Game of Thrones

I never come in here, mainly because book readers tend to spoil things (even if they aren't meaning to), but I wanted to say how much I loved Sams sex scene. That "oh my" was awesome.

So happy to see the white walker army finally ARRIVING after all this time.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
A/N: Welcome to chapter 48 of our asoiaf AU fic! DB and I are super excited to show you the following things:
-Tyrion and Dany joining forces, drinking together and having a laugh. Kawaii! (DB: Tyrion's now Barristan)
-Wun wun and Dolorous Edd fighting wights in a shack. Kawaii!
-Tormund, Jon Snow, and some free folk make a barricade against the Others in Hardhome. o_O

My reaction: Cool!


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Was sat in complete silence watching the last ten minutes or so. Absolutely astounding and stunning.


Fiat Lux
Anyone hear about that GoT editor who was mauled to death by a lion on safari when she thought it was a clever idea to wind the window down to take a photo?

The Lannisters send their regards. What, too soon?


Pro Adventurer
I'd guess it has something to do with
Stannis' decision to sacrifice Shireen. I'll admit, I didn't see it coming; it felt totally out of character for him, especially considering that he had given her an emotional talk just a couple of episodes prior to assure her that he wasn't ashamed of her. Up until the last moment, I thought he was going to put a stop to it. There weren't many "good" characters in the show left to root for, and after this episode, Stannis has dropped off the list
I never liked Stannis and never considered him "good". Honestly I have wanted to see him fail from the start. :P That's just the gut feeling I've had since he first appeared in the show. To me the sacrifice of Shireen doesn't feel out of character, as it's all in line with Stannis's obsession to become the one true king. He has reason to believe in blood magic and the power of sacrificing royal blood so I am not surprised to see him burn his own daughter for his higher goal. Honestly it feels waaaaay more out of character for me that his wife suddenly realized that she loves her own daughter. I think that was done to enhance the effect of Stannis's determination.

Now that royal blood has been sacrificed he's probably going to win the next coming battles but I'll be happy if he doesn't. I want to see him and Melisandre (whom I like to call the "lead singer of Within Temptation" because every time she is on screen I expect her symphonic metal band to appear and for her to start singing). XD

I'm really liking this season.


Pro Adventurer
I never liked Stannis and never considered him "good". Honestly I have wanted to see him fail from the start. :P That's just the gut feeling I've had since he first appeared in the show. To me the sacrifice of Shireen doesn't feel out of character, as it's all in line with Stannis's obsession to become the one true king. He has reason to believe in blood magic and the power of sacrificing royal blood so I am not surprised to see him burn his own daughter for his higher goal. Honestly it feels waaaaay more out of character for me that his wife suddenly realized that she loves her own daughter. I think that was done to enhance the effect of Stannis's determination.
I might have said this before - if not online, then definitely offline - but I didn't like Stannis at the beginning either. It's just that most of my favourite characters (like Robb Stark) are already dead, so I had to find other people to support. I agree that his wife's reaction was out of character though.

Now that royal blood has been sacrificed he's probably going to win the next coming battles but I'll be happy if he doesn't. I want to see him and Melisandre (whom I like to call the "lead singer of Within Temptation" because every time she is on screen I expect her symphonic metal band to appear and for her to start singing). XD
You want to see him and Melisandre what? :P And would you really root for the Boltons over Stannis? If a victory for Stannis means Ramsay gets chopped up into a thousand pieces, I'm all for it.

How long do we have to use the spoiler tags for? Can we discuss the season openly once it's finished?


Pro Adventurer
About the whole Stannis thing, I don't think it was that much out of character. After all he didn't give Shireen up right away. It was only after he believed that it was the only way to go that he did it. There was a kind of build up to it too. You could see that it wasn't the decision that he wanted to make. He looked so much older too and I believe it is to show how he's had a hard time with the winter coming before he was able to attack and now they have no food and they've lost most of their horses. He believed that by sacrifising his daughter he could save lives.

Still I hope that he will burn for what he did to his daughter. Sooner or later.

Overall I liked the episode, especially the ending. Also I hope that Daenerys will burn the damn city to the ground in the next episode.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I think Stannis has been out of character for a while and as soon as Shireen started telling the story, I had this awful gut feeling she was going to bite the dust. Didn't expect her to exit like that, though. And JUST when Davos left...

Also, Daenerys riding Drogon like a boss made the episode fo rme. Tyrion's remarks felt like an added bonus. Let's hope Mereen bows down to her in the next episode, but you never know.


Chloe Frazer


Also The Mary Sue will no longer be promoting GoT


Save your valediction (she/her)
I'll watch the next episode, for closure's sake, but the fire has been out for a while. Can't stomach it anymore, rape and torture have been taking up most of the screentime since Season 3. Farewell, ta ta, and a very merry valar morghulis to you all.
Farewell, Jon Snow (and all those other people who died).

Interesting to see how there is so much hatred for this show. I personally don't relate. Every episode from the beginning has been difficult for my nerves, yes, because there is so much cruelty going on. Game of Thrones feed on shock value. That has been the premise from the start and I am okay with that.

