It's not just that. The way Elena accuses you at Icicle Inn also makes implications as well that can easily confuse the player.
Thanks for the reminder, Chip, I actually not only forgot about that, but mixed up the "doin' my boss in" with what Tseng himself actually says. So I guess...while still having a better translation, have Elena's scene stay 'ambiguous' as well? Actually, on the subject, the whole "tries to punch you before rolling out of town" bit probably isn't going to fit very well with the aesthetic of the RM, is it? Wonder what they'll do with that.
That's cool that you prefer him being dead. I don't see why he can't be dead to you. It's like this: if they leave it ambiguous, then all the people (like me) who want to believe that Rufus and Tseng and Palmer survived, can happily go on believing it, and all the people who want to believe they bought the big one can believe that. If you insist on making them unambiguously dead, then half the fandom is disappointed. Is that fair? I don't see why we need to insist on these definitive answers. It's like the LTD. So many people demanding to know "but which one does he reeeaaallly love?" and totally ignoring all the other things these two pairings are telling us about relationships. We need to learn to tolerate uncertainty.
I didn't articulate this in my original post properly, but yes, I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT for ambiguity...I suppose the "King Fish" (to quote a ridiculous translation from the og, lol) of this would be the game's actual ending, the 'does humanity survive?' bit. I guess what I was trying to get across was "I hope they maintain faithfulness to the original in terms of the way these things are presented" which I mean, I don't need definitive 'answers', but I felt that w/ both Rufus and Tseng, the implication
towards death was pretty strong, which still leaves ambiguity without feeling like almost all of the major characters are 'death-nerfed'. You know what I mean? That feeling like shit is really going down by the end of the game, especially in terms of the original Big Bad (Shinra)'s crew getting tossed around like rag dolls. To have what (in my opinion) was strongly suggested, but not outright demonstrated, suddenly be
definitive would be just as disappointing to me as the reverse.
As for Palmer, I could give a shit less about that goof, lol. His demise doesn't hold the "oh shit" factor that people like Tseng and Rufus has to begin with, so. Sure, have him show up in a full-body cast for those late game Shinra meetings. Oh! I would love to see his "Honey Bee Inn" scenes restored, tho!