Last Film You've Seen


Shanghai Surprise - this movie is one big, unfunny joke (Madonna as a missionary, come on). I find its description as "Flop Suey" quite perfect.

Even the song during the credits (by George Harrison) is lulz.

I'm finding out pursued by evil looking dudes,
It's getting hot for me like tofu when it deep fries,
Oh, shanghai surprise.


Vampire's Kiss - there are few things funnier than



Ok I'm having too much fun with this. :lol:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Life of Pi. Great film, didn't particularly like the rather heavy-handed Aesop though. But from a technical standpoint it's flawless, and the story is quite entertaining indeed. Apparently the book was much more subtle about its Aesop which probably would've worked a lot better, but then it's a bit more difficult to be subtle on film. Film isn't a medium that lends itself well to subtlety, I don't think; if you're too subtle large numbers of people will miss it entirely. Of course they probably could've been subtler without people missing the intended message, but whatever :monster: The Best Soundtrack, Best Director, and special effects Oscars were certainly well earned, at least :monster:

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

So I gave this movie another watch to see if I'd have a change of heart and give it a different rating. But feelings stand as previously. Again, I thought the story about Futuristic Seoul was fantastically visualized and the story with Broadbent trapped in the old folks home having to contend with Nurse Hugo Weaving was downright hilarious. Actors do their performances spot-on, but I did find some of the visual effects/makeup little odd, ie making Asian actors look Caucasian and vice-versa just seemed bizarre and creepy (more creepy if you ask me honestly). Sadly, the movie suffers from a needlessly convoluted script and (in my opinion at least) bad intercutting. Now I know the movie's meant to be following the flow of the book, which in that account, is faithful to. But when translating it to cinema, it doesn't work well. And I'll say it again, I'm really curious to see how the movie would have played out if it had been shown in chronological order.

Rating: 3/5.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I got Wreck It Ralph on DVD and I can say once again that this movie is one of Disney's best.They could have screwed it up by making it a pop culture gag fest but they actually put their heart and research into making a gueninely intertaining experience that gamers/nongamers and adults/kids could enjoy.They also make characters who are interesting and relatable.


Titties 'n' Beer
God Bless America

Fuck yeah. A fed-up terminally ill guy goes on a killing rampage because he's tired of all the mass retardedness, idiocy, narcissism, self-obsession, insensitivity et. etc. in modern scociety. Homophobic right wing politicians, religious fanatics, empty-headed reality-tv assholes, "celebrities", you name it, he's taking out the trash with a 16 year old girl sidekick. Feels good man.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

Hilarious film, one of the most hilarious I've ever seen. My favorite part was the scene where the guy was teaching the class about sex and then brings his wife it to demonstrate to the class how it's done. I also loved the scene where the soldiers find the two guys in a tiger suit and the guys make up a bunch of excuses as to why they're dressed up as a tiger. I also loved the part where Death visits that house and the people just treat him as if he wee a regular guest and he keeps trying to explain that he's Death and that they are dead. Definitely one of Monty Python's best works.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Oz, The Great and Powerful

Unfortunately, quite predictable. Was still fairly enjoyable, though.
poor Theodora...


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

Hilarious film, one of the most hilarious I've ever seen. My favorite part was the scene where the guy was teaching the class about sex and then brings his wife it to demonstrate to the class how it's done. I also loved the scene where the soldiers find the two guys in a tiger suit and the guys make up a bunch of excuses as to why they're dressed up as a tiger. I also loved the part where Death visits that house and the people just treat him as if he wee a regular guest and he keeps trying to explain that he's Death and that they are dead. Definitely one of Monty Python's best works.

ssssssalmon mousssssssssssse

Well I never ate the mousse.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Oz, The Great and Powerful

Unfortunately, quite predictable. Was still fairly enjoyable, though.
poor Theodora...
I felt the same when I watched this.
It just seems really weird to leave Theodora like that in the end, but I guess they needed their visual image of a green witch. :monster:

I've been to see quite a few lately, including Oz. First of all, The Host. I couldn't put this book down a few years ago on holiday, so I was a bit wary of how they'd make it (and the fact it's the same author from Twilight, shudder now!), but it was actually brilliant. It truly reflects upon who we are as human beings and what it's really like to BE human.

