Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

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Can you imagine what it must do to people, eating monster meat that's so profoundly contaiminated with mako? Like eating fish with very high levels of mercury in its flesh. I bet all President Shinra's food is grown on some nice, clean, organic island somewhere....
Ironically, food processing is one of the major businesses they're involved in now, isn't it?


Ninja Potato
I had posted my little break down of the issues that would arise from dead organic material evaporating shortly after death as a joke, but I think it really does show why that couldn't possibly be the case in-universe. Hojo still has Ifalna's organs preserved over a decade after her death, so she didn't turn into lifestream, and she'd arguably be one of the characters more likely to do so given her inherent relationship with the Planet. It's just not a thing that happens, it's pure gameplay artifice.
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Alex T
There's no breathing or anything cause they can't move. Any movement you detect is from the loading and compiling of the environment as you enter each area, which is rare. But I'm staring right at them.

They don't breathe.

Got three examples for ya. Like I said a steady inhale/exhale, specifically in the head and shoulders. The second one is a bit hard to see, but follow the bobbing hairline.

I'm just pointing it out. It's possible the developers intended them to look dead, but forgot to turn off the breathing animation. They'll most likely die from the plate fall anyway.

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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

How did you get that to happen? Does it happen all the time in your game? I've never seen that in my game at all. They're still and without movement.

The second one is hard to see, but I see what you're talking about. I don't think that's meant to happen however. The models are supposed to spawn and be "dead" but like I've seen happen, they sometimes can spawn "alive." And its only later if you interact with them, they "die."


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah I looked as close as you and didn't see this. It's surprising to me.

One thing I've noticed that botched their spawning and stuff is skipping cutscenes and moving as fast as possible to the next area. I'm gonna try to repeat that tomorrow and see if it generates something similar and look at their bodies again. I'm now intrigued by this. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So I found 2 breathers. :monster:

I searched out the ones in your video.

Not all downed NPCs are breathing but I found at least 2 before restarting and trying to replicate them standing up. Can't seem to do it but I'll try later. I just thought I'd do it. I took a video too but I'll upload later.

I think it's as you said, certain individuals don't have their breathing animation turned off. The one on the railing is especially weird.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't think they're meant to be alive. It's not acknowledged by the story, nor does it make sense.

Why would someone just drape themselves over an edge railing several stories off the ground that leads to death and just stay there? How would they survive that kind of gunfire and just breathe? If there were survivors, Cloud and the others would have said something to them or at least acknowledged them, just like they did with Biggs and Jessie.

Like, the system used to plant these "corpses" here are essentially to make them non-interactable NPCs who are silent and fixed in a position. They're not specifically made to be corpses. They just took a random person, spawned them on the field there, put them in a "dead pose" and then called it a day.


Ninja Potato
Why would someone just drape themselves over an edge railing several stories off the ground that leads to death and just stay there?
Not for nothing, but this is the exact state you find Biggs in when you see him in the original game. He's not dead when you talk to him.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
He was dying.

And those were lego people. We're looking at a more realistically inspired presentation here.

People lose muscular rigidity when they die until they enter rigor mortis and stiffen.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Biggs' death doesn't align with reality in the OG, that's my point. He would not have held that position if he were dying.

That's why I said the Remake is working with a more realistic depiction. That inconsistency works with lego people but not realistic looking people.


Double Growth
Some people being dead and some people dying doesn't sound unrealistic to me, lol. You could be unconscious over a railing and not quite stopped breathing yet.


And as Ody says, even the dying ones aren't long for the world anyway.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
But they've all been shot with heavy arms fire. Would they really just be... Unconscious?

I mean, let's keep in mind that we should be seeing blood, but we aren't simply because of the game's rating. These people have been shot dead by Shinra MPs and attack helicopters. They shouldn't just be rendered unconscious. They should be dead from blood loss or trauma.
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