I'm having a poke around the potential candidates for Azor Ahai reborn. I genuinely think that Dany is the most likely candidate because she woke stone dragons, smoke/salt/bleeding red star, etc...
Only, AA wielded lightbringer, which was forged by the murder of his wife. I wonder if Dany (or whoever AA Reborn is) will forge a new lightbringer, and if it will be forged through murder as well.
IF Dany is AA I don't see her wielding a sword...I don't remember reading any chapters in which she used a sword as a weapon, or even actually
fought. And she doesn't have a wife (or husband) that she loves to thrust a sword in. I think her most beloved companion is Drogon. Ho hum...
I don't think that her dragons
are lightbringer. The original lightbringer was forged as I said by thrusting the sword into the heart of a loved one. Dany killed Drogo, but she didn't do it to procure a weapon. She didn't do it out of selfish desire either; it was out of compassion.
...I just wonder if she'll wind up having to sacrifice Drogon...that is if she IS AA and needs a new lightbringer.