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watch spy hard.

  • kill bill I: 6/10
  • surrogates: 4/10
  • the departed: 9/10
  • coriolanus: 7/10
  • meet joe black: 8/10
  • die hard with a vengeance: 9/10
  • the aviator: 5/10


sweet dee
Bun, Academic
Elysium - 5/10

It had its good parts (like the introduction of Matt Damon's grown up character) and the villain Kruger (pretty much every scene with him in it, I found myself smiling and cheering). But overall, the movie was lackluster in its execution. I feel like they could have fleshed the characters out a bit more (especially, as it has been said before, Jodie Foster's character), given me a reason not to laugh at most of the shit that was going on. Seriously, I think the people beside me were mad I was laughing at some moments that were supposed to be more serious. I just couldn't take the movie that way. While my friend and I were cracking jokes left and right, there was one in particular I found hilarious. My friend leaned over during the scene that shows Los Angeles and, for those who have seen it will know, says, "Wow, it looks a lot better than it does now!"

Definitely not worth seeing it in the theater. If you're going to watch it, wait for it to come to DVD.
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the quick and the dead: 4/10... no... 8/10
+4 for sharon stone. still sexier than any cunt in modern cinema.

apocalypse now: 10/10

collateral: 7/10
professionally double-tapping some thugs is good. randomly having mercy on some faggot cabbie is not.

3:10 to yuma: 8/10
one-handed quickdraw: very cool.

mercury rising: 3/10
so many things wrong with this movie.

kill bill II: 4/10

die hard 4.0: 6/10
fun. but bad.

contagion: 9/10
jude law was wasted on that faggot blogger. fucking cool movie though.


Consumed By Darkness
I got Netflix the other day and I have since been on a movie rampage.

I watched Crank 2 today and wow, simply wow.

This film is amazing but bad amazing, it was funny and over the top and would recommend being stoned, you'll enjoy even more.


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oblivion: 2/10
superficial post-apocalyptic shitfest that seemed more like an elongated business-car advert than a film, on account of the glossy visuals and empty, recycled plot.



I'm 50/50 about it.
On the one side, I enjoyed it, great visuals and intense action sequences, geeky sci-fi (although for some reason they made some of the computer graphics look from the 80's, not sure why), and gore. Not as much gore as District 9 (no teeth or nails falling out either), but still. And it has Copley, who puts down a solid role of homeless/commando/hardass seeking world domination/whatever the fuck he's supposed to be doing, :monster:. Can't take his role too seriously due to the accent though. It amuses me, :monster:.

The bad parts are the overly dramatic (and dramatically shot) bits; the completely ball-less female nurse protagonist with her OH NOES SICK DAUGHTER (how stereotypical can you get?), the male protagonist whose motivations seem unclear (I know he's dying, but besides that... seems to be important bits missing from his story / personality / character), repetitive slow-motion flashbacks to old nuns and shit, etc.

But the biggest gripe I have is the basic premise of the movie; rich peoples are cocks, and there's free and instant and magic health care available, but the poor ones (who, given the size and cleanliness of houses and shit don't seem /that/ poor to me. Had the same feeling in erm. some other sci fi movie earlier this year, forgot the name.) don't get it 'cause they're poor. Even if it's free and instant and can easily be scaled to mass-production. Doesn't cost much energy either given how they have a billion of them in shuttles ready to be dispatched. It tries to portray the message that rich people are complete and utter dicks, and/or that humans in general are, which (obviously) is incorrect.

So yeah. 50/50.

+ action sequences
+ gore
+ awesomeness

- characters & motivation, besides Copley who pwns for purely shallow reasons
- Disgusting/sickening attempted heart-string-pluckery. Compensated with grenade to the face.
- Flawed basic premise.

tl;dr, I liked it, but it has flaws. D9 was better. Ia!


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hollywood's gone the same way as the anime industry. forced drama everywhere & cheap cgi replacing real fucking visuals.


I dunno, the CGI seemed very good (i.e. not cheap), the robots, spaceships and special effects used looked very convincing to me. +1 on the drama though, and the forced social commentary or whatever it was supposed to be.


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cgi is always shit. star wars iv still looks better than these modern blockbusters because they used comparatively expensive scale models. save on the effects, save on the writing, just put beautiful people in beautiful ships with beautiful guns that make beautiful explosions and bang you've got profit.


Pro Adventurer
watched ST First Contact - pretty good IMO, 2nd to WoK in the best ST film

rewatched SW Empire Strikes Back and the RoTJ and saw some errors but I don't mind it anymore.

I'll just say I will never like the Ewoks no matter how hard I try


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↑ ?????????? ???: 8/10


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Eraserhead. Not very different from the recurring nightmare I kept having some months ago
except for the fear about procreating, of course :monster:
. But yeah, pretty much it shows the depressing setting I lived in, only that I saw no living soul anywhere.

Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
The Conjuring [8/10] - pretty damn scary even though I was listening to my ipod the whole movie.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
The Little Mermaid and How to Train Your Dragon - two films for my lovable fantasy pairings, mermaids and dragons. Of course I love it. <3



Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I dont know, I'm just too mesmerized by her red hair.


Perhaps from one of them. I like the original.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Dracula: Dead and Loving It

There' much BLOOD.
You're Next

It was alright. A bit off on the tone in some points
(they act like the killers are amazing badasses when like 2 of them have already been killed)
There were a few good kills, but given how the movie ended, it seemed like that was why they were making it, to show off some good kills, which I dont think they lived up to.
It was a decent watch tho.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Now this...THIS is how the story of Die Hard 5 should have played out. Not that I hate 'A Good Day' but Christ, this blew me away. DAMN good action sequences and hell of a fun ride.

Rating: 4/5.



Been wanting to watch this for three years now. Finally got time to watch it a couple of days ago. It blew my mind away.


Pro Adventurer
Galaxy Quest - funniest sci fi ever and a great parody of Star Trek, better than half of Star Trek films

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - worst Star Trek film I've watched, worst in the Kirk-universe films
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