Last Film You've Seen


Harbinger O Great Justice
Warm Bodies - ZomRomCom. It was fantastically entertaining, and is exactly what you would expect based on the trailers. It's very self-aware and manages to be interesting. Lots of laugh from the humor and general awkwardness of the zombies. I just enjoyed the hell out of it. Also - despite being cheap CG, the Bonies are really well done.

when it becomes apparent that the entire film is a retelling of Romeo & Juliet, I was extremely pleasantly surprised looking back on all the scenes and characters.

X :neo:

Ghost X


An odd mixture of gripping footage and utterly boring footage. If I had a camera, some willing actor volunteers, and a ship, I think it'd be cool to remake :awesome:. Also, WTF at the anti-climactic ending:
"Oops, chowed down on this woman's neck too long. Forgot my weakness to sunlight." *Dies*
2.5/5 stars.


Pro Adventurer
I just watched Alien and Aliens!

AWESOME! I LOVE ELLEN RIPLEY SO MUCH MAMA BEAR FTW! Now THAT is a real feminist film and a badass woman.

Now I deny the existence of the next Alien films and live in the headcanon that Ellen is happily living with Newt and married to Hicks Kyle Reese with their pet cyborg and cat.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Favourite characters: both
the Judge

Watching it a second time took away some of the earlier tension that I felt in the cinema, but I didn't stop caring about the characters, even most of the bastards jerks, so good film.


Pro Adventurer
Hitchkock. It was very interesting. It was kind of a mix of thriller, comedy and drama. Anthony Hopkins was good like always but Helen Mirren was fantastic.


The Shrine. I think it's a bit underrated. I actually liked the plot twist and how it's presented.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Hotel Transylvania

You know, I was rather surprised with this film. Something about it I just really liked and I actually want to watch it again eventually. Though the plot was a bit predictable, it honestly seemed more character-driven in a wierd sense, though maybe that's just me.

I love how it took me getting halfway through watching it to realize it was Adam Sandler voicing Dracula xDDD. Mind you, I do enjoy Sandler's comedic antics, even if they do get vulgar, but in this film, he actually came off rather.. different. It was as if he combined his comedic tendencies with a serious touch. And the voice he gave Dracula was great too :D.

Anyway, I really liked this film and I think it's going on my favorites list, perhaps. Also, Mavis is totally cool and quite adorable (Their bat-forms were UBER-CUTE!!!).

~ Raz


Lovely Molly. The plot could have worked, in fact it's somewhat fascinating for a horror film. But I didn't understand shit. The director must've been aiming for it to be open to interpretation, but it left so much loose ends to the point that it doesn't make sense. Great performances, esp by the lead actress, though.

The Unseeable. Le sigh. Asian horror is dead.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Wreck-It Ralph

It's been over twenty-four hours, and I still haven't worked out where to start praising this film. I loved it. And the Paperman short.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I Saw the Devil: Korean revenge horror/thriller type thing that started off promising and gradually got more and more stupid/
Cop/special op guy's girlfriend gets murdered by a psycho, cop goes out for revenge. Bizarrely lets psycho go and gives him money and a car, presumably in an attempt to toy with the psycho and make him suffer. As a result though many other people are hurt/killed/raped/traumatised. This is the special op guys fault for letting the fucker go. This is where we lose all sympathy for him. I guess its trying to say something about becoming worse than the person you are hunting or some shit. But the moral I take is that if you're going to exact revenge dont fuck it up like a moron. Eventually the psycho does get killed in a stupid and unsatisfying way that didn't even make any fucking sense whatsoever

Also it was pretty gory/explicit but it didn't really bother me. It made me laugh though cos Mr Octo said he thought it was gratuitous in places and it just seemed really weird coming from him :lol: 2/5


Really enjoyed this. Typically quirky fare from Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Got a few good laughs out of it and I always enjoy the style of his movies. Also a commentary on the arms trade, although it has a somewhat fairytale ending. 5/5


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon

Quite good. I can't understand why the show got cancelled at all (I suppose none of the fans understands it either).

The only issue I have with the Firefly lore is:
Ok, so, we have a "race" of human berserkers who can't use firearms because their minds have become too primitive for them, right? Explain to me how they can pilot spaceships, or why don't they turn against each other when they have no one normal around.

I think I'll keep catching up with Castle :awesome:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
The only issue I have with the Firefly lore is:
Ok, so, we have a "race" of human berserkers who can't use firearms because their minds have become too primitive for them, right? Explain to me how they can pilot spaceships, or why don't they turn against each other when they have no one normal around.
"They want us alive when they eat us." :awesome:

I always took it that Reavers preferred the up-close kill, and that's why they don't go much for firearms.

As for not turning on each other... zombie shout-out.


Muoi: The Legend of A Portrait : a Korean- Vietnamese horror (and the first rated film in Vietnam, if I'm not mistaken) that's utterly disappointing. It resorted to cheap scares and the characters' behaviors toward each other gave everything away from the start.

Ju-On: White Ghost/ Black Ghost : released during the 10th anniversary of The Grudge series. White Ghost is pretty damn scary, but Black Ghost is just senseless and doesn't feel connected to the other films. Overall pretty good compared to the hoards of shitty horror flicks I've been watching lately.

