Last Film You've Seen


Pro Adventurer
Just finished Star Trek Generations (ST VII)

My reaction:
Things I liked (note I haven’t watched TNG)

  • Worf’s promotion ceremony
  • Picard’s crew, especially Data. I love how he tries so hard to have emotions and can’t control it fully. Spock’s foil. I want to get to know them more but I don’t know if I’ll still be able to watch TNG
  • Picard’s internal drama on duty vs a nice family life
  • DEMORA SULU - I wish we have seen more of her, she’s so pretty and capable
  • Klingons- the next ST film should totally have female Klingon commanders
  • Kirk’s last lines
Things that made the film suffer:

  • Uneven pacing
  • I have a grasp of what the film is trying to say, but it didn’t really go through. I suppose the message is about time and a new generation but nah
  • Some scenes are too long they’re dragging. For example, the Enterprise crashing down doesn’t have to take a minute.
  • It took too long before Picard and Kirk meet, this is the only movie we could see them together but it’s a missed opportunity.
  • Instead of two brilliant leaders, Picard and Kirk, working together as leaders we get a mediocre action scene from them. I was more entertained by Kirk’s fight in the 60’s with a Gorn.
  • I feel this film didn’t give Kirk’s life/death justice. I’m not opposed to unexciting or sudden, meaningless deaths, but it should always tell something about the story. Kirk’s death told me… that “it was fun" one last time. Yes it did tell something, but not something that made an impact.
  • Kirk and Picard are also very dumb in this movie, rather, the writing is. If they can go back at any point in time, they could have gone back where they have a tactical advantage. Better yet, Picard can go back and arrest the enemy when he’s in their ship.
My personal rating 5.5/10


‪‫‬‭ ‮
yeah, star trek generations really didn't deserve that much analysis.

star trek TOS: 8/10 avg. | 10/10 peak.
star trek TNG: 7/10 avg. | 10/10 peak.
star trek DS9: 4/10 avg. | 8/10 peak.
star trek voyager: 6/10 avg. | 10/10 peak.
star trek enterprise: 4/10 avg [S1/S2/S4]; 6/10 avg [S3].

star trek I: good/10
star trek II: ok/10
star trek III: bad/10
star trek IV: pretty damn good/10
star trek V: really shit/10
star trek VI: boring/10
star trek generations: shit/10
star trek first contact: shit/10
star trek insurrection: good/10
star trek nemesis: shit/10
star trek reboot: bullshit/10
star trek reboot 2: didn't even watch it/10


‪‫‬‭ ‮
latest movies

  • pi - 9/10. nice soundtrack.
  • flight of the phoenix [original] - 7/10. NB: too blazed to give a fuck whether it was good. I like jimmy stewart.
  • memento - 2/10. bored to death.
  • insomnia - 9/10
  • pulp fiction - 10/10
  • taxi driver - 6/10. also boring. didn't like the main character.
  • joan of arc - 4/10. just a bad movie. pity.
  • primer - 8/10. cool to watch and it's not actually a bad movie.
  • air force one - 5/10. typical action movie, can't complain. gary oldman lifts it from shit level.


Pro Adventurer
yeah, star trek generations really didn't deserve that much analysis.

star trek I: good/10
star trek II: ok/10
star trek III: bad/10
star trek IV: pretty damn good/10
star trek V: really shit/10
star trek VI: boring/10
star trek generations: shit/10
star trek first contact: shit/10
star trek insurrection: good/10
star trek nemesis: shit/10
star trek reboot: bullshit/10
star trek reboot 2: didn't even watch it/10

Wow you hate the reboot I love it. We disagree with a lot of things. Here's my own persona rating for what I've watched.

star trek II: 9.8/10
star trek III: 7.5/10
star trek IV: 8.2/10
star trek VI: 8/10
star trek generations: 5.5/10
star trek reboot: 9.4/10
star trek reboot 2: 8.5/10

