Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

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Sharp Shinra Shill
I can actually see 7th Heaven functioning as a Hub and have options to change the interior or expand the menu, mix drinks or potions with positive attributes.

Makes me wonder if the minigame of sorts moves on to other towns once you lose the bar. Like everyone has to make money whenever they go from town to town and Tifa picks up shifts at whatever is the local bar.

Alas, I doubt they would go that far.


Sharp Shinra Shill
They'd have to insert an entirely new sort of subplot into the game that may imperil the plot's forward momentum. Not sure it would be the right choice.

Like I said, I doubt they would go that far. Though it could be possible to implement it as sort of a background event (kind of sort of like what they were all doing in Costa del Sol in the original game).


Ninja Potato
I'm hoping the section between the Nibleheim revisit and the temple of the ancients gets fleshed out more. I've been replaying recently and I was struck by how directionless the whole segment is. You wander into Rocket Town, Rufus needs to steal Cid's tiny airplane for some reason, and afterwards the party is just kinda dumped onto the world map with no direction at all for what to do next really. I think they should make the Wutai quest mandatory and have it be more directly relevant to the story somehow.


I'd kinda like the Huge Materia to be actually relevant. As it stands, it's plot filler (although the missions themselves are one of my favorite parts in the game).
It's just that you sabotage Shinra who for once are actually trying to do something productive with the somewhat flimsy reasoning that it's wasting the knowledge contained within the materia. And sure, even if you fail, the rocket will still not stop Meteor. But the party couldn't have known for sure. And if you do get that materia all that "knowledge" contained within just...sits there since master materia is more of a post-game grind reward.
On the other hand, making them have some further purpose in the actual story means that having to succeed during those missions would have to be mandatory and I don't know if I'd want the game to have fewer optional elements than the original. Idk D:


Kaiju Member
Same, I hope there’s more plot justification for the Huge Materia hunt section too. To quote what I have said before on it:
Also I hope the Big Materia hunt is expanded in terms of narrative significance i.e. give more justification for why Avalanche shouldn’t let Shinra try to destroy Meteor with the Big Materia beyond not trusting Shinra’s competence and/or the Big Materia being vaguely important. Like maybe explicitly specify that the Big Materia are so valuable to the Planet that if The Planet didn’t have them when Meteor hit it, it wouldn’t even have enough Energy to even converge on the “wound” epicenter and would be completely obliterated instead of just be heavily damaged and making Sephiroth a Lifestream God. That make the “not worth the risk” reasoning much more justified IMO.
I would not be happy if they changed the plot so that Shinra are no longer trying to do something productive about Meteor. In fact I would not be happy if they reduced the moral ambiguity of all the various agents in any way, such as reducing the casualities of the first reactor bombing, or eliminating Reeve's involvement in Marlene's kidnapping, etc...


Yazzavedth Zayann
One one hand, making Wutai mandatory places Yuffie firmly into the narrative and then Wutai can be easily expanded in regards to their "quarrels" with Shinra in the past. I'd like them to include some more Crisis Core lore there.

On the other hand, keeping Wutai optional is better from a gameplay standpoint. Since you get robbed of most if not all Materia for a while, it's better to provide the player the ability to choose when to undergo that limiting segment, e.g. after obtaining all physically strong no-slot equipment.
If Wutai becomes mandatory, the game should provide preparatory material, like those no-slot weapons before and in Rocket Town to not have the player stranded with no Materia and crappy gear. Or maybe those strong no-slot weapons are obtained on the way to Wutai?

In any case, if handled well in terms of balancing and gameplay, I'm fine with either.

In regards to the Huge Materia quest line, I'm in agreement with you guys. That part needs some major overhaul. I can't provide any meaningful suggestions as of right now, since I haven't put much thought in it, so I'll leave it at that.

And the reasons and motivations for Rufus wanting to take the Tiny Bronco from Cid despite having a whole military apparatus at his disposal need to be made clearer or changed as well. As it now stands, it's rather nonsensical and silly (not the part with Palmer. That one's perfect!)


Sharp Shinra Shill
Speaking of Rufus, I hope they don't change his death. In fact, I'd like it if he was blasted out of the building. I just replayed that part in the OG and no. Just no. AC/C be damned, that man should not be alive.

Also speaking of Palmer, some resolution on his fate would be cool too.
No don't keeelllll hiiiimmmmmmm

Palmer retired to Icicle Inn with one of his Honeybees and opened a bakery that specialises in lardy cake.

I don't know that I'm really on board with this whole "and let's make sure the story's coherent this time around" thing. Writing fanfic to wrest some sense out of this nonsense is one of my favourite hobbies.


Sharp Shinra Shill
Well in the case of Rufus it was very coherent, which made AC incoherent for bringing him back. I will admit, it isn't really necessary to underline the point, bold it, and have an exclamation point after it....but I don't want them making it ambiguous either, for the sake of maybe bringing him back.


Yazzavedth Zayann
Speaking of "bringing him back": wasn't also Don Corneo alive in one of the novellas, despite falling to his death in Wutai?

Rufus surviving can make sense with that secret door in the floor narrative, even if unlikely. But the Don? That one bothers me.


Sharp Shinra Shill
Speaking of "bringing him back": wasn't also Don Corneo alive in one of the novellas, despite falling to his death in Wutai?

Rufus surviving can make sense with that secret door in the floor narrative, even if unlikely. But the Don? That one bothers me.

Your kidding. I get that the Don is popular as a villain but jeez.... *sigh*

trash panda

I always thought Rufus was definitely dead...before AC that is. That blast just didn’t seem like something anyone could survive. And since seeing
the actual scale of weapons
in Kingsglaive...nah...I just can’t understand how he’d survive. :nah:
As I was correctly reminded when I started complaining about Jessie's character model - it's a fantasy! If Tifa can survive being submerged in liquid lifestream for half an hour, and if Shera can survive being fried alive by the rocket engines of a launching spaceship, surely Rufus can survive being blasted by shoulder bullets from a gigantic organic semi-sentient WOMD.


Kaiju Member
I would not be happy if they changed the plot so that Shinra are no longer trying to do something productive about Meteor. In fact I would not be happy if they reduced the moral ambiguity of all the various agents in any way, such as reducing the casualities of the first reactor bombing, or eliminating Reeve's involvement in Marlene's kidnapping, etc...
Oh I agree, I think it's a good think that Shinra is/was trying to do something productive about Meteor. I just think that their should be better motivation/justification for Avalanche to try impede Shinra's Huge Materia quest, because as its stands in the OG the reasoning they gave is rather weak and makes Avalanche look kinda stupid for trying sabotage a viable solution to stopping Meteor.

trash panda

If Tifa can survive being submerged in liquid lifestream for half an hour, and if Shera can survive being fried alive by the rocket engines of a launching spaceship, surely Rufus can survive being blasted by shoulder bullets from a gigantic organic semi-sentient WOMD.

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