Last Film You've Seen


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
King of Kong.

Don't know how much truth is in it, but it is was very entertaining.


Pro Adventurer

I really enjoyed it. It was funny and it was a nice change from the movies I usually see. It was also really interesting in my point of view as a musicology student. I also have to say that I don't remember when was the last time that I saw a movie and didn't notice how the time just flew by and suddenly the movie ended. I could have easily wached for another half an hour or so. The only thing that disappointed me was that
they didn't show the quartet singing in the end. :(


Really interesting movie. Otherwise it was a quite basic Hollywood thriller, but it really had some deeper meaning to it. It shows how stupid and merciless people can be, especially on the internet. The movie racess valid questions about moral which makes it stand out. The ending especially portrays how stupid some people can be.

Silver Linings Playbook

This one I quite liked, but I can't really say why. Not really because of the romance, because I just can't really take Bradly Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence together seriously, as I know they have 16 years of difference in age. Also I don't know if it was the comedy part either because it wasn't hilarious. But maybe it was just the over all feeling in it. It was really warmhearted and funny. It wasn't the "normal" romantic comedy, it was different.

Deleted member 546

Jurassic Park is on right now. I can't believe this film is twenty years old, it's still entertaining. Every time I see it, I'm ten years old in the cinema and my brother and I are screaming at the raptors and the T-Rex. :D
G.I. Joe: Retaliation

You know whats awkward? When you're watching a movie in a theatre and you can tell the guy sitting a few seats away is getting a handjob. Then they leave for 10 min.



It reminded me a lot of older science fiction films, like Logan's Run, & 2001. Visually, it's clear that the same director did TRON: Legacy. It's a really pretty film, and it has an interesting way of dealing with its premise, especially in the end. I think that if I had never seen a trailer for it, it probably would have been better. Either way, it was decent film, and I don't regret seeing it, though I was hoping that it would be a bit better than it was.

X :neo:

Just saw the film not knowing what to expect. :monster:

I quite liked it.

I thought the ending sucked.


They blew up Tet. :(
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Ghost X

Iron Man 3, indeed.

I'm not going to remotely describe it, since it is probably best going into the film not knowing what to expect. I'll give it 4.5 out of 5 stars though.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Iron Man 3.

Definitely the strongest film of the three.
Great take to finally see Tony down and almost for the count, having to build himself up again from the destruction of his home and his suits, essentially.
Even though there was a dark tone this time around, there were plenty of hilarious moments and it was nice to see Pepper getting more involved this time.
It was great to see her in the suit, but then it wasn't very long at all. And then when you think she died when Tony didn't grab her ... I was in two minds. One, eh; she's been enhanced and the other? SHE'S DEEEAD! :(
I loved Ben Kingsley in this, too.
The twist he was just an actor and not the true Mandarin was brilliant! I applaud him and his brilliant natural English accent popping up.
I do wonder how Tony will be like in The Avengers 2 now that
he had surgery to remove the metal thing (sorry I can't remember what it's called xD) in his chest.
All in all? My personal film of the year so far.

All you guys who don't get to see it til next month are in for a real treat!


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.

It was a nice movie.

Of course, the time and the battles were tough for Jackie Robinson.

Although, I've never been more disappointed and displeased of the Phillies.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Iron Man 3

AIM didn't have the beekeeper outfits. The film never recovered from that.

...Kidding. Loved the climax of the film.
We are Iron Man.
Minor "what the hell" to Pepper early in the film -
"this guy kept giving me stares, he was really creepy, and OMIGAWD, he's gorgeous now, so I'll let him keep touching me"

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Honestly, I didn't like how the Mandarin was handled in the movie. Nothing wrong with Ben Kingsley playing as him, but the ironic twist they throw with him near the end is inevitably disappointing (especially to any Mandarins fans here). I was expecting something more bad-@ss with the character. :(

Otherwise though, a decent film and a slight notch better than the previous two.

Rating: 3.5/5.

Bruce Banner appears in the post-credits scene.


Pro Adventurer
American Warships (2012)

It's so bad it's really funny. It's like there's a fanboy of a battleship named Iowa then made a fanfic out of it, but knowing it's actually a mockbuster of Battleship gives sense to why this movie existed. The acting, directing and special effects are so horrible it's hilarious. I finished it for the lulz.


