Game of Thrones


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Watched the first three episodes (yes, I downloaded the leaked ones. You mad, bro?). Will post some thoughts later. I'll be watching the fourth tonight.


They have cast a new Lord of Bones, so Tormund is not playing that part, whether Mance is dead or not isn't 100% yet. I'm heavily leaning towards him being dead tho. I was never overly fond of Lady Stoneheart, I thought Lord Beric Dondarrion was much cooler character. But it looks like they're not doing anything with any of em, so hell.


Oh wow like Ami said there are 3 episodes and that's the way I normally watch it anyway so... see y'all later :D

Anyone wanting a link, fire me a PM.


OK so I'm on episode 3, is it just me or are they ignoring the events of Book 4 completely so far? At least, the first half of it. Hrmmmmmm


OK so I'm on episode 3, is it just me or are they ignoring the events of Book 4 completely so far? At least, the first half of it. Hrmmmmmm

Yep, no Iron Islands, no Riverlands, no Stoneheart, no new characters for the small council, no dumb moves in choosing a new Hand on Cersei's part, no Val/Dalla/Mance's child, no Arianne, Arys, Aegon, Illyrio, Quentyn, fake Arya, Bran, Hodor, no Queensmaker plot at all, no Sam rigging the vote in Jon's favor, and then potentially lying about the count that he performed in blind Aemon's stead too boot. And Sam and Davos don't seem to be leaving any time soon. Tho that MIGHT change.

And the book deviations in Daenerys' story alone could make a endless list as well. I personally don't care and can't remember half the names of her ADWD supporting cast, but still.


Agreed on the Daeny stuff, but since they're supposed to be kind of padding this out to at least pretend to give fugly santa time to write the next book I'm pretty weirded out by the steps they've taken.

When am I going to see
Cersei getting naked whipped along the streets to her death
, if they change that I'll riot. Though they do seem to be on track for that.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I really like the fact that Tommen is in between Cersei and Margaery. I love their feud already, so you can't help feeling sorry for Tommen stuck being the mummy's boy and the new king/husband at the time. Without even reading the books, I can already feel that this season is highlighting the beginning of the end of Cersei, which I'm torn about because a) she's a fantastic bitch of a character I absolutely love and b) Lena Headey makes for such compelling viewing.

I'm not as invested in the whole Sansa/Bolton storyline, although they could be setting up something pretty big. And now that Littlefinger's heading back to King's Landing, it'll be nice to see Sansa in the, ahem, danger zone all on her own. Ramsey IS smitten by her, so it could be pretty interesting seeing her potentially emotionally manipulate him. Ramsey's been a brilliant bastard (pun intended :awesome:) so far, seeing him in a different light might be intriguing.

Tyrion is still being as witty as ever. I actually can't wait to see him finally come face to face with Daenerys.

I'm wondering how long Jon's going to cut it as commander. It's becoming ever so slightly tempting for him to go to Winterfell. After all, he broke his vows once by being with Ygritte. What's to stop him again?

As soon as Ser Barristan talked about songs, I knew he was going to bite the dust. I'm sad to see Greyworm go down as well. Going to be interesting to see how Daenerys tackles the Sons of the Harpy with yet another advisor gone.


Too add to my earlier list. While many of the things that were left out was replaced with something promising, or didn't interest me or were somehow understandable, what I find very disappointing is that Jorah and Tyrion have already left Volantis and are already on the water. That doesn't leave me with great confidence that'll get a chance to have their best interactions before things go south.


hooray needlessly added in homophobia in a fantasy setting which not only is not in the book but adds nothing to the show other than negatively equate a fictional religion to Christianity.

Marvellous job show, showing your ass I see.


Chloe Frazer
So I watched the other 3 episodes that were leaked and I'm about as ready to riot already. There's a lot of things I want to rant about but for the moment I'm just gonna stay with Dorne.
I think the show did a pretty bad job of establishing Doran, Areo Hotah and Tyene. Who's Ellaria daughter in the show unlike the books even though that doesn't make a whole of sense but whatever. Out of the large list of stupid things the show has done this season that's right at the bottom. Nym is my favorite Sand Snake and while her introduction was decent, AFFC did a lot better. Obara is the only one whose introduction was actually good.

