Game of Thrones



Win image, :monster:. Could also be one of those 2 girls 1 cup ones though.


wangxian married
Also I haven't seen a Pycelle .gif yet. However,


I was curious about that scene cause I knew she wouldn't get burned but for like two seconds I thought she was going to grow wings and be this crazy dragon lady ahaha

but you know baby dragons are pretty cool too
i was starting to wonder if they'd ever hatch


I was curious about that scene cause I knew she wouldn't get burned but for like two seconds I thought she was going to grow wings and be this crazy dragon lady ahaha

but you know baby dragons are pretty cool too
i was starting to wonder if they'd ever hatch

Actually, for the most part of the book, I
didn't believe they'd ever hatch, i.e. that they were just ornamental and very valuable.
I'm gullible like that, :monster:.

And the TV show only emphasized my WTF about why Dany
kept trusting what's-her-name, Mirri Maz Duur? I mean yeah, she (thought she) saved her at first, and may have been naïve enough to believe that act alone would give her eternal gratitude and loyalty and shit, but trusting her after Drogo getting an infection in his (tiny) wound with his life? Okay, she was desperate and there were no other witches in there.

anyways. Pwned. Both of 'em.

Speaking of, I was reminded that there isn't really much happening in book two, so I wonder what they're going to do to keep season 2 / 3 interesting.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'm a couple days late poasting this, but Natalie Dormer, possibly best known for playing Anne Boleyn in The Tudors, has been cast to play the part of Margaery Tyrell, Loras's sister.



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
haaaa, that's amusing. What kind of cartridges are those?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
ah, that would be why I didn't recognize them :monster:


That one's... Pretty bad / lame, actually, :monster:. Not every caption you put on random images is fun.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V



will be adding the top two as emoticons probably, as well as a few others

Also be wary of pretty much anything Game of Thrones or ASoIaF related right now because there are ADwD spoilers all over the internets.



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Been reading the first book. Fantastic! As has been said, the show seems to follow it quite accurately. Hopefully it stays that way (sometimes shows start that way and then start to alter).

Do all the books' chapters follow the same formula - chapter per character? I kind of like that.

Jon Snow is a fabulous character, and I love the relationships he has with all the other characters (Arya & Robb), even Catelyn. Oddly enough, I like Catelyn a bit less, so far anyway XD The word "bastard" is used like water XD

And I love Arya's character - very identifiable for females (the non-lady ones :awesome:), even at the age of 9. I didn't realize Bran's name is Brandon. Did they say it in the show and I missed it? Tyrian is just as cool, ofc.

I'm having a bit of trouble keeping track of the "unseen" folks. Like Ned/Catelyn/Robert's family & friends. Like who people are related to & what their roles are/were: Jon Arryn, the West Hand guy (forget his name), the old king, etc.

I am thoroughly enjoying Martin's writing style so far. It is incredibly engaging and easy to read. And (at least thus far) there are no parts I feel are extraneous or wordy.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Do all the books' chapters follow the same formula - chapter per character? I kind of like that.

You may find the summaries at useful for keeping track of characters. There are settings that allow you to select what material you've already read so you can avoid spoilers.


Yeah, the 'backstory', i.e. who is the old king andsoforth, is sorta referred through throughout the books. I quite like it, actually, it's like the book (and series) starts off at part 2, or even is a sequel of sorts to a previous epic fantasy series, telling the stories of Ned and Robert and the Kingthlayer and a bunch of other guys from 20 years ago.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if either Martin or HBO do a prequel at one point or another, :monster:.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Gwendoline Christie, an oft-mentioned fan favourite choice for the rôle, has been cast as Brienne of Tarth. I personally think she's quite a bit too pretty for the rôle, but then again so is Peter Dinklage. Makeup can do a lot, and her acting ability is what really matters. She's also a huge fan of the series, which means she's probably already hugely invested in the part.


More importantly, for a sake of perspective:


In less serious news,



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Oh, I should mention:

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if either Martin or HBO do a prequel at one point or another, :monster:.
There already are three prequels. Novellas called The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword, and The Mystery Knight.


Orite, should still read those :monster:.

Also, is she really huge, or is the other woman just tiny? :monster:

She does have the 'homely face' thing going on though, at least structurally. I do hope they don't make her look too pretty.


Fire and Blood
Nah she's really huge XD

Martin also said that she went to the audition not looking like herself, but like Brienne. So, no fear =)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
She's like 6'3" or something. She'll tower over most of the other actors except Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Conan Stevens.

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
I just really need to know who is playing Jaqen H'ghar. You don't understand how badly I need to know this information he is one of my favorite characters.

I have faith in the casting department because they've done a great job so far but still. Must. Know.
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