Seriously we only know that Hope turned at an explosion and saw him mom falling, before getting forced to stop looking by Vanille half a second later. He didn't watch the documentary about how Snow felt during the ordeal.
Shinra Corp. made the safety of the people in Nibelheim their business and didn't give two shits when they, Tifa didn't know how far they went with their cover up, but she knew it wasn't publiced what Sephiroth did .
Snow made theirs group safety his business too, the moment he killed the people guarding them and had his men collect guns and pass them around, and after they died following him, he came back with a big goofy smile and proclamations that he is a hero, i.e. he didn't seem to give two shits either.
Thus Hope and Tifa's revenge.
That's a really good summary of things, actually, and probably what sent Hope over the edge.
That's not the same the guys. They weren't blowing up the reactors TO kill the people inside. They blew the reactors to harm Shinra, and considered the casualties a necessary evil. It would be the same if the express purpose was to kill the people in the reactors.
So they weren't even trying to directly target the people in charge at Shin-Ra (which actually points to crap planning on their part, but I'll get into that more later). They were targeting a building valuable to them and accepting the collateral damage that came with it.
Big improvement there, Forcey.
Force said:
Furthermore, the civilian casualties on the Reactor 1 explosion was a miscalculation on Jessie's part. They intended to blow the reactor - and just the reactor - at night to minimize innocent deaths.
It's true that the explosion was intended to be smaller, but Barret and Tifa do admit that they'd expected some civilian casualties (Barret says this in the original game when Reeve/Cait Sith calls him out over the civilians who died when the first reactor blew, and Case of Tifa says "She had considered a small number of sacrifices unavoidable for the sake of a greater purpose"). I also don't remember anything about the timing of the attack being at night specifically to minimize civilian losses rather than to cover their mission. If you have a reference for that, let me know.
Also, Tifa only SAYS she hates Shinra. The only person she actually exacts revenge against (or tries to) is Sephiroth. She takes no action against the Shinra (nor do we have any particular reason to believe that she would have) until she learns of what else they are doing under Barret's tutelage.
She found herself under the tutelage of a terrorist bent on taking down Shin-Ra by accident?
You don't think she sought Avalanche out? She even admits in Case of Tifa that the whole anti-mako thing was a way of hiding her true motivations. Maybe I'm wrong, but I took that to indicate that she learned about Avalanche and their claims concerning Shin-Ra through their posters/flyers, then sought the group out to join them so she could have help getting her revenge.
He...wasn't? Why did he follow him then?
As far as we know early on, he just wanted to talk to him. It's only after hearing the guy call himself a hero, see him trying to save a l'Cie (remember, Pulse shit is what got Hope and his mother put on that train to begin with), and then getting turned into a l'Cie himself (which he felt was a situation Snow had dragged them all into) that he appears to want to actually kill Snow.
Force said:
Except extermination
Which Hope didn't know about.
Remember, as far as most people knew, the exiles were being sent to Pulse. From Hope's perspective, while he and his mother were being exiled to a shitty place, they would at least have still been together and alive had Snow not started a battle that ended with Nora Estheim dead.
That last bit is all over XIII's story, actually. I've complained before how many times the characters realize their being played - announce they won't stand for it...and then change absolutely nothing about what they're doing. And this happens SEVERAL times.
Despite disagreeing with literally everything else you said in this thread, I agree with this very much.
Tres, you miss the point: It's not that people don't understand grief or can't follow Hope's logic or lack's that they don't give a shit about him. That's bad writing and characterization no matter which way you slice it.
Lack of empathy is not indicative of a failure in the audience's comprehension skills. You sit here and try to explain his actions as if facts and a laundry list of all the events in his life will create a connection with the audience. It won't.
I'm not saying that alone is or should be enough to create a connection with the audience -- I've already said in this thread that there's a difference between sympathizing with and caring about a character. I didn't like Aerith for more than a decade but always sympathized with her.
I'm saying even if you failed to give a shit, you shouldn't ignore the facts of the situation when analyzing the character's behavior.
By the way, almost everyone's misusing "empathy" in this thread, including in the thread title. Sympathy is when you feel bad because someone else feels bad. Empathy is when you've experienced what they have yourself and can actually understand what they're going through.
OWD said:
Characters don't have to be good or rational in order to engage us. Hope doesn't because SE gave him a sob story and then expected his history to sustain the character. Doesn't work that way.
Hey, he engaged me.

I thought he was done well.
Are you talking the one truly heated moment she ever had RIGHT after her father is brutally murdered by King Shit of Shinra himself? She wasn't thinking straight and she eventually evolved past personal revenge not long after. Comparing that to Hope's completely illogical single minded quest against Snow for something he didn't even do is silly. Not to mention kinda retarded.
Tifa disagrees with you in Case of Tifa. See below:
Case of Tifa said:
And then Sephiroth, whom Shinra had dispatched in response, killed her father. She hated Shinra and Sephiroth so much it hurt. Then she joined Avalanche. Yes. started with my own personal grudge. The anti-Shinra, anti-mako slogans Avalanche adopted were the perfect way to mask her true motives. But the loss of life was too great, even when weighed against the planet they were trying to save. And if it was all for one person's revenge...
The guilt waited its turn deep in her heart.
I said she's right in blaming them because of what they did. They sent Sephiroth there, he had to come there because of Shinra's reactor. IT'S THEIR FAULT for sending the monster, and his fault for killing everyone. It's rational. Sephiroth is a representative of shinra, hell he's their shining hero. He wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for them.
Except it is rational to blame the company that destroyed her village by sending their maniac swordsman. No matter what you say, they are responsible for their employees and their actions.