Also saw The Croods. My dad had been BEGGING me to go see this, so I went along and did. I might be in the minority, but I don't think this film is amazing. It had its funny moments here and there, and had a nice ending. I just don't think it deserves all the praise it's been getting, since I feel like there's something missing. But then again, this is a kiddie film. What the hey.

And then there's GI Joe: Retaliation. I hadn't seen the other films, so I wasn't sure what to expect.
I was let down when Channing Tatum died early on, he was good eye candy. :(
Dwayne Johnson was a strong lead, managing to keep the film together single-handedly imho. There was a story, there was action, but ... it felt like the characters weren't fully fleshed out. Maybe that's because I haven't seen previous installments, who knows?


Pro Adventurer
The Croods - entertaining and a good family film, I think you'll like it mo]re if you have knowledge on primitive people, my brother keeps on insisting the Croods are Cro-Magnons.

Woman in Black - well it's okay. I'm not particularly fond of horror films and I find it formulaic.

My Wife is a Gangster - Korean film. I find it terribly overrated and unfunny in most parts. The plot is pretty nonsensical
The female gang boss has to marry to please her dying sister. She then tricks a man into marrying her and abuses him at the start of their marriage. She could afford hiring fake parents and fake guests but can't hire a fake husband?
The main character then is boring and an asshole at most parts of the film. It gets better at the end at least but the film could have been half as long. They're too many unnecessary scenes trying hard to make you laugh like random gang wars just slapped in. The sister angle is touching but that's the only thing I like in the movie besides good action scenes.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Watching "Your Highness" as right now. This is the second time I have seen it, as I saw it in its theatrical release. It is very shitty and not funny. However, it seems like somewhere in here there was funny movie, they just fucked it up royally.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.

Visually stunning film, absolutely did not care for the characters or story. Too predictable. Too bland. Even Tom Cruise doesn't seem bothered in the whole film about what happens. Post-apocalyptic films are always under pressure to do well, but I generally hated mostly everything about this one and it's two hours of my life I'll never get back.


Pro Adventurer
Watching "Your Highness" as right now. This is the second time I have seen it, as I saw it in its theatrical release. It is very shitty and not funny. However, it seems like somewhere in here there was funny movie, they just fucked it up royally.

Your Highness is one of the worst films I've watched

the plot was actually interesting, but the movie ended up distasteful. There are raunchy jokes that are funny, and that movie has terrible ones.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Hitchcock (2012, Sacha Gervasi)

Intriguing, partially fictionalised (for instance, the film's presentation of Hitchcock's apparent hallucinations Ed Gein for dramatic effect almost certainly did not occur in real life) account of the making of Psycho. I'd give it about three and a half stars out of five. Anthony Hopkins was the objectively perfect choice to play the title rôle, and Helen Mirren was fantastic as his wife. The film does a reasonable job of humanising the director, presenting him as far from perfect but not particularly detestable either, although it refrains from delving too far into some of the personal controversies that dogged him in his later work (contrast the HBO film The Girl from the same year, which presented a far less pleasant portrait of the director and received criticism for its alleged historical inaccuracies). It's also a fairly effective case study in how visionary creators often struggle to get their creations accepted. Hitchcock had to fight every step of the way to get his film made and released the way he wanted it, despite being the world's most famous director. Needless to say the film is regarded as a cinematic masterpiece (and was almost immediately after its release), but Hitchcock had to fight with the studio and the censors almost incessantly to get it released the way he wanted.

Not a cinematic masterpiece by any means, but engaging light-hearted entertainment and could be worth viewing for viewers intrigued by the subject's work.

The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed)

One of the most critically acclaimed British films of all time, it entirely deserves its reputation. The film is sometimes called the anti-Casablanca, as it contains similar plot elements but comes to wildly different conclusions. It also subverts many of the tropes frequently associated with film noir (to which genre it nonetheless undeniably belongs). The script by Graham Greene is intelligent and provocative and the performances, particularly Orson Welles (who steals every scene he's in and ad-libs one of the most famous monologues in cinematic history), are top-notch.

