I'm a bit disappointed that the dinner at Jessie's house is with the whole gang and not just Cloud, Jessie, and her parents. It would've been an opportunity to build attraction between the two. But no, SE had to stick the whole gang there instead. Do they ever do anything apart from each other? Or are we always stuck being with them as a group? I'd just like to be able to have a sidequest or mission or two where it's just Cloud and Jessie and them alone, without Biggs and Wedge or anyone else.
And it seems with the dinner scene being the whole gang, that would rule out ever seeing Jessie in another outfit. SE comes up with nine dresses for the Wall Market sequence, but it seems like they won't let Jessie have even one for any scenes of her own. Did it ever even occur to SE that she's a girl too and that people might be interested in seeing her the same way we see Aerith and Tifa in Wall Market, even if it's in a totally separate scene or part of the game? Just so she can have what they have?
It's like SE is deliberately undercutting opportunities to just let her and Cloud have any scenes together without other characters barging in or to give her things that Aerith and Tifa have, like the opportunity to dress differently for a few scenes. And I'm worried now that they haven't expanded the flower choice to include her as option even though it's something they easily could have done and should have occurred to them since there's no way Jessie would not see the flower during her time with Cloud on the train and they have to have known that. And that's before Tifa and Marlene ever even lay eyes on it. But they probably put in some lame excuse just to keep her from being included in the flower choice, if them shafting her on the dinner scene by having the whole gang there instead of just her and Cloud is any indication.
And are we always stuck with Tifa when doing sidequests (as recent clips have shown), or can we choose who we go with or to go alone? It would be nice to have the choice - you'd talk to who you want to go with you, whether it's Tifa, Barret, or one of the trio (as guest fighters) - or go alone. I'd just like it to not be forced, is all.
It was nice, though, that Jessie was shown right after Cloud's mom made the comment about girls being interested in him. Subtle sign that she's the one to watch, maybe? I don't know. He didn't look too interested in Aerith in the park, wasn't even looking at her most of the time until she got up in his face to see his eyes, and even then he was startled rather than interested. But it would've been nice for them to have shown just one clip of Cloud and Jessie together in the trailer.
Rufus looked pretty cool, though. Looks to be a fun fight.