How can you enjoy this game?

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I admit I found his 'Aerith's retarded house' comment about the Hellhouse funny :monster:



Great Old One
^ Yeah he had some good stuff going in the beginning but then it all sort of went downhill from there. Better luck next time - remember that in order to draw anime, you need to be skilled at the classic arts as well. Meaning - learn your shit, THEN start making fun of it :monster:

Oh, and
I would much rather spend my time reading Sprite review Umatbru's reviews of games than read his actual reviews
Tres you always know how to make me laugh these days


TLS's Resident Troll
Alright I made an another attempt to get out of the train graveyard and this time I succeeded. I then climbed up the sector 7 plate to fight my second or third boss (alongside tifa and barret), a man in black or blue called Reno. Reno was setting up a bomb to collapse the plate onto the slums, which he does. Afterwards barret throws a fit and yells "this is all screwed up".

Ladies and gentlemen, Barret is aware, just like cloud. DUN DUN DUN!


Pro Adventurer
I'm not into RPGs all that much, let alone weak-by-today's-standarts ATB system, but I still consider FF7 to be one of the greatest video games ever made, mostly for the epic story it tells.

For my last playthrough, I just used cheats to disable random encounters, maxstat the party and go through the story using default & canon weapons, lol.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, you're basically complaining that the game wasn't of a different genre? Might as well be bitching that you can't perform a Hadouken in "Gran Turismo."


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Street Fighter Racing - this needs to happen.
How can you find this game difficult, Umatbru? I'm baffled. I was a total noob when I played it and even I didn't die as many times as you seem to.


That Man
You know, there's such a thing as a game "aging well".

I can say with certainty that games like Street Fighter Alpha and the original 1998 version of Guilty Gear: The Missing Link relatively "aged well" (especially given Guilty Gear Xrd: Sign is coming this winter!)

But with Final Fantasy VII... well you have to understand that it's the first game after Final Fantasy VI (obvious numbers are obvious but the thing is, it was a huge jump from SNES to Playstation at the time).

And the game after Final Fantasy VII is FFVIII (which is not as bad but actually better despite what people think as far as graphics and gameplay go).

More importantly, the reason FFVII is so well-liked despite not having aged well is because you weren't born yet most likely.

Most of us were in high school or grade school when FFVII was popular... which isn't saying much because young people think EVERYTHING is cool when they're that age.

Steampunk and Cyberpunk was a THING in the 80's and 90's... people who are in their late 20s and early 30s still think it is a thing because that's what they grew up on.

You aren't obligated to like it, but understand where some of the older fanbase are coming from.

Also the game has a built in tutorial so you have no excuse other than impatience and incapability to press the X button to read said tutorial (not to mention reading the INSTRUCTION MANUAL).
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TLS's Resident Troll
I definitely enjoy me some Yahtzee, but this is the first person I've found with such a raging hard-on for him.

I'm not yahtzee, but I sure do love him and he's my inspiration for my reviews.

Also I need to find a battery to power some thing above the wall near wall market. Any clues? Now excuse me i'm going to play Half-Life.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I can't wait for the temple of the ancients bit :monster:


Waiting for something
I can't believe you did a review for this when you're only heading to the Shinra building now, absolutely ridiculous!


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I can. It's the exact same amount of intellectual rigour he's supplied to every other post he's made in this thread.
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