Game of Thrones


Pro Adventurer
season 5 is my least favorite so far. I started off watching the series, and then after season 2 I read all the books, because I couldn't wait. I'm not saying season 5 sucked or anything, though some people think it did, but it's not my favorite. Hopefully they get better again for next season. If Jon Snow doesn't come back, then there's not much left to root for, and even though GoT is kind of a villains rule world, it gets tiring if there's no good guys left.


Chloe Frazer
I'm one of the people that thought it fucking sucked. I don't see it getting any better going forward since the show went completely off the rails and did some serious irreparable damage. And it's gonna be really hard for David and Dan to shake off the extremely deserved misogyny accusations going forward.

For me season 5 was such a low point that I would sooner wait another 20 years for Martin to finish the books (I sincerely hope that doesn't happen) than watch any future seasons of GoT or read any spoilers.


Pro Adventurer
^Well there's always the sliiiiiiiiiiiiight possibility he'll finish the 6th book before they make the next season. :monster: I hope so, because it really seems to me like David and Dan ran out of good material to go off of and just started doing their own thing to reach the endgame.
I think the books and show will end the same way, but it'll be a lot different getting there, apparently.

There's no denying that this season was below the others.


The next season has some cereal catching up to do and I mean they left some stuff out from the books that's's like...

Now I wonder if they'll botch in some book stuff they skipped over to be able to stretch the season out.

But you know, if the majority thinks season 5 sucks, then season 6 might just be the last one - if it even gets aired. Actually never mind, season 5 still got the most viewers of all seasons so far, :/.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It’s already been officially confirmed by HBO that they’re going to make seven seasons, anyway.

Cookie Monster

So, there's an "Honor the Fallen: Game of Thrones In Memoriam Collection" of toys and items sold that honor major characters that have died on the show. I appreciate the lack of Jon Snow related merchandise. :awesomonster:

Ghost X


At the very least I agree with the idea that whatever the ending is it won't be as straight forward as most fan speculation seems to make it out to be. Such a devastating twist as described in the video would be excellent.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Soo according to Watchers on the Wall, they've only gone and cast a young Ned Stark for the next season.

Or at least it's not official yet. :monster:

But here you go.



Young Ned Stark means...possibly....
Lyanna sighting

That would make them unreleased book spoilers, :monster:. Actually there were some of those in S4 already, probably, maybe. Or that was the creators making shit up as they went :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I think with the casting of a young Ned Stark, in addition to the Arthur Dayne-type figure they sent out a casting call for, I think it's safe to assume that Bran is going to be taking the audience on a few trips through the past (and quite possibly the future). I think it would make the most sense, as his green sight has allowed him to see into the past before. And there's also speculation that before Jon is resurrected, he could experience visions of the past while his spirit is in a sort of limbo.

This video by Alt Shift X explains that theory a little better. It's more toward the end of the video, but the whole thing is just an awesome presentation overall.

All in all, I totally can't wait for Season 6. And I just got back from a convention last weekend, so my GoT/ASoIaF hype has restarted all over again.
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trash panda

^ I put some spoiler tags in your post because spoilers. :monster:

I can't remember if
any of the Starks had visions of the future in the books. I'm am mostly certain that Bran will show us some young Ned/Brandon/Lyana. All I want is to see the Tower of Joy and Howland Reed. ^_^


Pro Adventurer
^ I put some spoiler tags in your post because spoilers. :monster:

I can't remember if
any of the Starks had visions of the future in the books. I'm am mostly certain that Bran will show us some young Ned/Brandon/Lyana. All I want is to see the Tower of Joy and Howland Reed. ^_^

Sorry, my bad! :wallbanger:

Given that warging runs strongly within the family, I wouldn't put it past any of them besides Bran to be able to develop green sight as well. Bran is just the special one that gets to train with the Three-Eyed Raven.

I wonder if they're even going to bring Howland Reed into the show. There's definitely ways of revealing Jon's parentage without bringing in another character. That's not to say that I wouldn't want to see him though... but there are ways around it.

trash panda

so many things relating to Lyanna and Rhaegar have been either omitted from the show or underplayed. I feel like any mention of them so far has been done in a such a dim light that doesn't really illustrate just how important they were.

In the show:
+ Rhaegar was not shown in the House of the Undying
+ (Lyanna's) blue rose growing on the wall was not shown in the House of the Undying
+ (IIRC) the Knight of the Laughing Tree was either not mentioned or the show or it didn't link the story to Lyanna as it should have (I can't remember that far back :lol:)

In that regard....I'm really hopeful about Howland's appearance but I won't be surprised if he's omitted or merged with another character (and character merging seems to be popular on this show).

Something I REALLY can't wait to see: What the hell happened to Osha, Rickon, Shaggydog, and Davos! :monster:


Pro Adventurer
so many things relating to Lyanna and Rhaegar have been either omitted from the show or underplayed. I feel like any mention of them so far has been done in a such a dim light that doesn't really illustrate just how important they were.

In the show:
+ Rhaegar was not shown in the House of the Undying
+ (Lyanna's) blue rose growing on the wall was not shown in the House of the Undying
+ (IIRC) the Knight of the Laughing Tree was either not mentioned or the show or it didn't link the story to Lyanna as it should have (I can't remember that far back :lol:)

In that regard....I'm really hopeful about Howland's appearance but I won't be surprised if he's omitted or merged with another character (and character merging seems to be popular on this show).