But what really got me pissed was Ellaria. Even though in the books she's basically a one scene wonder, she's a personal favorite of mine. Because she is a smart, clever, practical woman that cares about her family's welfare first and understands that being obsessed with revenge only leads to a pointless endless cycle of suffering. She has one of my favorite quotes in the entire series directed at Obara, Nym and Tyene: "Oberyn wanted vengeance for Elia. Now the three of you want vengeance for him. I have four daughters, I remind you. Your sisters. My Elia is fourteen, almost a woman. Obella is twelve, on the brink of maidenhood. They worship you, as Dorea and Loreza worship them. If you should die, must El and Obella seek vengeance for you, then Dorea and Loree for them? Is that how it goes, round and round forever? I ask again, where does it end? I saw your father die. Here is his killer. Can I take a skull to bed with me, to give me comfort in the night? Will it make me laugh, write me songs, care for me when I am old and sick?".

I was really happy that show was going to give her more screentime but then I find that she's been turned into the exact opposite of what I love about her. The scene were she goes to talk to Doran is absolutely stupid, that was done by Obara in the books, down to threatening Areo. Apparently the show forgot that while Obara is combat proficient, Ellaria is not so having her threaten a massive badass like Areo is completely ridiculous.

Just for the record there have been changes from the books that I have liked this season, it just so happens that the ones I really don't are far more.

Dark Nation

Melodramatic much..
Ok so as some might know..

I only began watching GOT yesterday and I am only on season 1 episode 3.

A very quick first impression of what I thought...

Firstly it was a very strong start with the white walkers I think they're called.The violence was a little surprising, not shocking but I was half expecting some handy editing work and cut aways...

The cast is strong enough and the production value looks pretty decent.

Now, with all that bollox out of the road...


Very interesting that the show has the balls to go there and just put it there for all to see. But hey if Cersei was ermm...anyways whatever....

There was times during the first episode that it felt like I was watching a high budget medieval themed porno But I have this thing where I don't judge til I've at least seen the first series. I am from the school that Sex should be kept to a minimum in story telling, it really isn't that needed but then its not my story so fuck me.

I quite enjoy the Imp... He's a pragmatist I can tell.

I am not worried about spoilers or anything, After seeing Jamie blast into his own sister I don't think anything will shock me from this point on.

Daenerys to the untrained eye looks like a waste of a character and is purely there just to whap out the boobs a every chance... However something tells me there is a storm brewing in that young lass...So I'll cut her slack for now.

But yeah, Interesting show...


Yeah, I'm glad they toned the explicit boobars flying left and right out after the first couple episodes. It's still there from time to time, but not as much as in the first season.


Yeah, I'm glad they toned the explicit boobars flying left and right out after the first couple episodes. It's still there from time to time, but not as much as in the first season.

Lies and slander, now there's vag dancing around everywhere too. If anything it got worse and you're just used to it now.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
There have been quite a few dicks on Game of Thrones, including Theon's and Hodor's. I will say, though, that there haven't been that many erect dicks, and so it's not as fanservicey as the female nudity. These also aren't necessarily characters most female or gay male viewers want to see nude, so while the show is making gestures at fanservice equality, I'd say it still has a way to go.

Also, the link in Howl's poast is broken. I'm assuming she meant this article. :monster:


Also of note is that you don't see much vag. There is full frontal n00dity, but in women you kinda need an upward-angle spread-legs kinda pose to see vag, :monster:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Maisie on last week's Chatty Man talking about the show and her new film. I love her. <3


Dark Nation

Melodramatic much..
During episode 4 of season 2

* ahem * yes I am on season 2 already....

Melisandre calls Davos Seaworth an '' Onion Knight ''

Is that a shout out to Final Fantasy ?

* Edit *

Ok.......She's just given birth to a.........



Fuck it am outta here.



Could be a shoutout, but I'm not sure; it is in reference to him smuggling onions into Dragonstone back when at least.


Fiat Lux
Just been watching BBC's Atlantis. If they ever decide to cast Arianne Martell they could do worse than Aiysha Hart.


Not that I care about this godforsaken show, ofc. :monster:
Last edited:


Chloe Frazer
I saw the first season of Atlantis (average show) and Aiysha Hart is barely an ok actress. I'd prefer a good actress to play Arianne, that is if the show actually decides to cast her. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if she gets adapted out or made into a younger sibling. Since the show doesn't seem to care that Dorne practices absolute primogeniture. As they've already changed Doran's, Oberyn's and Elia's mother as head of House Martell to their father for no reason.

Dark Nation

Melodramatic much..
'' I was the last to join your army...I'm not your general or a member of your queens guard...I'm not a commander of the unsullied.......

and my mother was a whore ''

LOL! charmer.
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