Wrath of Khan is the best for me, it's a classic. I'll watch First Contact next.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
reboot was pretty to look at but i disliked the story; scotty/chekov/uhura/sulu; spock's desire to mate with uhura; sulu swordfighting on that drilling platform like a pro when he's supposed to be a useless twat good only for driving the ship; the fact that time travel was involved at all; teleporting into a warping vessel; old spock making a dumb cameo; enterprise being constructed on earth and not in space; kirk's trick to cheating on the kobayashi maru test being nothing more than l33thaxx0ring it; kirk being an edgy, attention-seeking rebel; the fact that instead of creating something new, JJA and his team could do nothing more than remake something [wasn't one failure of a prequel series enough of a warning that no one wants to see the past?] etc.

kirk, spock, bones - they were okay in terms of actor performance. when I went to the cinema, my then girlfriend and I walked out. only I gave the film a second chance, she was having none of it. I still couldn't say it was good. but I really, really liked TOS, maybe I'm biased.

most star trek movies are shit because the production team always tries to fit in as much fanservice as possible, twisting the plots to suit that purpose and leaving huge holes in the process.

the first star trek movie of them all isn't too badly written but the problem is that the plot is just copypasted from one or two existing episodes of TOS.

similarly, star trek II is merely a continuation of a relatively bland TOS episode that was basically tied up already and didn't need a continuation.

star trek III fucking dragged, it's just hours of dealing with the uninteresting fallout from star trek II.

star trek IV is good because they literally didn't give a shit about writing something fancy and just went with a new[ish] story, with time travelling whales and other whacky bollocks. star trek parodying itself in the 20th century worked.

star trek V was just retarded. boring, badly written and whacky in the bad way.

STVI was deeply uninteresting, too much diplomatic horseshit and a much hyped klingon prison turns out to be nothing fierce at all. klingons are also the most boring race to centre a star trek movie on, same as the romulans, too much interaction with these races in the series for it to be fun to watch for anyone familiar with the series.

generations was boring AND including kirk was a bad, bad move. he had his time, focus on new ideas rather than digging up corpses to make some 50 year old women excited. no one is going to be entertained just because an elderly kirk returns to get his shit handed to him by some random, unconvincing villain pursuing a magic energy ribbon of timelessness. I mean seriously, why would anyone actually want to pursue the nexus? why? it's just dumb. too many plot holes in that movie and there was the feeling that it was impossible for the good guys to lose. and if they did lose, who'd give a shit? didn't feel any build up. villain was meh. OH NO, you want to act in your own interests, no one ever wanted that before. not even a fucking alien adversary, why even set it in space? data having a magical emotion chip? WHY? PLUS guinan was in the movie with magical gypsy knowledge of the magic energy ribbon. guinan, undoubtedly the shittiest character of the whole star trek saga, should never have made it into the movie.

first contact throws picard's calm, objective, analytical persona into the bin and turns him into an emotional faggot, all for the benefit of giving some random woman from a earth a reason to be in the movie. time travel is really getting old by this point. seeing cochrane invent the warp drive ... couldn't care less. borg having a queen rather than being a true collective consciousness? gay as fuck. that queen being a colossal slut? even more annoying. data being given "real" feelings. wow. big fucking deal. he's really going to betray his entire crew and the future of the federation so he can feel some rotten slut's breath on two square inches of organic flesh.

insurrection... it was okay. worf becomes a buttmonkey, picard falls in love but gives less than a third of a fuck when the chips are down and he has to continue working for starfleet, the villains are suitably merciless, starfleet admiral what's-his-name being a baddy worked okay. few plot holes, like magic life-extending energy that can only be harvested on this particular planet, and only after killing some random villagers. i mean they should have just done it really, who cares about some peasants who have rejected iphones to live simple lives of immortal hedonism? not a terrible movie, people aren't just different characters and there's no time travel. not a complete copypaste of an episode either, though there are some similarities.

nemesis was just one movie too many, the premise of the romulan-offshoot race was stupid and
killing data
was shit a fucking brutal and shit thing to do.
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Pro Adventurer
reboot was pretty to look at but i disliked the story; scotty/chekov/uhura/sulu; spock's desire to mate with uhura; sulu swordfighting on that drilling platform like a pro when he's supposed to be a useless twat good only for driving the ship; the fact that time travel was involved at all; teleporting into a warping vessel; old spock making a dumb cameo; enterprise being constructed on earth and not in space; kirk's trick to cheating on the kobayashi maru test being nothing more than l33thaxx0ring it; kirk being an edgy, attention-seeking rebel; the fact that instead of creating something new, JJA and his team could do nothing more than remake something [wasn't one failure of a prequel series enough of a warning that no one wants to see the past?] etc.

kirk, spock, bones - they were okay in terms of actor performance. when I went to the cinema, my then girlfriend and I walked out. only I gave the film a second chance, she was having none of it. I still couldn't say it was good.