Something I REALLY can't wait to see: What the hell happened to Osha, Rickon, Shaggydog, and Davos! :monster:

I think the reason they've kept the Lyanna/Rhaegar story so downplayed is that they're either saving up for a big revelation,

And to be fair, there's still much that we don't even know in the novels. We don't know if Lyanna went with Rhaegar willingly, rather than the kidnapping theory the majority of Westeros is so fond of, we don't know if they secretly wed during Robert's Rebellion (Targs are fond of polygamy, so it's not out of the question, even though Rhaegar was still married to Elia), we don't know why he even wanted her in the first place.

My thing is that even though they may not mention these details in the show's universe, doesn't mean that they don't in fact 'exist' or have taken place. There just hasn't been a character to talk about them. And we're not privy to the character's inner thoughts like we are in the books.

Well, since Davos is still at the Wall in the show, and since they sped up Stannis's storyline, I suspect he will probably leave the Wall in search of Rickon once Jon is up and running again. He has no other loyalty now, so I expect he'll probably pledge himself to the next best family: the Starks.


Pro Adventurer
Even if last season wasn't the best, I still enjoyed it. :monster: Anyway,
so if the Lyanna and Rhaegar theory is truly true, and Jon is their child, how depressing would it be if the show actually left Jon dead, but still revealed the parentage to Bran? And then the whole world would probably go to hell.
Anyway, I fully think Jon's going to be resurrected, but who knows for sure until it happens.

And I love the R+L=J theory so much, it totally fits and has so many snippets that point towards it being true! :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Even if last season wasn't the best, I still enjoyed it. :monster: Anyway,
so if the Lyanna and Rhaegar theory is truly true, and Jon is their child, how depressing would it be if the show actually left Jon dead, but still revealed the parentage to Bran? And then the whole world would probably go to hell.
Anyway, I fully think Jon's going to be resurrected, but who knows for sure until it happens.

And I love the R+L=J theory so much, it totally fits and has so many snippets that point towards it being true! :awesome:

That would suck so much, and also completely destroy what's left of the narrative. A lot of people may not like Jon Snow, just like a lot of people don't like Dany, but their stories have been built up for 5 books/seasons now, and for Jon to die and not be brought back at all... it makes no sense. And I'm not a raving Jon Snow fangirl, so I'm not biased in favor of his character at all. It just makes no sense the way D&D have done the narrative not to bring him back.

Let's look at some of the evidence the show has presented us with:

In the third season, the story deliberately diverts from the books by having Melisandre running into the Brotherhood Without Banners, meeting Thoros of Myr and Beric Dondarrion, showing the audience that no only can Red priests bring back the dead, but they can do it more than once, and that Melisandre is aware of this (although she is initially in disbelief), and Thoros of Myr brought Beric back seemingly with no great sacrifices of King's blood. Beric says Melisandre was sent to them for a reason--I don't believe it was just to collect Gendry and be done with it. I believe it was to show Melisandre that if a drunk like Thoros can raise the dead, so can she. And if she's still juiced up from sacrificing Shireen, it may have unintended side effects.

It may not have seemed important at the time, but I believe the writers gave us those scenes in the third season for a purpose. Unlike in the books, we're not privy to characters inner thoughts, so they have to come up with different ways to make us understand different concepts.

Now, flash forward to Season 5. For whatever reason, instead of having Melisandre, Shireen, and Selyse remain at the Wall, they sped up Stannis's story line, sacrificed Shireen, showed Stannis's defeat, and then, very conveniently, Melisandre shows back up at the wall, looking full of regret and horribly dejected, mere minutes before we see Jon assassinated.


I know people have criticized the some of the writing this season, but this one, small scene was done very deliberately for a reason. Yes, the writers have admitted that Jon Snow is dead, but that never mean that he couldn't come back. They're getting into unexplored territory with the 6th season, so it comes as no surprise that they're making a big secret of everything. Even Kit Harrington telling the world that he won't be coming back makes no fricking sense either. And the fact that he was spotted in Belfast without having his hair cut... Not buying it. Not one bit.


Pro Adventurer
I'd like to make a completely unofficial (i.e. I'm not a moderator) request.

When using spoiler tags, please indicate what you are spoiling. I'm interested in reading theories about season 5, for example, but I have no interest in reading anything about season 6. I'd rather have no preconceptions when I start watching it. You can do this by using putting, for example,
="Season 5 spoiler"
after the word SPOILER in your opening spoiler tag. Thank you. :)


Pro Adventurer
I'd like to make a completely unofficial (i.e. I'm not a moderator) request.

When using spoiler tags, please indicate what you are spoiling. I'm interested in reading theories about season 5, for example, but I have no interest in reading anything about season 6. I'd rather have no preconceptions when I start watching it. You can do this by using putting, for example,
="Season 5 spoiler"
after the word SPOILER in your opening spoiler tag. Thank you. :)

My bad. :wallbanger:

The only reason I'm tagging everything is basically because everything in Season 5 is tying to closely into potential plot points for Season 6, but I'll do better with tagging only the specifics.
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