Gears of War 3


Joe, Arcana
No idea how new this is to any of you but:


^ A new multiplayer skin.

If Dacon could squeee..


Joe, Arcana
Also for the IGN preview of Gears of War 3's multiplayer click here.

The video mainly shows off a bunch of the new executions, it looks and sounds like there are gonna be a hell of a lot of them. The main thing you'll take away from this video is that you will be using the flamthrower in Gears 3, if only for its execution.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Look at Anya span all the games. I swear if her hair wasn't blond, no one would make the connection.

Speaking off, her face looks less like a squashed potato in this title

ie. 9001x better-looking


We have come to terms
The only thing this video said that I gave a crap about was "leveling up weapons" and "pretty Lancer".


Joe, Arcana
Its almost as if you didn't see the sawn-off blow two locusts away >_>


We have come to terms
No, I just didn't care. :P

I am a fan of meatshield grenades not using up,your own grenades tho.


Joe, Arcana
So there was supposed to be a massive reveal at the VGA's tonight concerning Gears Of War.
The 'reveal' has now been post-poned until 2011 sometime. Apparantly it will be worth it.

I swear to god if the rumours are true about it being something Kinect related, I'll shoot Cliffy B with an Assualt Rifle from Halo. Yeah.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I will saw the kinect sensor in half, with Cliffy B.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
So there was supposed to be a massive reveal at the VGA's tonight concerning Gears Of War.
The 'reveal' has now been post-poned until 2011 sometime. Apparantly it will be worth it.

I swear to god if the rumours are true about it being something Kinect related, I'll shoot Cliffy B with an Assualt Rifle from Halo. Yeah.

Chances are CliffB being Cliffy, he'll make an :awesome: video about how he's going to involve Kinect by making Kinect QTEs like picking Marcus' nose or fist-bumping between Cole and Baird and pelvic thrusts to get Marcus to

yeah yknowwhatimean

ie. trolling :monster:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The butterfly effect stipulates that once Marcus and Anya get it on the bottom half of Sera is going to fracture and explode


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Your desire for grammar does not faze me you disgusting Locust wench


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Spinoff DLC would be my guess. :monster: Kinect spinoff DLC involving... Stranded?

Who knows.


Joe, Arcana
Could just be another comic/etc. I wouldn't mind Kinect stuff now as long as they did it right. The joys of having a Kinect.

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
Since this thread has finally been revived, I wanted to mention that I will be getting the Epic Edition of Bulletstorm (the new game made by Epic and EA that is looking like a semi-Gears clone, comes out in late February) which guarantees Gears 3 BETA. I'm hoping other folks here will be playing the BETA with me. If not, I'll give a review of it as I play.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c




Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
A game I’m sure you haven’t forgotten about is making some big 'strides' to outdo it’s predecessors. KillZone Has the Helghast, and Gears of War has the Horde, along with many other ugly monsters I won’t waste your time to name. As Epic is hard at work developing Gears 3 the found a few minutes to squeeze out some new screens and reveal a couple of new melee attacks they've included. Aside from looking awesome, here are the features the screens are showing off.

The first is the boot (Not the official Name) this allows players to welcome on coming enemies with a gut wrenching blow to the midsection, and follow it up by unloading a few rounds into their skull as the fall back.

The new Melee is rumored to be used to defend against chainsaw abusers but must be timed in order pull off correctly. It can also be used with the basic melee attack almost like a combo; gun butt-em then a kick to the gut, finish it off with a Head stomp. “Um-satisfying”

To complement your gun butting head stomp is the face pounding melee attack (Not the official Name) this allows players to disarm and pummel enemies on the ground with a series of punches until their life is over. This can also be used in a combo form; gun butt-em, The Boot, Face Pound until Death. “Um-fulfilling”.

We will bring you more Epic Gears 3 news, but expect a new video soon showing the feature in action. As soon as we get the trailer we will post it right here for your enjoyment.

Oh wow.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c




Cliff Bleszinski is one helluva fast talker, and I don't mean that in a car-salesman way. When I asked the design director for Epic Games for his thoughts (both good and bad) on their new weapons for Gears of War 3, he gave me a full-auto overview in just under five minutes. Keep on reading to see what he has to say about the One Shot, Digger Launcher, retro Lancer, sawed-off shotgun, and more, including how best to use these gib factories in battle.

Gears 3 is due out September 20 this year for Xbox 360, but you'll be able to try out the new hardware for yourself during the open beta, which will start sometime in mid-April. (Check out the Gears of War Facebook page over the next few days to vote on which of the currently available maps you'd like to play in the beta.)

Click on the images for a larger view.

Sawed-off shotgun

A double-barreled hand cannon, designed for (very) close-up death.


Cliff Bleszinski: "So I think any good first-person shooter -- any good shooter in general -- has a set of weapons that speak to a person's personality. It's almost like the Myers-Briggs test of weaponry.

