Max Payne
- Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Did you actually read what I said or just herp derped your way straight to the reply button? I said she doesn't know about all the shit Shinra's done like sucking life out of the planet, experiments, rebuilding Nibelheim, etc. Of course she knows Shinra sent Sephiroth - to clean up the monsters that were terrorizing the town/fix the broken reactor, those evil bastards. Again, saying the actions of Sephiroth reflect the entire Shinra organization is not. rational. It doesn't matter how you spin it, the fact is Sephiroth was acting alone when he blew up Nibelheim.
Apparently you can't read. I didn't even factor all of that into it. I said she's right in blaming them because of what they did. They sent Sephiroth there, he had to come there because of Shinra's reactor. IT'S THEIR FAULT for sending the monster, and his fault for killing everyone. It's rational. Sephiroth is a representative of shinra, hell he's their shining hero. He wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for them.
I'm not trying to blame Tifa for hating Shinra. I understand why she did it. I'm saying it's not rational, and that Hope wasn't rational, and that people don't do rational shit after traumatic events like the sudden loss of a parent.
Except it is rational to blame the company that destroyed her village by sending their maniac swordsman. No matter what you say, they are responsible for their employees and their actions.
If one of the military's people go nuts and kills an assload of civilians they're responsible for it and they take that responsibility. They try and make up for not seeing it coming and try and help those that suffered because of it.
Actually the amount of similarities between the two situations is surprising.
The similarities are minute and mostly end at the fact that it's about revenge.