Game of Death : I was so excited that I could finally watch Bruce Lee in his iconic yellow and black tracksuit, but really I'm quite disappointed in this. Apart from the pacing, it felt kind of desperate that they've used different actors for Bruce's fighting scenes (because he died before he finished filming) and even
in one scene.

Fallen Angels : ..the thing about Wong Kar Wai films is that they contain meaningful dialogue and do have their funny moments. But the characters are completely unrelatable and outrageous. The plot is going nowhere until the ending. If it wasn't for Takeshi Kaneshiro I don't think I would've watched this til the end.

Game of Death : I was so excited that I could finally watch Bruce Lee in his iconic yellow and black tracksuit, but really I'm quite disappointed in this. Apart from the pacing, it felt kind of desperate that they've used different actors for Bruce's fighting scenes (because he died before he finished filming) and even
in one scene.

Yeah... you know that funeral scene? Actual footage of Lees corpse at his real funeral. Classy huh?

Warm bodies

Ehhh.... It was very forgettable. Very safe comedy, with most of it coming from the fact he's a zombie and doing silly things.
Let's just say i was suprised when they started playing the song Pretty Woman during his makeover scene, then made a comment about how that wasn't funny, and played another song. I wouldn't have been shocked in the slightest if they had just played the song.

It's fine, you could do worse. But whatever.


Yeah... you know that funeral scene? Actual footage of Lees corpse at his real funeral. Classy huh?

Yes, I was kinda shocked that they resorted to that. They were probably so desperate to include as much Bruce Lee into the film as possible. Such bad taste.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

McClane travels to Russia to fetch his estranged son, who's gotten himself into some deep trouble. Fifth entry in the Die Hard series delivers all the goods that you'd expect from an over-the-top, gun-toting, slam-bang action film. Bruce Willis' still got it!
Final showdown in Chernobyl is a knock-out.

Komarov's demise pays a little tribute to that of Gruber's, but of course, with a little twist

Rating: 4/5.

BTW: Try to ignore the shaky camera work.
Good Day to Die Hard

It was bad.
I can sum up the camera work with one shot: theres a shot of his son walking. It's a simple shot, camera on his face while he walks towards it. The camera is jittery as fuck to the point that his face is half off the screen at one point, and its not even an action scene.

The story is simple but makes no sense. The diologue is terrible. All he ever says is "Jesus Christ!", "I'm your dad" and "I'm on vacation!" (even though he isnt, he went there to confront his son). The one liners are bad, difficult to follow the fight scenes.

Mclane's invincible. He gets into a car crash, doing multiple flips, then gets hit by a car and flies about 5 feet and he's perfectly fine. He gets thrown by a helicopter like 30 feet through a window and he's just fine. Multiple heavily armored bad guys come running in and he takes a page from Commando and just stands there with a big ass gun and mow them down not giving a shit about being shot at.

It's just... ugh. Take the shitty directing of Max Payne (same director) and slap on a heaping spoonfull of the worst tropes of action movies today only done worse.


Pro Adventurer
Django Unchained - just about perfect until
Schultz and Candie die
, but that's when the film should have ended. Everything that came afterwards just felt like it was being dragged out for too long. Tarantino's own acting (and accent) was the low point.


Pro Adventurer
Django Unchained - probably the best Tarantino movie I've seen so far, but I wouldn't really be surprised if it was the last as well, because Tarantino's movies don't offer any surprises to me anymore.
The beginning of the movie was interesting, but after that you just wait for the part where everybody dies. It's hard to really enjoy a movie, where you just know exactly what is going to happen. Also the last 30min of the movie was quite unnecessary, I wouldn't have minded if it had ended where Flint said it should have, or they could have had Django kill everyone at that point, time saved. Also killing Candie and Schultz and basically the whole first big shooting scene was totally meaningless. I mean, yes it's possible that they wouldn't have left the house alive, but the fact that Schultz shoots Candie just because "he couldn't resist it" is just plain stupid, and just seems a cheap way to get rid of the best character (Schultz) in the film.

I'd give this movie 3/5. It was definitely entertaining, but if I want to watch a film with gory violence and a predictable ending, I can go and rent a horror movie. :/


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Another Mood Whiplash Double Bill:

Fantastic Mr. Fox - doesn't have quite the same humour as the book, but it has its own charms (including the soundtrack).

Cronos - first time I've seen this film. Enjoyed it, very del Toro, but it wasn't quite as scary as I was expecting from what I'd heard of it.


Chloe Frazer
Good Day to Die Hard. Went with my brother and some friends to see it, it was bad and I knew going in it was going to be but it was worse than I thought. At one point I put my earphones on and stopped paying attention. The plot was awful, the dialogue was awful, the camera work was awful, McClane's son was annoying as fuck, I'm pretty sure all he did in the movie was complain about his daddy issues. Where the fuck was John McClane? Bruce Willis was playing himself the whole time. This makes the bitching about Live Free or Die Hard not being a real Die Hard movie because it was PG-13 a lot more hilarious.
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