Game of Thrones


Pro Adventurer
I would take it with a grain of salt. I think what it's trying to to impart is that no character is immune to death, hence the ending shot.

I don't think they're actually killing off any more of the main characters this season. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
What I meant was, I don't think either Tyrion, Dany, Arya, or Sansa will die this season.

This is my thoughts too. Spoiler tagging the rest for, er, I dunno.... innocent unspoiled eyes :monster:
I know GRRM hasn't had any qualms in killing literally any character, but these four... they seem like they have 'too much story' with them. I mean if Arya dies, where does her story go? Nowhere, I mean no one would even miss her, knows she's dead, ect; that'd just be stupid, when she has good potential to affect the main story/other characters. Not saying she couldn't do some epic stuff and then get killed at the end of this season, though. I mean, I ain't going to get to comfortable... still would feel like a waste though. :monster:

Sansa, yeah probably safe, I know I didn't like her character in the first season but since then I've liked her, and so much stuff happens in her storyline now that I hope it continues on. If she's killed right now, then what's the point of her surviving the fall, ect. Again though, lots can happen in one season, so who knows. My personal desire is to see her survive though, she's been through so much shit (much like Arya), I want to see them reunite someday at the end or before.

Dany, I would say she's 'too important' to get rid of, sort of like Arya in the sense that if she was killed, what did her story accomplish? Well okay, maybe a few things by now, such as setting a stage in the east for god knows what, and having three dragons loosed in the world... but without her guidance, I feel like the dragons would die off anyway, surely, without ever doing much. Not to mention fans would be pissed if she dies after her story building up so much and then... nothing :wacky: She needs to do something huge.
Maybe I just want to see her battling White Walkers with Drogon :monster:

Tyrion, hmm... definitely a survivor, I'd think he's got a big chance to making it to the end as well. Also has a lot of stuff surrounding him, all the time. He's very much a center player. However I know how much GRRM likes to subvert tropes and destroy the characters you think are safe, so.... where was I going with this? :monster:


You never know, they might just be killed for shock value :monster:.

I mean Ned was pretty much the main character and very important and shit in the first book / season (and the TV show probably had an even bigger impact because well-known Hollywood actor and shit that was on all the marketing material), he got offed. Rob was the King in the North, a prominent character for four seasons. Dead'd. Etc

TL;DR, I'm not going to underestimate no plot twists (although I would be sad)

Also I can't pull this one anymore because season 6 will (probably) be new material that hasn't been in the books yet:



Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.


Pro Adventurer
You never know, they might just be killed for shock value :monster:.

I mean Ned was pretty much the main character and very important and shit in the first book / season (and the TV show probably had an even bigger impact because well-known Hollywood actor and shit that was on all the marketing material), he got offed. Rob was the King in the North, a prominent character for four seasons. Dead'd. Etc

TL;DR, I'm not going to underestimate no plot twists (although I would be sad)

Also I can't pull this one anymore because season 6 will (probably) be new material that hasn't been in the books yet:

Yes, but the majority of the deaths of main characters are to spur on the actions/story/motivation of another character who has a larger part in the story.
I could sit here and tell you that the main objectives (in a very VERY broad sense) of Stannis's storyline in the show are to A) bring Melisandre to the Wall, where her powers are greatest, and B) to spur on Jon Snow's character growth and make him see that he cannot idly stay there at the Wall any longer, hereby making him finally take action against those who wronged his family. Again, that's all in a very broad sense. Obviously there was more to Stannis's storyline (in the show) than that.

Ned Stark's storyline, a bit more complicated. It drives the actions of many of his family members. Oberyn's death? In the show, drives his family towards revenge, eventually leading them to places all over Westeros.

But you get what I'm saying right? It's a chain reaction. Most of the character death's so far haven't been for shock value. Shireen's death is going to happen in the books, just under different circumstances, more than likely.

There are those who think that her sacrifice in the show will have Melisandre juiced up enough to ressurect Jon, citing that perhaps R'hllor decided to have the sacrifice mean something else rather than help Stannis along.

Oh, and I just found this. It's a fan art image, but I'm 90% sure something to this degree will happen on the show, according to the rumors. Either way, it's a pretty intense piece of work!



Pro Adventurer
Yes, but the majority of the deaths of main characters are to spur on the actions/story/motivation of another character who has a larger part in the story.
I could sit here and tell you that the main objectives (in a very VERY broad sense) of Stannis's storyline in the show are to A) bring Melisandre to the Wall, where her powers are greatest, and B) to spur on Jon Snow's character growth and make him see that he cannot idly stay there at the Wall any longer, hereby making him finally take action against those who wronged his family. Again, that's all in a very broad sense. Obviously there was more to Stannis's storyline (in the show) than that.

Ned Stark's storyline, a bit more complicated. It drives the actions of many of his family members. Oberyn's death? In the show, drives his family towards revenge, eventually leading them to places all over Westeros.