Let me address each of your points

spock's desire to mate with uhura - being in love =/= wanting sex, even in TOS they can be seen flirting. Charlie X and The Man trap for example.

sulu swordfighting on that drilling platform like a pro when he's supposed to be a useless twat good only for driving the ship - Sulu loves fencing and he can, The Naked Time in TOS proves this. In STIII he knows martial arts.

the fact that time travel was involved at all - Isn't the whole plot of STIV about time traveling to get whales? Then you liked that movie but you don't like it used again?

teleporting into a warping vessel; - transwarp beaming is invented by Scotty much later into the timeline but due to necessity, old Spock used the formula

old spock making a dumb cameo; - I think many people see the movie just to see Nimoy. It wasn't a cameo, he has an actual major role in the story.

enterprise being constructed on earth and not in space - the Kelvin's destruction changed the decisions made by Starfleet

kirk's trick to cheating on the kobayashi maru test being nothing more than l33thaxx0ring it - I don't see why this is different than the original. It's just offscreen in Wrath of Khan but this is what Kirk really did

kirk being an edgy, attention-seeking rebel; - he grew up with an abusive stepfather and an absentee mother in this timeline

the fact that instead of creating something new, JJA and his team could do nothing more than remake something [wasn't one failure of a prequel series enough of a warning that no one wants to see the past?] - The fact is that instead erasing the original timeline they created a way to have an alternate reality, the fact that they didn't make an exact copy-cat of old characters, the fact that they had the guts to blow up Vulcan

You may not like the film there's nothing wrong with that but I find your reasons for disliking it unreasonable. You complain on the changes from the original yet complain that Abrams didn't bring something new so yeah


Pro Adventurer
Super (2010)

Left quite an impact, the ever-bettering Ellen Page was astonishing. And I know Raine Wilson already from his work on Six Feet Under.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Thunderball -

It's an okay film, the bond girls were desirable as both villainess and heroine but the plot is too cluttered for my taste. The underwater sequences are so tedious I suspect that the director or Kevin McClory had a swimming fetish of some sort. I don't see why he likes this shit so much to the point he sued the shit out of the franchise's studios and Ian Flemming, he can keep it imo. Quantum seems all the more better than SPECTRE or hell we could use SMERSH in any future bond films post Skyfall.

Wolf Children Ame and Yuki -

The animation is goooood! The way the characters flow and how they were animated are fascinating. The plot and how the characters react to their plight and situation? Not so much. I found various unfortunate implications set my Hana (the mother) as well as the children all the more poorly misguided. They could have had a much better situation were it not for these flaws that eventually led to some bittersweetness.

First off, it's not as good as District 9. But it also proves that District 9 wasn't a fluke. The only problems I had with it were the characters weren't built up enough, and the story/setting isn't creative enough to overlook the blatant message about health care.
the world is fully fleshed out tho, and the characters motivations change depending where the story goes, the action's good, but doesn't have the weight behind it that D9 did.
I also don't think Blomkamps camera style plays well with hand to hand combat. It works well in shoot outs, but not when the 2 parties are in each others face, too blurry.

Sharlto Copley plays a fantastic villain. I only point him out because if you never heard his voice, you wouldn't have guessed that it was him. He's unnerving in some parts.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Caught part of Transformers: Return of the Fallen on TV last night. Three things:
1) why do two of the bots sound like white kids pretending dey is from da ghetto like?
2) as Bay didn't have them starting on Earth in the first film as he thought them being on earth since antiquity was stupid, why are they suddenly hiding their sun eaters in ancient Egypt and leaving clues everywhere?
3) biggest problem of someone blowing up the sun? Earth will be in the dark. Oh, OK. I'd've thought there'd be a bigger problem, personally. Like, I dunno, a swathe of the solar system including Earth getting blown up BY THE SUN EXPLODING?! Are the Decepticons stupid or suicidal at this point, activating it while they're still on the planet?

