I'm Batman wrote:
Are you talking the one truly heated moment she ever had RIGHT after her father is brutally murdered by King Shit of Shinra himself? She wasn't thinking straight and she eventually evolved past personal revenge not long after. Comparing that to Hope's completely illogical single minded quest against Snow for something he didn't even do is silly. Not to mention kinda retarded.
Tifa disagrees with you in Case of Tifa. See below:
Case of Tifa wrote:
And then Sephiroth, whom Shinra had dispatched in response, killed her father. She hated Shinra and Sephiroth so much it hurt. Then she joined Avalanche. Yes. started with my own personal grudge. The anti-Shinra, anti-mako slogans Avalanche adopted were the perfect way to mask her true motives. But the loss of life was too great, even when weighed against the planet they were trying to save. And if it was all for one person's revenge...
The guilt waited its turn deep in her heart.
Disagrees with me how? If anything it reinforces my point for fucks sake. She grew past her revenge not long after, and she didn't have some completely illogical reason for hating them.
It disagrees because you said Tifa got past her personal grudge by the time she was blowing up reactors, and Tifa herself says she didn't. She even says that whole "mako is bad for the environment" bit was a way of hiding what was really going on with her, i.e. that she hadn't gotten past her personal grudge.
Dacon said:
I've already addressed the bullshit about psych evaluations, because had they actually done them, GUESS WHAT, THEY WOULD HAVE KNOWN SOMETHING WAS WRONG. You don't give a dude an evaluation and not notice the shit that wrong with them. Supposition or not, that's common sense. There's never any inclination that they're even that thorough.
So they perform some kind of psych test before you can get into SOLDIER, but then they never perform any ever again for sitting personnel? Really? That's common sense?
For that matter, aren't those tests supposed to indicate that continued exposure to the same stimuli/environment a soldier has been experiencing may lead to a psychotic break? Or that there's an existing chemical imbalance or something wrong in there? I don't think they're supposed to predict what would happen if Seph were sent on a specific mission to a specific location to encounter a specific stimuli that he couldn't encounter anywhere else.
Dacon said:
Herp derp. The point is that blood ain't directly on her hands because she never actively planted any bombs or helped make the plans to plant them. She was just there. She holds some responsibility for not stopping them maybe.
Why would she stop them? She's
one of them. She's not just their party buddy. She's not just got the happenin' place to hang out. They
live there with her. She
provides them a headquarters and resources. She identifies herself as one of them, both to Cloud ("Listen, Cloud. I'm asking you. Please join us") and Rufus (Barret: "I'm from AVALANCHE!"; Tifa: "Same here!"), and Case of Tifa says the same:
"And as a consequence, countless lives were lost--indirectly or not--because of Avalanche.
And Tifa was a member."
Dacon said:
Seriouly, people being argumentative for the hell of it, or just cuz you love Hope oh so much?
To be honest, I do like Hope a lot. I also love Snow and Tifa. These are three of my favorite FF characters. Just so that's clear with everybody.
You don't see a difference between being physically present at the scene of a crime and committing the actual crime? Because the legal system does.
There's quite a difference between being in your local Kwik-E-Mart when it gets held up and fighting through guards to enter a secured facility so that you and some people you've chosen to go with -- and have planned this with -- can blow the facility up.
For that matter, if bank robbers get caught, the guy who actually put the money in the bag isn't going to get different treatment from the guys who just held guns or did lookout duty.
She is an accomplice to terrorism. She did not actually commit the terrorism herself.
Then who did? Jessie for making the bomb? But she didn't plant it. Cloud then, for planting it? But he didn't plan the operation, nor did he really care about their cause at the time. Well, who did plan it?
That brings us back to the whole group, including Tifa.
Really, what defines "committing an act of terrorism" if participating in a terrorist unit ripping through guards to plant a destructive device in a building doesn't? She was there to get the job done as much as any of the rest of them, and unlike Cloud, it was more than a job to her.