I guess I can understand though that some people may have different triggers. For me, nothing so far has exceeded the shock of seeing a pregnant woman being stabbed (right in the stomach no less) in the Red Wedding. That moment gives my brain a blue screen of death, essentially. No amount of killing, mutilation or rape has been able to get that level of primordial "THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN" reaction out of me. Maybe that's where I am the most sensitive because it's so rare to see infanticide on the screen.

What I've noticed with not only discussion boards on Game of Thrones, but TV shows in general is that they are a real bummer to browse. =/ There is so much hatred in them, which I suppose reflects a really huge passion for TV entertainment. The pity is that it makes me avoid such discussion boards. There is no fun in constant outcries about supposed moral downfall, OOC moments, sub-optimal book-to-show adaptation choices etc.

Criticism has its place, no doubt. Somewhere along the line the fun is lost on me though. Ergo why I will yet again retreat from this thread (apart from peeking in again to see if I unintentionally pissed somebody off) because I just wanted to vent a little about why I usually don't click on this thread. Everybody keep on venting about their own stuff, in true fairness. :monster:

#peace #no-preaching-intended #love #everybody-is-free-to-do-whatever
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Maybe it's just my disconnection from seeing whats on the screen as reality (not that I'm assuming you all cant tell the difference), but there is very little that will offend me when it comes to tv/movies in terms of "shock value". When those moments happen, in game of thrones at least, I'm more shocked at how those moments will effect the story going forth, and how characters will respond, rather than seeing the act itself. My biggest shock from the red wedding was how the rest of westeros will be effected by it, rather than who stabbed who in the belly.
It's partly why I'm never satisfied by series finales. I'm interested to see the effects of actions, rather than the actions themselves.

Maybe I'm some form of sociopath though, since it feels like I'm usually alone in this aspect.


Farewell, Jon Snow (and all those other people who died).

Interesting to see how there is so much hatred for this show. I personally don't relate. Every episode from the beginning has been difficult for my nerves, yes, because there is so much cruelty going on. Game of Thrones feed on shock value. That has been the premise from the start and I am okay with that.

I heavily, heavily disagree. The first episodes yes, had cruelty. It also portrayed the Stark House having a happy family before then. We had minor victories for Tyrion, Ned's death inspired many people to take up arms and the guy with the biggest army was Renly, because people LIKED him.

These days Ramsay's impervious to any retribution because his cruelty makes him invincible in combat and immune to bloodmagic and through their cruelty the Bolton have the loyalty of thousands of Northerns now. The only noteworthy people willing to help Sansa is an Ironborn and two Southerners. That's a bit of switch.

I guess I can understand though that some people may have different triggers. For me, nothing so far has exceeded the shock of seeing a pregnant woman being stabbed (right in the stomach no less) in the Red Wedding. That moment gives my brain a blue screen of death, essentially. No amount of killing, mutilation or rape has been able to get that level of primordial "THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN" reaction out of me. Maybe that's where I am the most sensitive because it's so rare to see infanticide on the screen.

The Red Wedding was a carefully orchastrated affair by Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton and Walter Frey and it's crystal clear why, from their point of view, Robb's defeat needed to happen. I wouldn't aquate that with Jon and Shireen being murdered on a half-hearted whim here.

What I've noticed with not only discussion boards on Game of Thrones, but TV shows in general is that they are a real bummer to browse. =/ There is so much hatred in them, which I suppose reflects a really huge passion for TV entertainment. The pity is that it makes me avoid such discussion boards. There is no fun in constant outcries about supposed moral downfall, OOC moments, sub-optimal book-to-show adaptation choices etc.

Criticism has its place, no doubt. Somewhere along the line the fun is lost on me though. Ergo why I will yet again retreat from this thread (apart from peeking in again to see if I unintentionally pissed somebody off) because I just wanted to vent a little about why I usually don't click on this thread. Everybody keep on venting about their own stuff, in true fairness. :monster:

#peace #no-preaching-intended #love #everybody-is-free-to-do-whatever

Couldn't agree more with this, the stupidity of S6 has sucked the fun out of the fandom.
The Red Wedding was a carefully orchastrated affair by Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton and Walter Frey and it's crystal clear why, from their point of view, Robb's defeat needed to happen. I wouldn't aquate that with Jon and Shireen being murdered on a half-hearted whim here.
I think what you are referring to here is a disagreement with the direction of the plot. What I meant with my reaction to a pregnant woman being stabbed is that the scene shocks me on a fundamental level of my psyche, making it feel like the very fabric of reality has been sinned and tainted. The plot, and whether or not an event is justified given character motivations etc is a different matter.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I no more believe that
's death is going to stick than I believe that Homer and Marge's divorce is going to stick, or that I believed Brian's death would stick in Family Guy, irrespective of what the creators say.

Regardless, I guess I'll have to catch up with this show now, since it seems to have passed the books. I suspect several parts of it will end up pissing me off, though.


Chloe Frazer
Several? More like all of it.

Shademp - Is not shock value that has so many people angry and no longer wanting to watch the show anymore. About 95% of the books changes done this season have been incredibly moronic, make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Derailed characters and have made for an absolute plot hole induced mess of a season. Oh and then there's the appalling amount of misogyny that has plagued the season.
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