The cinematography does a masterful job conveying the desolation of postwar Vienna, focusing on the often ruined landscape and often shot from strange angles that convey a sense of unease to the viewer. The ruined city itself is almost a character in the film in its own right; the vistas of the city contribute immeasurably to the atmosphere and the climactic showdown in a sewer system (which, ironically, was the one part of the film apparently not filmed in Vienna) is perfectly shot.

The soundtrack, written and performed by Viennese zitherist Anton Karas, is (deservedly) one of the most famous in cinematic history; the title theme is estimated to have sold forty million copies and has been covered by artists including the Band and the Beatles (although the latter's version has not been officially released).

Special mention must also go to the closing shot, which has been endlessly paid tribute and parodied in later films.

As an aside, I would strongly suggest avoiding reading other reviews of this film, as many of them contain a pretty substantial spoiler. Even the name of Welles' character is a spoiler. Don't even look at the TV Tropes page until after you've seen the film. Another note: significant portions of the film are in German, and there are no subtitles (because the main character does not speak German). My own grasp of the language has decayed substantially since I studied it in university, but I was still able to pick up bits of information here and there. If I were still truly competent in the language, I'd probably have gotten even more out of the film.


Pro Adventurer
I watched Hunger Games with a friend, second time I've watched it. Still don't understand why this is a thing. Granted it's not as bad as twilight.
Kung Fu Panda 2

Love this movie. There's some elements that don't work as well as the first, but this is a fantastic sequel with a much better story. Hell, I cry at it.


I still don't know why I love this movie so much. I watched for the first time back near it came out and I've loved it since. I have no idea why.

District 9

One of my all time favorite movies. I love everything about this film.
Last edited:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
District 9 is pretty much as close to perfect as sci-fi/horror films get these days.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Saw it was on TV Sunday night, and thought I might see if it was as bad as I've heard, as I liked the British series they optioned only to throw out everything but the name and vampiric connection.

Stopped watching after forty minutes or so, because:
a) it was getting late.
b) barely five minutes would pass between me going


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Just watched Silence of the Lambs. Hadn't seen it in a while. That dance might be the creepiest scene in any movie. Not scary, but real creepy. Wish they could of fit the 6th finger in there somewhere.


Harbinger O Great Justice

It reminded me a lot of older science fiction films, like Logan's Run, & 2001. Visually, it's clear that the same director did TRON: Legacy. It's a really pretty film, and it has an interesting way of dealing with its premise, especially in the end. I think that if I had never seen a trailer for it, it probably would have been better. Either way, it was decent film, and I don't regret seeing it, though I was hoping that it would be a bit better than it was.

X :neo:
After The Porn Ends

Interesting documentary about what porn stars do with their lives once they get out of the business. Most are fairly sad in some simple ways (one guy can never have a wife and kids because he missed his chance while doing porn), but there's some bright stories too.


After The Porn Ends

Interesting documentary about what porn stars do with their lives once they get out of the business. Most are fairly sad in some simple ways (one guy can never have a wife and kids because he missed his chance while doing porn), but there's some bright stories too.

I always see this in Netflix but never got to watch it. Really curious what kind of life they have after such a career.


Skyfall - this is sort of a hit-and-miss for me, although for the most part I think it's good. I particularly love the Macau scenes and Severine
but I find James showing up in her shower too creepy though
. The Bond girl on the other hand, didn't feel like a Bond girl. I am disappointed.

Q is probably my favorite character in the whole flick :desu:

And seriously.. that song by Adele got an Oscar? :nah: Well I guess nothing could really beat Diamonds Are Forever and The World Is Not Enough.

Silent Hill: Revelation - And I thought this couldn't get any worse than its predecessor. Bad acting, bad lines, everyone is a plot device, and wtf is going on with
that Pyramid Head- Claudia showdown??
What the hell, man.
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