Last Film You've Seen


Pro Adventurer
Behind the Candelabra- Amazing. Steven Soderbergh never ceases to impress me. For those of you who haven't heard, it's an HBO film about Liberace and his lover Scoot Thompson.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Gangster Squad

Pulp noir action. TBH, you may as well forget the "based on a true story" bit - they basically just took historical domain names for a few characters and made shit up the rest of the way.

Still, a good action film on street level.


Pro Adventurer
Okay, it's not really a movie, I'm watching Kring's Heroes because of Zachary Quinto. I'm in Season 1 and I like it so far I can finish it soon. I've been reading stuff that the other seasons are not worth watching? What do you think?


Watched Cloud Atlas last night, five movies for the price of one. Read most of the book before, and the movie turns out to be more of a "based on the book" deal instead of a 1:1 version of the book; it's good and offers new perspectives to the book, but it deviates from the book in a lot of instances, leaving out bits, explicitly changing bits. However, as the book is interesting in having a very different narrative story for every 'sub' story, the movie is interesting in switching between the various substories like other movies would with scenes; switching back and forth between eras rather quickly. For people that haven't read the book, I can imagine it'd be confusing, but at the same time it's still something you can keep track of.

And ofc, the credits, where it's revealed which actor plays which (major or minor) character is awesome, :monster:. I do recall reading the thread and there being concern / outrage over actors playing as other 'races' than they are themselves (and genders, lulz Hugo Weaving), but I was okay with that and it was interesting in a way. Should look up the appropriate thread, etc.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
(and genders, lulz Hugo Weaving)


It's nothing new, really :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^Yeah but is it as bad as The Happening?

Finally saw Wreck it Ralph. Was good 4/5 but I really just wanted it to be endless gaming cameos and in jokes.

Fantastic script. Fantastic acting. Fantastic story. A must see.

2 kids go to an island to see a boat that got stuck in a tree. They find a guy called Mud (Matthew McConaughey) living in the boat waiting for someone. He agrees to let them have the boat when the person he's waiting for shows up if they bring him food.

I recommend not watching the trailer or looking at a synopsis tho. It gives away why Mud is in the boat, and while it's not some big reveal, it does add to the movie not knowing.

Ghost X

@Octo: Don't want to find out.

@Thread: Watching Evangelion: 1.11 at the moment. First time ever. Reminds me that I haven't seen the Evangelion series for 15 years :awesome:. /geriatric.


Pro Adventurer
@ Ghost

Do you think Jaden's apparent "bland acting" in After Earth (I don't plan on watching it) is his lack of skill and talent or the director's fault? I've been hearing criticisms on Jaden's acting and I can't believe they're almost all about how he isn't good as his father. I dislike comparing between father and son and I think Jaden did well in the Pursuit of Happyness and Karate Kid.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

When India's father is mysteriously murdered and his brother (cough, Ozymandias) moves into his house, strange things start to happen. Writing and acting is iffy at times, but Matthew Goode steals the show as being the creepiest uncle to ever exist. Not the best of Park Chan-wook's films, and not for everyone's taste, but still an okay thriller with some bizarre scenes that seem to make little sense.


Pro Adventurer
Ego: A Swedish film about a guy who realizes there are worthier things than the club party life. Kind of obvious sometimes but good nonetheless. If I'd have to rate I'd go with 7/10


Consumed By Darkness
Fast and Furious 6: That filme was awesome and the plot twists were great and genuinely unexpected. Some of the things I really didn't see coming. 8/10


Higher Further Faster
Les Miserables. The new one with Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway and Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried.

Looooved it.



Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
World War Z.

Went into this, thinking it was going to be a dumb zombie film, but it was actually pretty great. I don't watch a lot of films with Brad Pitt, but he was a strong lead and kept me interested throughout. It got quite anti-climatic towards the end, yet it wasn't an entire waste of time.


Pro Adventurer
Im currently watching TMNT (2007) in HD for the first time. When it first came out HD channels and what not were severely lacking.

This movie looks fantastic :O


Titties 'n' Beer
The Trip

Drugs are bad, but interesting. I guess that's what Roger Corman was trying to say. Cool flick for what it is - A LSD trip on film.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Watching "The Rundown". Not really sure what this movie was meant to be. Its not bad, not great. Amusing in a kind of bland way.


