Game of Thrones


Pro Adventurer
All right, so I've been seeing rumors of a prequel series across the internet, and supposedly some actors have been propositioned for the younger counterparts of known characters. I'm not even going to bother linking the article, because I hate fueling rumors, and who knows how true it actually is.

Honestly... I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'd rather HBO just end Game of Thrones, and leave it at that. However, due to corporate greed, it's understandable that HBO would want to continue the franchise to fill their own pockets. On one side of the scale, I would love to see Robert's Rebellion brought to life. On another, I am desperately just wanting them to leave that side of the story alone. GRRM will elaborate on the shady areas of the war at some point or another; I'd rather not have a team of writers play fan fiction with a side of the story that we really know nothing about. Before anyone asks how I can be against this but not what D&D have done in the show so far... I can't explain it, I really can't. Hopefully someone understands!
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Pro Adventurer
I'd like to make a completely unofficial (i.e. I'm not a moderator) request.

When using spoiler tags, please indicate what you are spoiling. I'm interested in reading theories about season 5, for example, but I have no interest in reading anything about season 6. I'd rather have no preconceptions when I start watching it. You can do this by using putting, for example,
="Season 5 spoiler"
after the word SPOILER in your opening spoiler tag. Thank you. :)

I never knew how to make the spoiler tags actually have a different word other than 'spoiler' on it, so thanks for explaining how to do it, Flint. :joy:


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Just watched it. I see they couldn't afford the number of new cast members it would take to tell the story, so they are just using people they still have under contract to have fun.


Pro Adventurer
Just watched it. I see they couldn't afford the number of new cast members it would take to tell the story, so they are just using people they still have under contract to have fun.

It's not a matter of not being able to afford new cast members or 'having fun'. The writers didn't want to bring in new characters because they already have multiple storylines going, and they've chosen the characters that have the most to contribute to the end game of the plot. And also, it'd just be stupid to bring in a character (take Jeyne Pool for instance), that they chose not to include in the show from the beginning, and all of sudden have a plotline revolve around her. Rather than bring in another and butcher them for the storyline, they've just combined different storylines and characters.

Of course it sucks not to see some of favorites from the books grace our tv screens, but that's the nature of the beast when it comes to adapting a universe as wide as GRRM's for a TV series that only has 10 hour long episodes per season. The writers also have to take viewers who have never read the books and aren't going to read the books into consideration as well.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.

trash panda

Carlie, as soon as she started slipping spoilers I thought of you. :monster:

And I just thought up the perfect Halloween costume for you this year: a spoiler tag. :monster:


Chloe Frazer
I picture it being like this:



Harbinger O Great Justice

I never cease to be impressed with all of the digital effects that you never notice, and how thoroughly detailed they are.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I won't believe that unless
he stays dead the entire rest of the series. Until the end, I fully expect him to come back to life at some point. If not just to wave at us during the end credits. :monster:


Great Old One
"Raping Sansa Stark"? That was not a rape scene. That was rape porn. :/


It is known, :monster:.
That dude that played Oberyn (iirc) stayed attached to the franchise / media / fanbase for a long time after he was out of the show too; can't blame him, he was popular and it's good for his career.

Ghost X

Not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread yet, but: Game of Thrones is a story about world powers that are too busy fighting each other over short term interests to notice a growing international threat that only they have the power to fight against through their collective action. Whenever this threat is spoken of in the story by the powerful though, they tend to deny it exists. Only the poor and the wise people living in the north of Westeros that it affects the most and who sees evidence of it (respectively) recognises the threat.

GRRM has apparently confirmed the story is inspired by real world happenings :P.


Pro Adventurer
^Basically, yeah. :monster: Those in positions of great power (in that book and many times in the real world) want to do what they can to keep it. They're only concerned for themselves and keeping themselves in power, and think the dangers up north don't exist or are too far away.

This just makes me excited to see White Walkers take some of these 'powerful people' out, because they're so caught up in their own little kingdoms and 'war games' that they won't do anything to actually help the world. if it's not too late.


I guess you could watch House of Cards to see something similar there - it's about the higher echelons of the US government, but it's really lacking in actual governing and more about getting and keeping in power. It shows some tactics about forcing and/or influencing a vote too (think the filibuster), which is... actually it's depressing, I hope it's mostly fiction, :monster:

Also, white walkers? Next you'll tell me grumpkins and snarks exist!
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