Jairus, the vast majority of us do think they've gotten enough screentime on promotions, we want to see other characters as well!! (such as Rufus for example, or any of the various secondary characters).
You rant about things you don't even know if they are or not in the game, nor even knowing about how everyone will be treated. You just imagine stuff and then it obsess you and you rant based on what you IMAGINE. Seriously this is why I told you to stop doing that and just enjoy the game. I've stopped reading most of your rants because they are always the same too. It's either the trio doesn't get enough screentime (when really you want just more Jessie, I've never seen you hyped about Wedge and Biggs as you are about Jessie, which is fine but just admit it dammit) or Jessie's love is downplayed by SE (when you haven't even seen or played the game, that's the one on your imagination).
You are torn between those two stances, mostly, and to most people... these are not the reason why they're FFVII fans, this is not what interest them the most, at least prior to playing the game. I've already come at you for this kind of behaviour, most of old users here know I'm quite frank (ha, old LTD times), so they know I've been feeling annoyed for some time too, because I usually don't post like this.
You have made the trio, and especially Jessie, the center of your attention in FFVII Remake. While I strictly don't care about that, it's how you're acting in consequence of this taste that you're literally making people want to avoid you, Jessie, Clessie, and even starting to dislike Jessie before even meeting her in game.
I'm a die hard CloTi, but jeez, there are so many things I find fascinating about FFVII Remake, I would feel sorry for myself if that was all I was looking for in that game.