But you get what I'm saying right? It's a chain reaction. Most of the character death's so far haven't been for shock value. Shireen's death is going to happen in the books, just under different circumstances, more than likely.

There are those who think that her sacrifice in the show will have Melisandre juiced up enough to ressurect Jon, citing that perhaps R'hllor decided to have the sacrifice mean something else rather than help Stannis along.

Oh, and I just found this. It's a fan art image, but I'm 90% sure something to this degree will happen on the show, according to the rumors. Either way, it's a pretty intense piece of work!


Agree with you about the deaths you've mentioned, they all set of chain reactions that affect a large amount of characters and further the plot.

And that artwork, omg that's awesome <3
Is it saying that Tommen and Margery are going to fall under influence of the church/the High Sparrow, and thus he'll be the one ruling the country through them? Possibly setting him up as a bad guy? And what about Jaime there, what's that mean, is he grudgingly going along with it? I must know :wacky:


Pro Adventurer
Yes, but the majority of the deaths of main characters are to spur on the actions/story/motivation of another character who has a larger part in the story.
I could sit here and tell you that the main objectives (in a very VERY broad sense) of Stannis's storyline in the show are to A) bring Melisandre to the Wall, where her powers are greatest, and B) to spur on Jon Snow's character growth and make him see that he cannot idly stay there at the Wall any longer, hereby making him finally take action against those who wronged his family. Again, that's all in a very broad sense. Obviously there was more to Stannis's storyline (in the show) than that.

Ned Stark's storyline, a bit more complicated. It drives the actions of many of his family members. Oberyn's death? In the show, drives his family towards revenge, eventually leading them to places all over Westeros.

But you get what I'm saying right? It's a chain reaction. Most of the character death's so far haven't been for shock value. Shireen's death is going to happen in the books, just under different circumstances, more than likely.

There are those who think that her sacrifice in the show will have Melisandre juiced up enough to ressurect Jon, citing that perhaps R'hllor decided to have the sacrifice mean something else rather than help Stannis along.

Oh, and I just found this. It's a fan art image, but I'm 90% sure something to this degree will happen on the show, according to the rumors. Either way, it's a pretty intense piece of work!


Agree with you about the deaths you've mentioned, they all set of chain reactions that affect a large amount of characters and further the plot.

And that artwork, omg that's awesome <3
Is it saying that Tommen and Margery are going to fall under influence of the church/the High Sparrow, and thus he'll be the one ruling the country through them? Possibly setting him up as a bad guy? And what about Jaime there, what's that mean, is he grudgingly going along with it? I must know :wacky:

Well, let me just say first that some time last fall, there was supposedly a script leak for all of Season 6. I don't think anyone really took it as fact, as a few of the plot points in it were pretty outrageous. However, for all the outrageous ones, there were many that actually made sense as far as the storyline went.

I'll put this in tags, as the leak is supposed to be fake anyway, but
one of the leaked story points actually coincides with what that fanart is showing; that Margaery has had a come-to-The Seven moment while being imprisoned by the High Sparrow, and that Tommen follows suite.

There actually ARE set pictures of Natalie Dormer with the High Sparrow at the Sept of Baelor set, and there is going to be a scene with Jaime in full Kingsguard armor there, though we don't know if it will be the same scene.

But yes, supposedly Tommen and Margaery will both fall under the influence of the Faith Militant and the High Sparrow. Which is why I thought that artwork was freakin' awesome.


Pro Adventurer
I thought some of you would be interested in reading this.

In an article by Entertainment Weekly, GoT writer/producer Bryan Cogman opens up on the Season 5 DVD commentary about what fans deemed the most controversial scene of the season, Sansa's wedding night.

I won't explain what Cogman said in the entire article; I think it speaks for itself quite well.
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Without clicking the link I can't tell if it's the Shireen or Sansa scene... if it's neither of those, I will be disappoint.


Pro Adventurer
Without clicking the link I can't tell if it's the Shireen or Sansa scene... if it's neither of those, I will be disappoint.

It's the Sansa scene. Sorry should've clarified. Just didn't feel like making spoiler tags for those who haven't watched the season yet. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
New Game of Thrones teaser posters for Season 6!

The theme of these posters goes off the Hall of Faces teaser they just released.

Poster 1

Poster 2

Individual character posters under the cut (and there are a SHIT TON):


















Pro Adventurer
Okay, so who is it then? :awesome:.

This site lists 13 characters that could fit the bill :awesome:
This list doesn't include Myrcella though, and she's still alive in the books. Right? :wacky:

There's also the 26 wiki pages listing all characters that've died in the tv series, big and small. :monster:

Any guesses? :awesome:

To be honest, it could be any number of characters. I haven't look at the article yet, but my top choices would be either
Jeyne Westerling, Stannis Baratheon, Sandor Clegane, or Shireen Baratheon.
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