Guardians of the Galaxy


On the other hand, Marvel is still dancing around the question about a female-led big budget superhero movie as well. =p

Edit: Then again, if this is true...
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Harbinger O Great Justice
You all (especially Tres) need to read the MCU GotG Prequel tie in comic about Nebula. (The other one is Rocket & Groot, and it's ok, but I love the shit out of the Nebula one, and it adds a lot to the film for her & Gamora).

X :neo:


Chloe Frazer
I forgot to say while I absolutely loved the movie there were two things that just weren't as good as everything else. Number one Drax, Batista has his funny moments especially with the lack of understanding of metaphors but it was painfully obvious at times that he's just not an actor. Number two
Howard the Duck, it was too short and I really didn't find it all that funny.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Heading to see this tonight, should be craic :monster:

I'm hoping for Drax to Batista Bomb somebody through a table in an incredibly non-subtle reference to his former career :monster:


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Saw this movie today. Liked it. Hard to hate anything involving green women.

Ghost X

Wow, I didn't realise it was Batista. I haven't watched wrestling for over a decade (nor was I ever into it :P). He looks so different now :P.


Chloe Frazer
i09 said:
We're back to speculating about how the movies will tackle Peter Quill's father, and it certainly seems to be pointing in a direction away from the comics and towards something pretty major. Kevin Fegie told IGN:

I think it's pretty important. I think there's a reason we seeded it at the very end of the film like that. I think that would certainly be part of a next Guardians adventure. Certainly, that would be part of it.
Feige continued that he believes that the reveal will come in Guardians 2. He added:

I think that's pretty important for James [Gunn] and would be appropriate in a [Guardians movie]. I don't think you'd spoil that in Cap 3.


Saw it today. Super fun(ny). IMAX was cool too. Before the movie, the screen displayed all sorts of GotG promo art and posters and even panels from the comics. All the while the mixtape soundtrack played (Hooked on a Feeling played after the movie was over). The aspect ratio changed for certain scenes too.

The Grootling was super adorable.


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You all (especially Tres) need to read the MCU GotG Prequel tie in comic about Nebula. (The other one is Rocket & Groot, and it's ok, but I love the shit out of the Nebula one, and it adds a lot to the film for her & Gamora).

I stopped by a comic shop today to find those. They only had the Rocket & Groot one. =(


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Did you ask them to order the Nebula one for you?

Anyway the Awesome Mix Vol. 1 is apparently #1 on iTunes.

Ghost X

My basic review:
3.5/5 stars. Hard to describe, but the movie just didn't click with me (at least for me to give it a better rating). There were some good scenes, and character interactions, but others not so much. I'd like to see how Youtube's CinemaSins reviews it.
Finally saw it. LOVED IT.


Really? Howard the Duck? No. Just... NO. That had no place there. You went too far, movie.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Chris Pratt's Weight-Gain Tips

It all sounds so simple. :monster:
:( I forgot that this happens, because of my digital comics addiction.

Yeah, I don't do digital. I probably will at some point for some back issues, but I like having the real thing. I still order physical copies of back issues I really want.

I totally see all the practical reasons for going with digital, but Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing.

And if Marvin Gaye sang about it, you know it's valid.

Did you ask them to order the Nebula one for you?

IIIIIIIII did not. :monster:

Probably should have. I'll do that this week if I don't find it at this other shop I'm going to stop at on the way to work tomorrow.

Really? Howard the Duck? No. Just... NO. That had no place there. You went too far, movie.

Hush, heathen. =P

Really, though,
you were okay with Rocket Raccoon and Cosmo, but draw the line at Howard the Duck?


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Watched it 2 days ago

I... like it? Certainly nowhere near the hype that I heard about it. But I do like it a lot. I enjoyed the energy, humour and fun that they put into the characters. 'Swashbuckling' is the word. At the very least in spirit, buckles were definitely swashed by the end of it. They were well-swashed, by a director and writers that knew just how to swash them.

The visual design, for me, just about perfect. The world feels lived-in and full of character. Vibrant colors in space, pretty goddamn goofy technical designs in some place that remind people not to take it toooooo seriously, but still feels alive enough.

I was already a fan of 70s-80s oldies, so the mix-tapes and background tracks suited me just fine. Really central to the tone, too, I think.

By far my favourite performance and character = Groot. Vin Diesel killed it. The character is adorable. Everything he did was adorable. All five words and the facial expressions carried over, adorable. Everytime he's part of the humour I'm all like "this adorable son of a bitch. This guy. Fuckin' Vin Diesel, channeling his goddamn Iron Giant again."