"If you look at the sawed-off shotgun -- it takes the Gnasher [editor's note: the old shotgun] to the next level, where you really have to close. We had this conversation with a lot of the gamers who didn't like stopping power [editor's note: when gunfire slows down enemies running at you]. It's like, 'Well, now that we have a sawed-off shotgun, you better earn your kill, otherwise people are going to down you with stopping power.'"


"So [with the sawed-off shotgun], you need to be right on top of somebody -- melee distance -- to jib them. A little farther back, you might be able to down them, but beyond that, you're barely going to do any damage. And the reload time is excruciating on that weapon. You're loading both shells manually, so keep that in mind. It may make sense if you miss with that to switch to another weapon -- it may be quicker."

One Shot

The person aiming this heavy, mountable weapon scans the level through a scope and with a tell-all laser sight. Watch out and take cover -- if he sees you, he can disintegrate you with a pull of the trigger.


"The One Shot is one of my favorites. When you get a hold of it, you get this Terminator laser -- Predator also -- going over the battlefield. When it lands on someone, you just wait for that tantric moment where it settles for a second then you get that pink mist, which is really gratifying.

"When I get a heavy weapon like that or the mortar, and other players are the spotting players, I'm like, 'Spot some people for me! Spot some people for me!' so I can get some vague idea of where to aim, which is really nice."


"When you're zoomed in with the One Shot, your field of view is super tight and snug, so your periphery is totally hosed. So if somebody came in from the side, they can wind up chainsawing or shotgunning you."

Retro Lancer

Long before soldiers thought to mount a chainsaw at the end of this assault rifle, it came with a huge blade as a bayonet. If you hold down the melee (B) button, you can charge at an enemy and spear him with it.


"The retro Lancer has the B [button] to do the bayonet charge, which is really fun to do, especially through a smoke [grenade] cloud. You will get extra points if you manage to spear somebody because there's this risk/reward there where you're [sitting still andholding them up for a second and a half, which is an eternity in online gaming."


"This thing kicks like a mule. It kicks like nobody's business, so at range, it's absolutely horrible. At mid-range, you're going to want to tap and fire. At close range, you're going to want to just unload -- it's the most powerful close-range rifle in the game."

Tags: Gears of War, Call of Duty, Gears of War 3

Incendiary grenade

It can't be a new Gears of War without a new grenade type....


"The incendiary grenade is pretty powerful. You throw it out, and it explodes instantly and provides an area of denial. People can't just run through the flame. So you can be like, 'Hey, you just stay back there for a little bit, and I'm going to switch to my rifle and try to pop you from a distance.'"


"It's pretty easily telegraphed -- people can see you swinging the big flame grenade with the particles, which is one thing we try to do with all our weapons, by the way. The more powerful it is, the more obvious we try to make the telegraph, generally."


The chainsaw-less assault rifle is back, Call of Duty-style.


"The Hammerburst has a first-person scope now, which is new for the franchise. It changes the game a little bit, allowing for that down-the-barrel view. And if you get good with that weapon, and you get an Active Reload [editor's note: a timed button press that can give you boosted ammunition], and you get good at fanning the trigger, you're going to down people like nobody's business.

"It's been a really crazy game of balancing for us, and I really hope the beta's going to help us iron out any of the final kinks in the weapon balance."


"When you're zoomed in in first-person, your field of vision is even tighter than it is with some of the other weapons. So you better watch your periphery. Also, it's not really good at close range. It's kind of squirrely when trying to hit guys -- it's really a mid- to long-range rifle."

Digger Launcher

Is it fair that a gun can fire deadly, living, burrowing ammo at you?


"[Laughs] The Digger is great! It's a fire-and-forget weapon. I can kind of sling it at my enemy. But then what I can do is start unloading at him [with another gun] to get him to accidentally evade in the direction of it.

"The weapon is at its best when you're fighting two guys, and you sling it at them, and you just start walking away, and you hear that 'Pop! Pop!' and see the "+200" score pop up -- you know you just got a couple of guys.

"It's also really, really fun to try to get direct hits on people -- on guys camping behind cover, because it goes underneath cover. If you get a direct hit, it digs into their chest then burrows out, and their head explodes -- which is also very gratifying if that happens to kill someone next to them."


"The thing about the Digger is that they can see it coming a million miles away -- it's the giant Bugs Bunny trail coming at you. So one-on-one, if a skilled player is coming at you from a distance, and he has the Hammerburst, and you have the Digger, you're going to lose. But at a closer range, you have a better shot.

"We’re trying to go with rock, paper, scissors with weapon designs, except we don't have rock, paper, scissors. We have [gesturing wildly with his hands] rock, paper, scissors, know, weed whacker, and all these other things in the mix that we have to try and match, not only in weapons and damage but also the distance and chaos of battle. So it's really, really tricky, but hopefully we're going to hit that sweet spot."


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