Game of Thrones


Pro Adventurer
HBO's released a bunch of pictures from Season 6. I think they're mostly from the first few episodes.

















Pro Adventurer
There's been an apparent leak with some screenshots taken of Season 6x01 (someone is claiming to have gotten the episode early because of Cable shenanigans). Some really silly things happening if it's for real.
seriously, there are
character deaths, most of the screenshots are of them dying
and other things that you may not want to know. Plus it's pretty obvious that the author of the post doesn't like the show very much so expect negativity.

I hope it's not true because of
what I read about Dorne
but if it's to be believed, we'll soon see anyway :monster:


Pro Adventurer
There's been an apparent leak with some screenshots taken of Season 6x01 (someone is claiming to have gotten the episode early because of Cable shenanigans). Some really silly things happening if it's for real.
seriously, there are
character deaths, most of the screenshots are of them dying
and other things that you may not want to know. Plus it's pretty obvious that the author of the post doesn't like the show very much so expect negativity.

I hope it's not true because of
what I read about Dorne
but if it's to be believed, we'll soon see anyway :monster:

Alright, I looked at the link Teioh posted, and after looking at numerous other sources, I'm 100% sure that not only was the episode leaked, but that that the photos from it are indeed real.

Naturally, I can never fucking help myself when it comes to these things, so my opinions to this are under a mountain of spoiler tags.

Read at your own risk.

Alright, I'm kind of in shock, looking at these photos.

I'm extremely disappointed in the Dorne storyline already. I mean, Season 5 last year wasn't great, but this kind of takes the cake. Areo Hotah being killed by Tyene? Doran being killed by Ellaria, and the other Sand Snakes murdering Trystane? Holy fuck.

I mean fuck, I don't even know what to say to this. They just murdered the Dorne storyline in one fell fucking swoop. It wouldn't be so bad if the entire Sand Snake plotline (as far as the show goes) wasn't fucking ridiculous to begin with. And the acting from all these ladies is just horrible.

Goddamn it. I am pissed the fuck off. :rage:

What a great fucking way to get revenge on Oberyn. Murder his entire fucking family. I'm still hyped for this season, BUT GODDAMN D&D royally screwed the fucking pooch on this one.

But the bit with Melisandre though.

Holy shit.

Color me intrigued.


Pro Adventurer
I myself was the most mesmerized by
the Melisandre bit, I mean holy moley....what does this mean??? :excited:

Some crazy shit, that's what!

I guess there's been a theory about Mel (I don't know what the hell it is), that she may definitely be old than she seems to be, because she's been practicing magic for a long time.

Maybe her magic prolongs her life, or gives her a young appearance? Maybe she sold her soul to R'hllor?

Like wtf man. I have so many questions nao. :monster:

trash panda

My question is just how old is she and how much does she know? Because you know, with age comes wisdom...sometimes. In the books she's done a lot of misreading the flames or not understanding her own visions and it's made her come across as sort of, idk...a rookie. Maybe she's finally found what she was looking for, or maybe she's finally come to understand her visions which is what lead her to take off her necklace-of-youth. Come to think, in the books, I remember Jon paying close attention to her necklace once and thinking to himself that it was glowing or something....I have to go back and find the passage. Not making much sense because excitement. :excited:


Pro Adventurer
I remember that her necklace does glow when she performs powerful magics and such, and that it can even get so hot that it burns her skin.

It does make sense that she seems to be a rookie for misinterpreting her visions in the flames and whatnot. Maybe the magic she performs can actually drain her life, and the necklace keeps her from growing old...? :closedmonster:

trash panda

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Mr. Howl is watching basketball right now so I can't even check to see if it's coming on. YOU HAVE TO GIVe ME ALL THE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :excited: :aah:


Pro Adventurer



I'll share my thoughts on this episode when I can think coherently.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
The ending shot:


Or as my friend Brendan put it:

I felt a great disturbance in the force
As if a million dicks suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced


Chloe Frazer
After finding out from my tumblr feed what they did to Dorne last night I'm super happy with my decision last year to stop watching this show. Fuck David & Dan a billion times.


Pro Adventurer
After finding out from my tumblr feed what they did to Dorne last night I'm super happy with my decision last year to stop watching this show. Fuck David & Dan a billion times.

I'm not happy what they did with Dorne last season either, but I'm not going to stop watching the show just because that plotline got completely derailed. There are storylines in the show that make it worth tuning into, but that's just my opinion. :monster:

It's just really disheartening to see a storyline this awful from a show that normally has great writing.

And even then, the storyline wouldn't be so bad if the acting for some of those scenes weren't completely cheesy. You'd be surprised how far good actors can carry a bad story.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
My god I want this to be a thing so badly.

Edit: My friend Brendan came up with the PERFECT tagline:

"The things I do for a line piece."


Chloe Frazer

I may or may not have opened that in school.

I'm not happy what they did with Dorne last season either, but I'm not going to stop watching the show just because that plotline got completely derailed. There are storylines in the show that make it worth tuning into, but that's just my opinion. :monster:

There's a bunch of reasons why I stopped. Starting with the rape scenes that weren't in the books and the continuous denial that the Sept scene was rape.

It's just really disheartening to see a storyline this awful from a show that normally has great writing.