Also, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. There were a few scenes from the original comic that I was disappointed didn't make the cut, but the things added to it made up for it. James Woods as Owlman pretty much stole the show, except for when he wasn't in the scene. In those cases, Gina Torres as Superwoman usually stole it.

As an aside, the DC Showcase short, The Spectre, was just right for the character. If they do a full movie featuring the Spectre, either animated or live action, I'd like to see it being horror/pulp noir.
I've seen some bad films this summer (R.I.P.D.) and some that were entertaining enough (World War Z, more plotholes than you can shake a stick at), so "Elysium" stood out for me as a science fiction film that delivered on the gore, the high action, and the special effects while also trying to say something worth thinking about. It was, at least, not entirely predictable, unlike WWZ where I saw everything coming. The story of Elysium was too big for the time alotted to tell it, and Jodie Foster's character in particular could have done with more development, I thought. The way human beings treated each other was all too real, for example,
was forced into the radiation chamber in order to fix a trivial door jam and received a lethal dose of radiation as a result. Pretty much the same thing as happened in the clothing factory that collapsed in Bangladesh.

I don't think the main message was about health care. The health care plot was just the most expedient way to tell the story.
devote time and effort coaxing the audience into caring about your character when you have an adorable iittle girl dying from leukemia and her beautiful caring mother, who is also a nurse, desperate to save her. The human interest is instantly right there.

our world is already like this. We are already divided into Elysium for the minority and a slum for everybody else. It's not about why we need Obamacare for the American poor. It's bigger than that. It's about caring about how the choices we make here in Elysium affect the people in the slums where our food is grown and our clothes are made. It's about how we treat "economic migrants", and why they come.

One thing I found really impressive was how tight the plotting was. Everything was believable and happened for a bona fide reason. There were no coincidences. The world remained true to its internal logic. This isn't the case with a lot of sci-fi movies.

And Sharlto Copley was a magnificent hardass crazy bastard. He's mesmerising on screen. Love those South African accents.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

It was quite good to finally see this. I enjoyed the first one and the amount of time between the two films was just unnecessary. Felt a bit disappointed with some parts of the film and it almost felt like they were dumbing it down to make it too familiar for the kids. I get that it's essentially a book series for tweens, but the majority of us watching are probably round my age or older now since it was originally released between 2005 and 2009.

There was plenty of action, however, but
it did seem corny at times, especially with Percy's brother, Tyson. A very likeable character, though.
It didn't really touch on the Percy and Annabeth romance either, which I found odd, considering the final moments of the last film.
Also, Kronos was quite easy to beat. Yep, too easy.

Regardless, it's still watchable.
I've seen some bad films this summer (R.I.P.D.) and some that were entertaining enough (World War Z, more plotholes than you can shake a stick at), so "Elysium" stood out for me as a science fiction film that delivered on the gore, the high action, and the special effects while also trying to say something worth thinking about. It was, at least, not entirely predictable, unlike WWZ where I saw everything coming. The story of Elysium was too big for the time alotted to tell it, and Jodie Foster's character in particular could have done with more development, I thought. The way human beings treated each other was all too real, for example,
was forced into the radiation chamber in order to fix a trivial door jam and received a lethal dose of radiation as a result. Pretty much the same thing as happened in the clothing factory that collapsed in Bangladesh.

I don't think the main message was about health care. The health care plot was just the most expedient way to tell the story.
devote time and effort coaxing the audience into caring about your character when you have an adorable iittle girl dying from leukemia and her beautiful caring mother, who is also a nurse, desperate to save her. The human interest is instantly right there.

our world is already like this. We are already divided into Elysium for the minority and a slum for everybody else. It's not about why we need Obamacare for the American poor. It's bigger than that. It's about caring about how the choices we make here in Elysium affect the people in the slums where our food is grown and our clothes are made. It's about how we treat "economic migrants", and why they come.

One thing I found really impressive was how tight the plotting was. Everything was believable and happened for a bona fide reason. There were no coincidences. The world remained true to its internal logic. This isn't the case with a lot of sci-fi movies.