Their expression for the rest of the movie + vagina aliens + FFVIII graphics + Navy seals that look like that just graduated from the boy scouts + one of the worst romance ever


I've also just watched The Hobbit, it's enjoyable and pretty okay. Sadly the dwarves are pretty forgettable, the only dwarves you get attached to are mostly Thorin, Kili, and probably Fili and Bombur.

I'm still peeved that Martin Freeman is not chubby like Bilbo, but I like his acting.

And... at least one woman speaks in the movie! The book has none haha.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Damn curiousity.

I watched parts of The Mangler Reborn.

Ugh! I cannot watch horror movies; they bug me too much.

Anyhow, that's the last movie I saw.

The last film in a theater that I saw was 42. I may have mentioned that before, though.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The Great Silence (Corbucci, 1968).

This is pretty much a perfect film. Tremendously depressing though.

I might spill some thoughts about it later but it's too late at night for me to be coherent right now.


House at the End of the Street - Can't say it's an absolute win, but I love how it shifted smoothly from suspense to drama and back to suspense. And great performances by Jennifer Lawrence and Max Thieriot. Max is easily becoming one of my fave actors now <3

Argo - Finally watched this after wondering how it managed to snatch both the Academy Award and Golden Globe. I highly recommend it. Equal parts drama, humor, suspense and action. Very riveting.


Pro Adventurer
The Hobbit: I didn't like how one line about Radagast from the book transformed into a big chunk of the movie, among other parts that were different from Tolkien's view. If you've read the book and loved it as I did, my advice is to use a classic trick I've heard others describe (which I should've practiced in this situation): take a stiff drink to cloud your critical judgement before watching...and you'll have a better time at it.

Another criticism, a minor one, is the abuse usage of CGI which made parts of the movie seem unreal compared to, say, the LOTR in which there were a bunch of real actors with costumes mixed in with less CGI. I've heard this was a common complaint.

All that said, I'm not saying I didn't like the movie. I did. But they shouldn't have swayed or modified the original content. My opinion.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Star Trek - a program I wanted to watch was cancelled due to snooker overrunning (as it always does), and I found the last film while channel hopping. :awesome:

Also, actually recognised Karl Urban as Bones, as I've recently rewatched...

RED. With the ex-CIA commentary. Which was quite amusing and informative... until he started saying what a great guy GWB is.


Diabolique. The first time I watched this (which was many many years ago) I thought it was really good (and sexy). Now.. not so much. It takes a very good story and director to recreate the mystery present in 70's giallo in a contemporary setting. Otherwise it's going to be a really stupid movie.


Finally, a scary horror movie! Simple plot, but doesn't fall short on being disturbing. And not predictable at all. Kudos to the soundtrack for making everything more horrifying, not since the Silent Hill games have I felt scared by the music alone.

And is it just me or does Ethan Hawke with a beard look like James Franco..?

Finally, a scary horror movie! Simple plot, but doesn't fall short on being disturbing. And not predictable at all. Kudos to the soundtrack for making everything more horrifying, not since the Silent Hill games have I felt scared by the music alone.

And is it just me or does Ethan Hawke with a beard look like James Franco..?
I loved it. Scary as hell despite it being a scarry ghooostt (woooo!!!). Honestly my fav part of the movie was the fight between Hawke and his wife.

The director and writer and working on a Deus Ex movie at the moment. And they wanna get Hawke to play Adam Jensen.


I seriously thought Bughuul was a woman
when he first appeared in the pool
. The super 8 snippets were really disturbing :|

This has to be the scariest music in the entire film:

OT: The Possession - not so scary, and somewhat dragging. Matisyahu was great though.

Mama - so much emotion in a horror film. Kind of slow-paced, but not boring.


Pro Adventurer
Side Effects: This one goes to my instant classic list. If you like to think while watching a movie, this is an excellent thriller for you.

Maniac: Keep away from this. It's disturbing and not worth watching. It's about a mentally disturbed guy ( played by Elijah Wood) with mother issues, who then goes to take his frustration to other women. Horrible. I had to sit through this with friends. Luckily it was short. I didn't learn anything from it, again don't watch it.


The Pink Dude
Maniac: Keep away from this. It's disturbing and not worth watching. It's about a mentally disturbed guy ( played by Elijah Wood) with mother issues, who then goes to take his frustration to other women. Horrible.

Poor Frodo, the one ring has made him gone psycho :)
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Chloe Frazer
Finally saw Iron Man 3. I enjoyed it, it was a lot snarkier than the previous two and not nearly as dark as the trailers made it out to be.
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