Higher Further Faster
Sooooo.... I just watched Ghostbusters for the first time.

I didn't really like it. Found it relatively boring honestly.

Dude, you are the last person I would have guessed had never seen that movie before.

But waaaaaa that movie is a classic. :(

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

The creators of 'Ice Age' and 'Rio' give us a Ferngully-esque fantasy film mixed with a little 'Honey I Shrunk The Kids' twist. MK (Mary Catherine, not Mortal Kombat) visits her estranged father, a scientist who's convinced that little forest people exist. Colorful and magical, but has an uneven pace. Mub and Grub seemed more annoying than funny. Kids will enjoy it though.

Rating: 3/5.


Still trying to get to grips with this movie. It starts off SLOW, and I mean it. The action doesn't come in until around halfway through the movie, and it's kick-ass. But with a fractured storyline and underdeveloped characters, Snyder's adaptation doesn't quite fly well as it should. But it's still pretty entertaining.

BTW: Faora reminds me of an evil counterpart of Jun the Swan.

Rating: 3.5/5.


Prequel to 'Monsters Inc.' shows how Mike and Sullivan met up and became friends. Had low expectations for this movie but was pleasantly surprised at how good it turned out to be. Terribly funny and genuinely heartfelt at the same time. After the not-so-good 'Cars 2' and decent but far-too-short 'Brave', Pixar's gone back onto their feet with this one. Good job for them.

(Everyone in my theater was applauding at the end of the film).

BTW: Don't miss 'The Blue Umbrella' at the start. It's immediately become by far my favorite Pixar short.

Rating: 4/5.


Good or bad? Well, like I always say with the 'Alien vs. Predator' movies and 'Resident Evil 6', it all comes down to how you want to look at it. As a stand-alone zombie/action movie, I think it's awesome. Great visuals and effects, lots of frightening moments, and it comes to show that you don't need so much blood and gore to make a zombie movie scary. Now as a die-hard fan of the original book by Max Brooks, chances are likely that you'll hate it. The movie has nearly nothing to do with the book whatsoever.

Well worth watching in my opinion, though.

Rating: 4/5.
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Dude, you are the last person I would have guessed had never seen that movie before.

But waaaaaa that movie is a classic. :(
My parents were never big movie watchers so I never saw it as a kid, and Id catch little snippets of it over the years but it never really made me wanna watch it.
Finally I just got tired of hearing how awesome it is and watched it. I dunno if it's just cause I've heard about practically everything in the movie over my life that it just didnt have any impact, or I just genuinely don't find it entertaining.

I mean, can you tell me any point in having Ernie Hudson in this movie other than having a black guy and rounding out the team? He has maybe 2 lines that I remember. "Thats a big twinkie" and "When someone asks if you're a god, say yes". Was that really a good enough reason to add a whole 'nother character to our team of heroes?


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Just re-watched Fritz Lang's Metropolis. This may be the greatest film ever made.
Lone Ranger

.....Huh? It's like they had a serious film about the natives and treaties and people using that to their own ends and decided to stick a wacky Lone Ranger movie into it.
Whenever they're on screen things get wacky, supernatural, and goofy. When they arnt tho, we have serious scenes of broken treaties, slaughter of natives, cannibalism and scalpings.

And holy shit the music for the big climax. Wtf. I cant think of the name of the piece since classical isnt my strong point, but it's a popular song. It's just.. I mean wtf. I literally almost said "Wtf" in the theatre. This is where Tonto and the Lone Ranger are taking down the plans of mass murders, cannibals, some of the worst people you could imagine, and it's this score. I'm really frustrated I can't think of the name, it'd help sell this point so much better.

I do NOT fucking understand this movie. I seriously dont. The fact that some people clapped when the credits came is going to confuse me for weeks. I do not get it.


edit: William Tell Overture. Which ok, is kindof the Lone Rangers theme. But it doesn't fit with the script they have.
That shouldnt be playing when one of the villains he's trying to stop is a cannibal that cut out his brothers heart while he was still alive.
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