A small handful of party poopers:

The opening felt random, spontaneous and weak. Sure, the situation's setup is tragic. Sad, even. Random alien abduction just confuses me. Given the character development that happens later on with Peter Quill (and Rooker is good fun as Yondu), I'm sure they needed that scene in somehow, but I just didn't feel it at all, and I'm almost always full of feels.

The Collector's slave randomly grabbing the Infinity Stone - also random and spontaneous and a little weak. Sure, there's plenty justification behind it this time in terms of being in-character and what-not but to me it looked like an obvious excuse to show a measure of exactly how powerful the Infinity Stone was.

The vaccuum-in-space bit = nope. I let it go while I was watching it because honestly griping about the actual effects of the vacuum of space on an unprotected humanoid is basically in the same realm of complaining about sound in space (and damnitall I'll have fun for my 20 dollars even if it kills me). I'd be lying, however, if I said that it didn't take me out of the moment. And it was supposed to be sort of a romantic moment, too.

Out of all the villains I've seen in the Marvel film continuity so far, Ronan is probably the weakest in terms of characterisation and just plain ol' interest. Part of the problem, I think, is that they establish a sort of power hierarchy very early on where he's clearly working for Thanos and then later on he does whatever that thing did, he does come off as a self-absorbed egomaniac. He has a lot of ham but personally for me, nowhere near the amount of menace that Thanos has. Lots of bark, not a lot of bite.
It works in the favour of the films humour because the irreverent tone basically throws all of it back in Ronan's face (dat dance off doe), but at the same time I think it diminished the potential value of these villains in favour of a Saturday-morning-cartoon approach. I think Nebula fares a little better, mostly because Gillian puts some nuance into her performance.

Noped right the fuck out of the cinema with that Howard the Duck thing. I'm not actually all that fussed about it, though.

Anyway, not a bad film. My top tier is still the very first Iron Man, and I actually think Captain America might have had a better (and more restrained) feel of adventure. For me Guardians of the Galaxy has not come close to either, but I can't deny the sheer child-like wonder and fun and humour.

Also, what's with the random selective self-censorship? They'll unironically call people "a-holes" but then things like "bitch", "dick" and "shit" are fine? wut. Is this some relic of comic book writing that I've missed? :monster:
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I threw a spoiler tag on your post so none of your fellow forumites will wish you harm. :monster:

The opening felt random, spontaneous and weak. Sure, the situation's setup is tragic. Sad, even. Random alien abduction just confuses me.

You're meant to think it's random, but did you catch where it was explained at the end?

Satsu said:
The Collector's slave randomly grabbing the Infinity Stone - also random and spontaneous and a little weak. Sure, there's plenty justification behind it this time in terms of being in-character and what-not but to me it looked like an obvious excuse to show a measure of exactly how powerful the Infinity Stone was.

Oh, that's totally what it was. Had to be done, though. It was either that or expect the audience to cower in fear of exposition. :awesome:

Satsu said:
The vaccuum-in-space bit = nope. I let it go while I was watching it because honestly griping about the actual effects of the vacuum of space on an unprotected humanoid is basically in the same realm of complaining about sound in space (and damnitall I'll have fun for my 20 dollars even if it kills me). I'd be lying, however, if I said that it didn't take me out of the moment. And it was supposed to be sort of a romantic moment, too.

Sort of related to how not random the alien abduction was, this can be explained too. Is it unexpected and jarring in the moment anyway? Yeah, I can see that. It's just not breaking any rules.

Satsu said:
Out of all the villains I've seen in the Marvel film continuity so far, Ronan is probably the weakest in terms of characterisation and just plain ol' interest. Part of the problem, I think, is that they establish a sort of power hierarchy very early on where he's clearly working for Thanos and then later on he does whatever that thing did, he does come off as a self-absorbed egomaniac. He has a lot of ham but personally for me, nowhere near the amount of menace that Thanos has. Lots of bark, not a lot of bite.
It works in the favour of the films humour because the irreverent tone basically throws all of it back in Ronan's face (dat dance off doe), but at the same time I think it diminished the potential value of these villains in favour of a Saturday-morning-cartoon approach. I think Nebula fares a little better, mostly because Gillian puts some nuance into her performance.

Well, Ronan wasn't working for Thanos, but with him. I thought that came across, but perhaps it didn't.

As for his characterization, yeah, not a lot going on there. But it is Ronan the Accuser -- even as a more noble character in recent years, he's been pretty one note.

Satsu said:
Also, what's with the random selective self-censorship? They'll unironically call people "a-holes" but then things like "bitch", "dick" and "shit" are fine? wut. Is this some relic of comic book writing that I've missed? :monster:

Whatever the reason is, it's funny. I don't know how or why, but it is.

Just be thankful they didn't use "farking." =P


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
That last one sure ain't spoiling anything :monster: It was also in the trailer too! "what a bunch of a-holes". Maybe they did it to be trailer-friendly, idk.

