Last Film You've Seen


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
The Wolf Man (1941)

OK, let's deal with the elephant in the room - I think the make up looks ridiculous. OK, having seen the documentary on the DVD where they go a little into the process and what was available at the time, it's impressive. However, I think something more like the Werewolf in London make up that they used for a comparison in the documentary would have stood the test of time better, if possibly not so iconic.

Otherwise, the pacing is good and atmospheric. You can still see the remnants of Siodmak's original treatment, where it would have been left ambiguous whether Larry actually transformed physically, or whether it was all in his mind. Apart from the make up, the only niggle I have with it is the abundance of American accents in a small British village.

Best voice goes to Claude Rains, who sounds like a young John Hurt, funnily enough.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Chronicles of Riddick : DIRECTOR'S UNCUT EDITION - Now that is the version I prefer the most over the PG shit I was treated to in 2004. Instead of saying "Never~!" he says "FUCKYOU!!". Perfect and though with faults of its original production, still stands out fairly well.

Immortals - Mickey Rourke is awesome. The Costumes are silly and the plot is so cliche.


Trance - Wow I didn't know pubic hair could play an important role in a story :oscar:

Now You See Me - Disappointing. Started out interesting, and suddenly, mehh. The story is just mehh.



I'm five years late. It's a love letter to the old TV show. Amazing. :D


Pro Adventurer
The Thing 2011.

Not bad but I wanted the head spider. The CGI looked a big iffy in some parts too. Although I just read there was a lot of practical effects at work. Perhaps my problem was the animations then.
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Star Trek Into Darkness: 9/10 I loved it, simply as that. I don't care one bit about what purists might say, Cumberbatch was a great choice for his role
which is nothing but a megalomaniac Sherlock on steroids :awesome:

Journey to Agartha: 8/10 Starts a bit conventional but ends up winning you in the end. Despite it's flawls, it's good to see that Ghibli's throne might not be left empty if they ever stop making movies.
ABCs Of Death


26 directors given a letter of the alphabet amd free rein to make whatever they wanted as long as it was a short, and involved death in some way.
It ranges from horror, comedy, action, arty, and japanese (aka. wut?)
Some are pretty lazy like M, and some are just dull, like G. There's some really great ones like D, H, Q, Y off the top of my head.
I'm not saying what they are because half the fun is trying to figure out what the letter stands for (the title/director is shown at the end of the short).

I will say tho, don't watch unless you can have a dark sense of humor, and can stomach quite a bit. Oh, and it ends on a note that'll just leave you saying "...okaay?". Think a hyperactive Tokyo Gore Police/Robo-Geisha/Dead Sushi/etc. only with zero story or context.

I'd recommend it.
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Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Watched the three parts of Fallen from 2006, starring Paul Wesley as the lead. It's essentially a miniseries, but I'm counting it as a film since it's basically an hour and a half each part. I quite liked it, despite feeling like a lot more could've happened. However, it didn't have the cliché of a romantic ending and I was relieved, and accepted that.



A decent film, but I don't agree with the rave reviews. Story is not rich, characters were not explored enough for me to feel anything for them save for the inspector, not because of fangirl bias, but because the character was really odd. Not bad, but could have been much better.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
It was Katy Perry: Part of Me last year. I was vaguely interested in this last year, but missed at the cinemas. Thanks to Netflix, I found it and decided to watch it last night. It goes to show how hard it can be to get into the industry, but then the price you have to pay for it all.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
The new Conan movie.

I would say I want my money back, but I watched it for free on Netflix. I still feel like they owe me money for sitting through this mess of a movie.


A decent film, but I don't agree with the rave reviews. Story is not rich, characters were not explored enough for me to feel anything for them save for the inspector, not because of fangirl bias, but because the character was really odd. Not bad, but could have been much better.

Donnie Yen. I believe he voiced Jackie in Sleeping Dogs.
Donnie Yen. I believe he voiced Jackie in Sleeping Dogs.
You would be incorrect.


Really good drama. Solid acting even tho some of the dialogue is pretty bad. And come on Ron Howard, we GET it. We dont need the point of the movie blatantly told to us literally 3 times. Especially since we already figured it out 20 min ago.


Ghost X


Apparently a formulaic film. Not my kind of genre (I would've watched Gravity, but was with family), but a decent watch :awesome:. 3/5 stars.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Bits of Inglorious Basterds. I knew what I'd let myself in for, it's a Tarantino movie, fer chrissakes. :awesome:

Pokémon the Movie: Kyurem and the Sword of Justice - well, whatever complaints about the main characters not having the 4kids voices were pretty much silenced by Vic Mignogna as Keldeo. Shows the anime's usual respect for game mechanics, but some of the characterisation was interesting. Not as good as it could've been, but nowhere near as bad as it could've been.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Le Prénom: I don't usually watch continental films, but someone suggested this to me and, honestly, it blew my mind. A must see :)

Constantine: Tilda Swinton. That is all.


Pro Adventurer
A Chilean movie based around 1988 during a campaign to provide public awareness about Pinochet's cruelties and misdeeds and so hopefully defeat him by means of people's vote in the upcoming election. There are two campaigns NO (no more Pinochet) and YES (he stays). Good film.
Cabin In The Woods.

It's the hacker-slash movie to end all hacker-slash movies. Best watched if you go in without knowing anything at all.

Why not just nuke the Ancient Ones to dust? FFS I get so tired of elder gods and ancient ones being presented as undefeatable. It's necessary for this movie, but really, I want to see a movie where Cthulhu gets slashed and bombed to bits. Humanity FUCK YEAH.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Cabin In The Woods.

It's the hacker-slash movie to end all hacker-slash movies. Best watched if you go in without knowing anything at all.

Why not just nuke the Ancient Ones to dust? FFS I get so tired of elder gods and ancient ones being presented as undefeatable. It's necessary for this movie, but really, I want to see a movie where Cthulhu gets slashed and bombed to bits. Humanity FUCK YEAH.

Because they're basically gods. Who says that would even kill them, not to mention they'd probably just disintegrate them before any meaningful impact anyway. I loved the movie BECAUSE it's a gigantic "fuck you" to everyone at the end, (and I love movies that end up like that).

X :neo:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
In theory This Is the End should've been really great, but it didn't really work for me. Technically the film was superb; the effects were amazing, and the acting was solid throughout, but I think the film suffered a lot for not really having a planned-out script. A lot of of the humour was just really forced.

Emma Watson stole every scene she appeared in. One obvious way to improve this film would have been to give her more to do. Most of Michael Cera's scenes were good too.

6/10 probably.


Cabin In The Woods.

It's the hacker-slash movie to end all hacker-slash movies. Best watched if you go in without knowing anything at all.

Why not just nuke the Ancient Ones to dust? FFS I get so tired of elder gods and ancient ones being presented as undefeatable. It's necessary for this movie, but really, I want to see a movie where Cthulhu gets slashed and bombed to bits. Humanity FUCK YEAH.

HEY! :monster:
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