It is extremely disheartening, I used to love this show but at the same time is not surprising to me. Their great writing came from adapting great writing but the things they have come up on their own have mostly not been good.

And even then, the storyline wouldn't be so bad if the acting for some of those scenes weren't completely cheesy. You'd be surprised how far good actors can carry a bad story.

I don't think is the actors, at least not most of them. Alexander Siddig and Indira Varma are great actors. The chick playing Obara has been nominated for an Oscar in the past and the one playing Nymeria has had acclaimed work. The material these people are working with is genuinely terrible and unsavable.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Watched the first episode o' season six. It was pretty standard first episode of a season stuff, setting up everything to come, throwing in appearances from folks to remind us that they're there (you could cut Tyrion and Varys' scene and the episode wouldn't have missed out on much, it's mostly a quick recap of the political situation in Mereen. Handy, but doesn't actually advance anything.) and an intriguing twist to get ya all pumped up at the end.

The shot of Melissandre at the end was super eerie, awesome stuff.

Could have lived without the entire "Hurr, fucked your grandma" conversation between the two Dothraki when they were dragging Danny to their Khal. Achieved nothing other than demeaning her character and inducing cringe for anyone watching with their parents.

Is it just me though or does it feel like the the actual dialogue writing has taken a down-turn? As in, it felt like someone was trying to write Game of Thrones style dialogue and it ended up sounding hammy or forced at points. As if they got a bad ghost writer to do it and the voice and cadence were just a little off at times?

All in all I think I enjoyed it though, it's got me excited for the next episode so I figure it did its job :monster:


Pro Adventurer
And even then, the storyline wouldn't be so bad if the acting for some of those scenes weren't completely cheesy. You'd be surprised how far good actors can carry a bad story.

I don't think is the actors, at least not most of them. Alexander Siddig and Indira Varma are great actors. The chick playing Obara has been nominated for an Oscar in the past and the one playing Nymeria has had acclaimed work. The material these people are working with is genuinely terrible and unsavable.

Notice I didn't say the actors themselves, I said the acting. Great actors can sometimes give shitty performances. That being said, perhaps I should have gone into more detail about what I meant.

Alexander Siddig is great. No qualms with his performance, despite how little we've actually seen of Doran in the show.

Indira Varma, great actress, but even she can't save herself from her character's crappy characterization in the show. She could however, do something about that accent. It sounds awful, especially during the scenes that she's trying to be serious or maniacal, like the one we just saw in this episode. I do NOT remember her sounding that way in Season 4, despite the limited number of lines she had.

Keisha Castle-Hughes and Jessica Henwick are both great actresses (wouldn't have paid money for pictures or autographs from them otherwise) but their performances as the Sand Snakes are cheesy and lackluster, and the accents they put forth are just as bad. They've said that they tried to imitate the accent Pedro Pascal used--it definitely falls short here.

Don't even get me started on Tyene.

But combining Ellaria's story with that of Arianne Martell from the books, I understand. Yeah, we can debate all day that this shit isn't what Oberyn would want, especially the murdering of his remaining kin, but he ain't there to do anything about it, and doubtlessly his daughters would have seen that he harbored that desire for revenge since Elia's murder. And of course it's not completely out of reason that the grieving Ellaria would want revenge for her lover's death. Departure from the books or not, it's a human reaction, and completely understandable.

But yes, the scripts they were given were terrible, there's no doubt about it. But the fact that they're all good actors couldn't help save those scenes.

Watched the first episode o' season six. It was pretty standard first episode of a season stuff, setting up everything to come, throwing in appearances from folks to remind us that they're there (you could cut Tyrion and Varys' scene and the episode wouldn't have missed out on much, it's mostly a quick recap of the political situation in Mereen. Handy, but doesn't actually advance anything.) and an intriguing twist to get ya all pumped up at the end.

The shot of Melissandre at the end was super eerie, awesome stuff.

Could have lived without the entire "Hurr, fucked your grandma" conversation between the two Dothraki when they were dragging Danny to their Khal. Achieved nothing other than demeaning her character and inducing cringe for anyone watching with their parents.

Well, remember that the Dothraki are a very primal and male-dominated culture. Sex isn't a big deal with them. I'm sure Dany hasn't forgotten this, but listening to that conversation puts things into a bigger perspective for her, and reminds her of the very real danger she's in--up until she meets Khal Moro that is, and even then she's still not safe.

I do like his character. Hope Drogon doesn't fry him into a crisp.

I'd still take the grandma conversation over 'bad pussy' any day of the week. :monster:
Could have lived without the entire "Hurr, fucked your grandma" conversation between the two Dothraki when they were dragging Danny to their Khal. Achieved nothing other than demeaning her character and inducing cringe for anyone watching with their parents.
I could have gone without the aforementioned conversation too, but for different reasons. All the conversation did, for me, was to establish what we already know: The Dothraki are deeply unpleasant. It was perfectly enough to see Daenerys being whipped once by the horse riders. They should have cut the scene after the whipping. That way the episode could have spent one minute on more important things than talking about grandmas and pubic hair.


Pro Adventurer
Youtube channel Alt Shift X's dissection of the first episode of Season 6. Definitely worth a watch, as is the rest of their Game of Thrones videos, particularly on the fan theories.

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