Out of those gripes in particular, the only ones that really get my goat to any degree is the opening and the villains. The opening didn't inspire any sort of mystery or curiosity in me or any of the friends I went with, just made us go "wut".

Do remind me what part at the end made the beginning relevant

I'm disappointed with the villain mostly because up until that point all the Marvel films have done a fair job of doing their sourced villains justice. All the Iron Man ones, good fun. Thor, not bad. Captain America, well. Okay, Red Skull was pretty eh but the sequel was great with its villains. Hulk... I honestly haven't seen that Edward Norton one so I can't formulate a judgement on that one.
Because of the tone here there just seems to be no room for the character to build. I didn't even really catch the villains' motives properly. I get the dynamic between them, but I felt they could have done better.

Though like I said, I definitely enjoy it as a solid entry into the MCU. I'm glad they're making a sequel. I'm a grump at heart, though, and there are plenty issues I take with the film - some come down to my personal taste (these I can easily let go) and what stands out for me, others are more fundamental to the film's nature.


Higher Further Faster
I have question

Wasn't Nathan Fillion supposed to have a cameo in this movie? I don't remember seeing him.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
That last one sure ain't spoiling anything :monster: It was also in the trailer too! "what a bunch of a-holes". Maybe they did it to be trailer-friendly, idk.

Could be. It just seems funnier somehow to me.

Satsu said:
Out of those gripes in particular, the only ones that really get my goat to any degree is the opening and the villains. The opening didn't inspire any sort of mystery or curiosity in me or any of the friends I went with, just made us go "wut".

Do remind me what part at the end made the beginning relevant

Well, I wouldn't expect it to inspire any sort of mystery. Honestly, if it had been as simple as a
random alien abduction, I wouldn't care, but we're told at the end of the movie that Quill's dad had hired Yondu and crew to go find his son. They just decided not to hand him over for some reason.

Maybe people were still laughing in your theatre when that bit was revealed.

Satsu said:
I'm disappointed with the villain mostly because up until that point all the Marvel films have done a fair job of doing their sourced villains justice. All the Iron Man ones, good fun. Thor, not bad. Captain America, well. Okay, Red Skull was pretty eh but the sequel was great with its villains. Hulk... I honestly haven't seen that Edward Norton one so I can't formulate a judgement on that one.
Because of the tone here there just seems to be no room for the character to build. I didn't even really catch the villains' motives properly. I get the dynamic between them, but I felt they could have done better.

His motivations were just
"We were at war with Xandar, I hate Xandar and I don't care that a treaty was signed." He's a warmongerer, though. He doesn't really need more complex motivation than ethnic cleansing or refusing to accept that the fight is over until all Xandadians are dead.

In any case, I wouldn't worry about him having room to grow since he blew up. =P

Satsu said:
Though like I said, I definitely enjoy it as a solid entry into the MCU. I'm glad they're making a sequel. I'm a grump at heart, though, and there are plenty issues I take with the film - some come down to my personal taste (these I can easily let go) and what stands out for me, others are more fundamental to the film's nature.

Grumpy gus. :monster: Glad you still enjoyed it, though.

I have question

Wasn't Nathan Fillion supposed to have a cameo in this movie? I don't remember seeing him.

He did one of the alien's voices in the Kyln.


Chloe Frazer
i09 said:
James Gunn also talked a bit about how he developed Thanos:

"I like being able to create a bad guy. I'm very lucky in that I came into the Marvel Universe and I didn't have too many rules set down for me. I came from a place of creation. I had a few things I needed to link up to, a few points of reality that our universe had to link up to, like they were dealing with the Infinity Stones, that the Aether is an Infinity Stone, so I had to link up to those things, but they were very few and far between. For the most part I got to create things, like the Bible of the Infinity Stones – where they came from, what they are, that was something I got to invent."

"How does Thanos talk? Who is he? What does he do? I got to invent that, that was all really fun for me. Someone else will have to be somewhat beholden to those things later down the line. For me, it was all pretty much fun. I will say that I do not feel beholden to having to use Thanos in Guardians 2. He will show up if he helps our story and he will not show up at all if he is not. Thanos is not the most important thing in Guardians 2, that's for damn sure. There's the Guardians themselves and other threats the Guardians are going to be facing that are not Thanos."

"I think Thanos has been lonely for a long time. He can handle it. He's used to his loneliness. He's got some other kids out there. He's got to look after them. Nebula's probably the sweetest of them, which tells you what his kids are like..."


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I guess this can go here



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Ok, this is amazing. It's pretty spoileriffic and it won't make any sense to people who haven't seen the film, so don't click it unless you've seen it.
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