And Sharlto Copley was a magnificent hardass crazy bastard. He's mesmerising on screen. Love those South African accents.
True, I can definitely see that. In my eyes healthcare is directly tied to how we treat/see other people. Everyone should have the right to be heathly and if there is a relatively simple way to accomplish it then there's no excuse for not doing it.
I definitely see your point tho. I think I'm a bit isolated from that sort of issue up here in my corner of Canada tho. I know of it, but I've never actually had any real experience with it, so it's not at the forefront of my mind and healthcare's what popped in.

Yeah, every conversation in this movie has occurred at some point in real life. And everyones reactions to things are 100% believable.

God I love Sharlto Copley. 3 movies. 3 different characters. 3 great performances. I can't wait to see him in Spike Lee's Oldboy remake.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
G. I. Joe Retaliation: Cheesy :p It's full of
(like, do ninjas use machine guns? One would think they would prefer being, you know, silent?)
and clichés, but it was fine. It was a nice surprise to see Ray Stevenson, tho.

Summer Wars: I loved this one! Mingle Digimon with juuuust a teenie bit of Die Hard 4.0 and toss a big family in the mix. 8/10


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Elysium was amazing, and Copley practically deserves a freaking Oscar. Jodie Foster was equally mesmerising. I agree that the main message of the film was about wealth inequality, and that it was pointing out that our world is already substantially like the world of the film. There was also a pretty strong subplot about drone warfare, which I haven't seen many commentators mention.

D9 was probably still a slightly better film, but Elysium is still a more than worthy follow-up.


Just saw Oblivion.

Ngl some parts were dragging, but overall, I think it's really good. I only got to appreciate the isolated, depressing ambiance of the whole film after I've watched it. I think the whole story is utterly sad in a beautiful way. And the soundtrack is definitely one of the best I've heard in a while. The credits song just blows my mind.



Harbinger O Great Justice
No one does gritty science fiction like Neil Blomkamp. I'd agree that it's not as soon as D9, but I loved it. Strong messages that're well portrayed, and I always feel like the plot is a realistic interpretation of those messages and neither one feels like it's dragging the other one along with it an bludgeoning people over the head with it to make its point.

Also, Inter - I'm glad someone else felt the same about the hand-to-hand combat not quite working as well as the gunplay with how he shots it.

That being said, if you've seen it, go read this: http://spinoff.comicbookresources.c...-wants-to-be-an-artist-thats-just-left-alone/

X :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Godzilla/Gojira - Absolutely thrilling for a very old sci-fi film, combined with the terror of nukes and how it was a factor in making Godzilla who he is today, I say it was pulled off very well. Acting for one, is quite camp especially the leading lady but it still passes off really well. The moral of the story was also gripping and it was kinda sad to see the first pass so fast.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters - just the same as Gojira but with an added set with some dude who just watches the whole thing lol.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
the lone ranger: 5/10

pirates of the caribbean copypasted onto wild west. depp getting old, should quit and do fundraisers. main character really irritating as both character and actor. plot unconvincing. writing bad. critics exaggerating. movie still bad.

shame elysium sounds like a fail. pacific rim movie of the year.

i'm ok with this.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
true grit [2010]: 6/10
inside man: 7/10
serenity: 5/10
children of men: 10/10
brazil: 8/10
true romance: 10/10
hana-bi: 8/10


Human, being
Alan Partridge: Alphapapa, which really was everything I could hope for in an Alan Partridge movie (although it would have been nice to see Patrick Marber show up, for old time's sake).

Also Kick-Ass 2, which is pretty much a textbook example of a bad, "let's-do-the-same-thing-again-only-really-shit-this-time" sequel.


Wolverine, whatever the subtitle may have been. It was a decent action flick, but it did kinda feel like a "Have another thrilling adventure of the Wolverine!1one", like a TV series of sorts. This one with thick layerings of weeaboo, i.e. Japanese, ninjas and samurais and shit. Decent / entertaining enough.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
couldn't pay me to see oldverine, suck ass 2, alan fartridge, 2 cocks or any of the other shit out right now. might see elysium but it's going to be bourne to die hard in space with a message as empty as that of blood diamond.

just waiting for evangelion to be shown in the UK:

+ i get to see eva at the cinema, even better than 1080p 10bit mkv.
+ i get to see all three movies back to back.

- i have to go to an anime convention full of mentally ill people to see it.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

"What is it?"
It's a 1980s comedy that I saw for the first time at the weekend and greatly enjoyed, but that doesn't matter.
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