If one of the military's people go nuts and kills an assload of civilians they're responsible for it and they take that responsibility. They try and make up for not seeing it coming and try and help those that suffered because of it.
In this case, though, "taking responsibility" means being the one whose head should justifiably be literally on the chopping block, since that's the kind of responsibility Tifa wanted taken.
If one of the military's people goes nuts and kills a shit ton of civilians, do you see generals offering the survivors or the families of the dead an opportunity to shoot them? Do they offer themselves up to be imprisoned? Should they?
Should Shin-Ra have helped the survivors instead of sticking them in a lab to be experimented on (which Tifa didn't even know about for years)? Yes. Should the executives have offered a gun and blindfolds to Tifa while getting down on their knees? No.
Just because they (most of them anyway) were assholes doesn't mean that on that particular count they should have been capped. And Tifa herself admitted that her mission to take down Shin-Ra was about her vendetta.
Now I will acknowledge that had Tifa known about the cover up of the town's massacre, she would have had pretty sound grounds to go after the executives. Of course, she didn't know about the cover up until AVALANCHE's journey around the world anyway, and she read in the papers that Seph was dead -- so for all she knew, Shin-Ra had dealt with him themselves.
Dacon said:
Shinra is responsible for the Nibelheim incident. It's their fault. Wrong party my ass.
Tifa doesn't only lose her father too, she lost everything, her home, her town, her friends. The similarties between their situations are superfluous at most. Tifa has a clear cause and reason for her hate for Sephiroth and co. Hope did not.
There's nothing irrational about blaming the people responsible for a man's actions, especially when they're just as much the cause of his actions. If Shinra hadn't sent him there, then the event would never have happened.
Well, if you want to play that game, it's because of Snow and Serah that Hope and his mom were on a train out of Bodhum to begin with.
Did they mean for all that shit to happen? Nope. Did Shin-Ra mean for Sephiroth to torch Nibelheim and fillet its residents, though? Nope.
And Hope lost more than just his mom for that matter, as YACCBS said. He became a pariah who people wanted dead.
Sephiroth is a dedicated soldier who has seen tons of action. Not to mention he's a fucking social pariah who lost both of his best friends. They didn't think to give the man psych evaluations? Try to keep him from things that would be sensitive to his mind? Liek, I DUNNO THE SHINRA MANSION.
Mog said:
Yeah this is true. It actually does take a bit of thinking to realize that Nibelhiem is the last place Sephiroth had any business being assigned to, ever.
There's absolutely no reason why Shinra should have sent him there; hell, there's no reason why Sephiroth was even necessary for that mission in the first place; even with the dismantling of SOLDIER by that point in time (which wasn't even a plot point that was thought of in that point in time back in 1997), there's no reason why SOLDIER, the Turks, or even the regular Shinra Army couldn't have performed that mission.
That's retarded. He's their man, they sent him, he works for them. Therefore they're responsible. It's common sense. You are responsible for the actions of your people, and if you can't ensure that they're not going to do something stupid you shouldn't send them.
Don't be vapid. The man is a soldier. Any soldier can snap at any time, especially someone that's disconnected from society and has no friends. The very fact that he's solitary and cut off from everyone else IS A BAD SIGN.
MOG has already stated the kinds of folks that could have been sent in Sephiroth's place.
There are always outliers and signs that a person is going to snap. The fact that they didn't see this coming means they DIDN'T do an extensive enough psych exam.
As YACCBS asked, how can you even know that they didn't evaluate the dude? Yeah, sending him to Nibelheim for such a shitty little mission was overkill, but for all we know, he was sent on such an easy mission
because he was given a psych exam and a psychiatrist at Shin-Ra considered the loss of his friends.
Maybe someone suggested giving him some easy stuff for a while, or perhaps suggested sending him off to a quiet little country town for some R&R. Should that town have been Nibelheim? No. Hell no.
But within an organization of Shin-Ra's size, a little bureaucratic bungling and lack of communication had to happen from time to time.
While we're talking about stupid organization decisions, by the way, Avalanche really should have just marched up the stairs of the Shin-Ra headquarters before even screwing around with reactors given how easy it was to get close to the executives.
Dacon said:
What? That doesn't make any fucking sense. The fact that they're responsible IS what justifies her rage and makes it rational.
Yet Tifa herself disagrees.
Dacon said:
As far as Shinra mansion goes, this is where their top scientists experimented and worked. There's no way they didn't document everything that happened and keep up with those records.
Not that I'm disagreeing that Shin-Ra didn't know about what went on in the mansion, but Hojo kept a lot of things to himself. The other executives hadn't even seen Gast's report on the WEAPONs and JENOVA.
I just want to add, since I had completely forgotten the chronology of events, just how thoroughly Shinra fucked up by sending Sephiroth to the location of the Nibelheim mansion. The fact that they stored records of all the fucked up shit they did, and then sent the central subject of all those records to where he just had to walk a few hundred metres to learn about everything they did to him, is either incompetence or arrogance of the highest order. Any organisation that did that in real life would be completely ruined if the general public were to find out about it. Like, utterly dismantled. Unless it was some dictatorship where no one else had any power I guess.
It was definitely a mistake, especially since -- as you say -- anyone could have stumbled upon that shit if they could find the hidden staircase in the mansion and make it past the monsters. Perhaps they didn't expect anyone else to do that, though.
Maybe they didn't even think Seph would find those stairs, nor have cause to look for them. It's really only after the shenanigans in the reactor that he decides to hunt for information on himself in the mansion.
Tifa never blew up anything. All she did was accompany on the missions and fight alongside them.
Might as well say AVALANCHE didn't blow up shit, their bombs did. They built the shit, planted the shit, and blew up shit -- and Tifa was one of them.