Crows) follows all of the characters in the Seven Kingdoms, while the fifth novel (A Dance With Dragons) happens concurrently with the fourth novel, covering events outside of the Seven Kingdoms during the same time frame. It was as if Martin took the original, too long to print novel, removed all of the chapters taking place at the Wall or in Essos, and then published them as a separate novel. However, the events in the two novels happen concurrently, and the TV series will simply present these events in chronological order, intercutting between the two storylines. This is somewhat similar to how Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers was internally divided into two sections: the first covered Aragorn's quest, while the second half covered Frodo's actions during the same time span (thus the middle of the novel "backs up" to show Frodo's perspective from the same day that Aragorn's storyline began). The film adaptation of The Two Towers simply intercut the two storylines chronologically, as it was felt that it would seriously damage the flow and pacing of the film to focus exclusively on one set of characters, then the other.

Thus, David Benioff said he is very confident about Season 4, because it contains many climactic scenes which not only ended the third novel (to a greater extent than the Red Wedding), but concluded storylines begun in Season 1. In contrast, Benioff said that "Season 5 gives me nightmares." It will be as if they took book four and book five, cut each book in half, and then intercut the two storylines - but ultimately, the end of Season 5 will correspond to the middle of book four and the middle of book five. Unlike the third novel, in which the Red Wedding provided a convenient mid-point to stop at, quite simply, there is no real stopping point in the middle of book four and middle of book five. It would be as if the mid-point of Season 2, "The Ghost of Harrenhal", was used as the climax of an entire season. The writers have been aware of this for many seasons, and were worrying about it even since Season 3, but more so than any other season, Season 5 has no clear climax.

So the first half's of book 4 and 5 will be season 5 and the second half's will be season 6, I think and hope that this gives Martin enough time to finish The Winds of Winter, best case scenario the book will be released next year. Then I hope that the book is big enough that it needs to be separated in to two seasons and then by some miracle Martin will release A Dream Of Spring in that time.

I can definitely see Winds of Winter being finished in that time. But I can't see A Dream of Spring being complete before the show catches up with the books.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Just watched the new episode. Not really a spoiler, Hodor is in the episode. He actually pronounced the "H" and the "D". Made me chuckle.

Correct me if I am wrong, I figured this was minor enough not to need spoiler tags.


Chloe Frazer
Yeah I think it's fine dude.

That last scene was the creepiest thing I've ever seen on the series. Also that devil looking white walker was ridiculous. The episode should be renamed "A bunch of things that never happened in the books".

Also pretty sure Tommen went through puberty in the span of 2 minutes, also also they kept Ser Pounce!
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The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
It just dawned on me. Having read the book, I know the major beats of what will happen. So the only reason I am watching is to nitpick the actors.

Yeah, I know they change a lot from the books. Not nearly enough for me to bother with spoiler tags.


Chloe Frazer
This gif is becoming more and more appropriate when it comes to Littlefinger:

Aside from the final white walker looking too obviously satanic (or like something from a sci-fi series) I don't have much to say. Happy for that atmospheric ending, silly white walker aside.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I've never liked the white walker design, mostly because when you have the books basically describing crystal monsters it's kind of hard to show.


who dat? :monster:



get cape. wear cape. fly.
Apart from what everyone else has said already, i'd like to add that i dig grey worm and that ~teacher good lol~ messandei; idk, i really liked that opening scene last epi.
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