Game of Thrones


Pro Adventurer
I was shocked to see Stannis go. But then I remembered the time before I read the books and how I saw the character when I had only watched two seasons. I think Stannis' end is fitting for the show character, the gothic horror character who had sex with Melisandre on the war table. In fact, most of the changes are fitting for the show.
There are some scenes that aren't very intelligent still. Like Shae with Tywin which didn't make sense in context with the show. The Trant scene where he is beating the kids was unnecessary, but what really should have happened would be Arya (using a child's face) seducing him, getting into bed with him and then her killing him. For obvious reasons they couldn't show this, but their are ways to suggest it than the haphazard way they went about it.

The show is a mix of good and bad like every adaptation. Albeit it's no longer an adaptation but its own entity.
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Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Dumping this here:



Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Urgh, Ramsey. Urgh, Stannis. After Eps 9, Stannis became my most hated character ever... surpassing even Joffrey, and that's no simple feat.

Also, there's a lot of theories floating on the interwebs that
regarding Jon's death, his storyline will be combined with Lady Stoneheart's, Catelyn's reanimated zombie, and he'll be reborn and come back for revenge. Or, Mel will just raise him from the dead and he'll awaken normally/unzombied, but be reborn again as the true Azor Ahai. Since he'll have been dead, his oath to the Watch will have been completed, and then he'll be able to complete his true destiny. It's been long speculated he may have been Azor Ahai since in the books, there's a couple references that all Mel has visions of, " Snow."


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised, but quite pleased that
Lady Stoneheart was involved. When that wasn't going ahead, I was a bit disappointed. I haven't read the books, but I've heard about that particular part.

trash panda

Carlie entered my member spotlight thrad and got me started googling GoT theories. Now I can't stop.

THANKS A LOT. :monster:


Chloe Frazer
Oh please Howl, you say that as if you didn't do that in the past. You're our resident theory expert for a reason. :monster:

trash panda

I'm having a poke around the potential candidates for Azor Ahai reborn. I genuinely think that Dany is the most likely candidate because she woke stone dragons, smoke/salt/bleeding red star, etc...

Only, AA wielded lightbringer, which was forged by the murder of his wife. I wonder if Dany (or whoever AA Reborn is) will forge a new lightbringer, and if it will be forged through murder as well.

IF Dany is AA I don't see her wielding a sword...I don't remember reading any chapters in which she used a sword as a weapon, or even actually fought. And she doesn't have a wife (or husband) that she loves to thrust a sword in. I think her most beloved companion is Drogon. Ho hum...

I don't think that her dragons are lightbringer. The original lightbringer was forged as I said by thrusting the sword into the heart of a loved one. Dany killed Drogo, but she didn't do it to procure a weapon. She didn't do it out of selfish desire either; it was out of compassion.

...I just wonder if she'll wind up having to sacrifice Drogon...that is if she IS AA and needs a new lightbringer. :wacky:


I'm inclined to think Azor Ahai is just a load of bollocks from wossname to motivate people. In the books and even moreso in the TV show, Stannis doesn't actually seem impressed or swayed too much by her, :monster:.

Is Winds of Winter done yet? I'm waiting for everything to not end up going in the direction as everyone is theorizing it's going to go, :awesome:. Page one: Dany, Jon and Tyrion die in an anticlimatic fashion (Dany falls off her dragon or chokes on a fishbone, Jon dies of gangrene caused by frostbite or a shaving accident, and Tyrion's liver finally tells him to fuck off)

trash panda

I'm inclined to think Azor Ahai is just a load of bollocks from wossname to motivate people.



Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.


He's kept his hair the same. :awesome:


Chloe Frazer
Probably because he's not out of the show. There's a 0% chance Jon Snow has been killed off for real.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, Jon Snow's death is no more going to stick than Homer and Marge's divorce is. Though at least the latter is a blatant publicity stunt (like Brian's death on Family Guy); I suspect Jon's death is actually intended to fool some people.


Probably because he's not out of the show. There's a 0% chance Jon Snow has been killed off for real.

Well hey, if they can
fish dead and half-decapitated Catelyn Stark's bloated corpse out the water and sorta revive it, why not him too? :awesome:. Plus there's Coldhands who isn't really dead, an army of undead just past the wall who have Ways, and he's like a warg of sorts so he might as well have moved to Hodor or whoever.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Undead Catelyn isn't in the show, though, and apparently isn't going to be, which leads me to suspect that Brienne's oath to her in the books isn't going to have any effect on the plot. And didn't they take Coldhands out too? Which, if he's Benjen as a lot of people theorise, is a pretty dumb move.

But yeah, the fact that Melisandre moved to where Jon is is a pretty big clue that he's not meant to stay dead, given what we know about red priest(esse)s being able to revive people.


Pro Adventurer
Before I post anything here pertaining to season 5, I have to ask a question: How do you do spoiler tags? I'm still a newbie. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
[spoiler]text goes here[/spoiler] produces
text goes here
, and [spoiler=special text goes here]text goes here[/spoiler] produces
text goes here
. There's a complete guide to bbcode here.


Undead Catelyn isn't in the show, though, and apparently isn't going to be, which leads me to suspect that Brienne's oath to her in the books isn't going to have any effect on the plot. And didn't they take Coldhands out too? Which, if he's Benjen as a lot of people theorise, is a pretty dumb move.

But yeah, the fact that Melisandre moved to where Jon is is a pretty big clue that he's not meant to stay dead, given what we know about red priest(esse)s being able to revive people.

Yeah, that's kinda dumb. They're keeping characters out and working themselves in a right mess :monster:. I haven't actually watched any of season 5 yet; is it actually any good anywhere like, at all, like?


Pro Adventurer
Could I ask people to state whether the spoilers are from the books or from the tv series on the spoiler tags? I'm planning on reading the books at some point and at the moment I can't tell from most of the spoiler tags whether they have spoilers from the show or from the books or possibly both. I would really appreciate this.


Chloe Frazer
Yeah, that's kinda dumb. They're keeping characters out and working themselves in a right mess :monster:. I haven't actually watched any of season 5 yet; is it actually any good anywhere like, at all, like?

The 8th episode Hawthorne (or whatever it was called, I don't really care) was a good one. Mostly because of the special effects and fights scenes though. As you're a book reader there's little chance you'll enjoy the season so I would suggest you just avoid it, it ain't worth it.

Could I ask people to state whether the spoilers are from the books or from the tv series on the spoiler tags? I'm planning on reading the books at some point and at the moment I can't tell from most of the spoiler tags whether they have spoilers from the show or from the books or possibly both. I would really appreciate this.

Yop and Aaron have book spoilers under their tags so avoid that.

trash panda

The next season has some cereal catching up to do and I mean they left some stuff out from the books that's's like...


My most majorly gripe of them all is the absence of Victarion because HELLO, Dragon Horn.

I still have ants in my pants because Rhaegar didn't appear in the House of the Undying. <__<

Oh, and I guess Arianne has been either completely stomped out or she was replaced by/merged with Elia....?
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