If you're going to excuse Tifa from being considered a terrorist, then you have to do the same for Barret, and for the same reason. And that's obviously absurd.
They were all terrorists, plain and simple.
I remember them saying something similar like that as well. NPC dialogue if I remember correctly. I believe it was either Jessie or Tifa who said that. I don't know if anyone can confirm that for sure, but I certainly don't think Forcestealer's been broadcasting his thoughts into my head.
Sounds like a Fag Uni-mind to me. In any case, you guys are probably thinking of this quote and confusing it with that other idea:
An' that ain't all!! A lotta innocent people got killed too!
If the explosion had been in the middle of the night, that woulda been one thing. At least the people coulda gone in their sleep.
This Mako explosion has really sent Midgar into a fit.
This specifically says it didn't happen in the middle of the night, so losses probably weren't minimized as much as they could have been.
Mako said:
Again, going by Crisis Core, the only reason he got sent there, was because most of the SOLDIER 1st Class were busy tied up fighting Genesis's copy army and Sephiroth's record of excellence was an awesome way of ensuring the important assets of the reactor were protected from Genesis and his cronies.
The last thing on their mind was R&R for Sephy. Shinra definitely has culpability in terms of how they treated Sephiroth and basically gave fuck all of a shit regarding how dangerously powerful and brutal he was.
If Dacon can state that an unproven thing absolutely did/didn't happen, then I can at least suggest that this went down in an attempt to cater to the need he says was undeniably there.
Mako said:
Just saying they could have taken out the execs as easily as they did that first reactor. Doesn't pertain to the main discussion here, but it is a lack of logical planning on their part that occurred to me.
Mako said:
How was it easy? They had to climb a mass of reckage and debris to the top of the plate. The only reason they were able to get there was because of the Sector 7 plate dropping and the opening it gave them. Not only that but usually, the Turks and SOLDIER were stationed around the Shinra Tower but due to circumstances at that time, they wren't there.
Sector 7 wasn't adjacent to Sector 5, where Wall Market is, so they probably climbed up through an unfinished section bordering Sector 6. And they only had to do that because of the heightened security at that time in response to their other activities.
Really, as the bombing of the first reactor shows, they had pretty easy access to the upper plate. And CC definitely didn't make it look hard to walk up to the headquarters either.
Which is another reason to find the kid infuriating. He flew into the fucking Fal'cie, what the hell did he expect to happen? Blaming Snow for that is an even bigger stretch than what he was already blaming Snow for.
I'll grant you that blaming him for that is a stretch. It's not hard to see why he did, though, given everything else.
Force said:
Untrue, at least in my - and the thread title's - case. You'll notice I have not once denied
sympathizing with Hope, his mom died in front of him, I get that. I have said I am unable to
empathize with him, that his, follow his line of thinking and feelings because they're nonsense.
Or if you'd prefer I be an asshole

1. the intellectual identification with
or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.
You don't have to have experienced what a given person/character is experiencing to empathize with them.
You still have to understand it -- and short of experiencing it yourself or performing a Vulcan mind-meld or some shit, you're not going to be able to intellectually identify with them.
Force said:
Nor did she seek it. She went after Sephiroth. Blowing up reactors took place 5 years later. You were the one who originally made the distinction that Tifa's and Hope's actions were different due to the time lapse dude.
I pointed the time lapse out as the reason she wasn't presently expressing grief -- better known as whining when FF characters do it -- despite it still influencing her thoughts and behavior years later. I specifically compared it to Hope's Operation Nora phase, which came after the initial grief.
Force said:
Tifa didn't do a damn thing against the Shinra (nor have we been told she even planned to) until there was a motive (or even an excuse) to do so.
Yet, as she herself admitted, she definitely did when an excuse presented itself.
Force said:
But once again, it wouldn't matter to me even if she had, because as Dacon so summarily put it ...
So you agree with Dacon that there's a more obvious connection between a soldier and the organization he is part of (even when acting independently and against their wishes) than a specific battle and the specific person who started it?