Last Film You've Seen

Ghost X

John Wick

Non-cerebral Taken-like action movie, where even the action was mediocre, and there was also almost an entire lack of a story. Scrapes in at 2.5/5 stars. The more I think about it, the less it deserves :awesome:.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Ghost in the Shell: ARISE episode 1, average and not as good as the old one back in the 90s but it's nice to see the major again. Her being voiced by Lightning though brings some oddity to the new series. It's a nice pop corn flick.

Theory of Everything: Sad and enjoyable at the start and tugs heart strings, good references for my volume 5 involving Octo and Stephen. But I prefer the Cumberbatch version from 2004.

Nausicaa and the valley of the wind: Epic and even though I couldn't finish it on time, had very beautiful animations and it's hard to believe all of it were hand drawn. Now this is some good shit.

Porco Rosso: one of my favourite miyazaki films, relaxing and nothing big and manages to stay grounded and humble in terms of plot. Should get a sequel though, cos I dunno if
Porco got uncursed or not

Dark Nation

Melodramatic much..



Recorded Watchmen the other night, haven't seen it in ages....

Nite Owl II for the win!


Speaking of :awesome:. I watched Birdman the other day. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect other than award-winning material and shit. I can see where those came from, stuff like the cinematography (?, it seems like one long scene with a handful of subtle time jumps) and the acting is pretty good. Don't think it's liek teh best m0v13 of last year though, but then, it's not intended to be.

Ghost X

Fight Night Part 2 (not the recent reboot, the original)

Looking at rotten tomatoes, this movie got critically panned. I watched it as a kid and enjoyed it, and watching it again yesterday, I still found it somewhat entertaining. Deserves 3/5 stars, surely. Its plot and characters have even more depth than the young adult crap that comes out today.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Speaking of :awesome:. I watched Birdman the other day. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect other than award-winning material and shit. I can see where those came from, stuff like the cinematography (?, it seems like one long scene with a handful of subtle time jumps) and the acting is pretty good. Don't think it's liek teh best m0v13 of last year though, but then, it's not intended to be.
Agree with all that, except it's one of those films you'd place in the rare kind of genre. It was a great film and I was genuinely interested in where it was all going. Michael Keaton kept me going with his portrayal. Was also a bit impressed with Emma Stone, even though I would've loved to hear more about her character and how she ended being the way she was.
The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

Still really love this version. Jim Caviezel does a great job at portraying a kind, innocent, naive, man turned sly, ruthless, mastermind. The sword fights are great, acting great, tone great.
....then the ending happens. Just spit in the face of the whole point of the story. I get it, it's a hollywood movie, but, ugh... come on.
Still a great movie though, well worth a watch.


Pro Adventurer
Whiplash. It lived up to the hype.
I saw this tonight, making it the first non-Hobbit film I watched in a cinema since 50/50, I think.

I had never heard of the film before (lol) so I can't say if it lived up to the hype, but if the hype was that it's a good film, then yes, it's a good film. Very good. Great soundtrack as well, obviously.


The Budapest Hotel. It was all right, a bit of a random murder mystery story (?) set in a slightly psychedelic / weird setting. Nothing that really stood out for me though.


3x3 Eyes
Watched the Babadook the other day. A thoroughly upsetting film that keeps you on edge when you slowly begin to realise that the horror aspects are actually a facade for a film that is actually dealing with the themes of deep depression, pain and loss. The transition from theses themes, to horror, and back again is very gradual and subtle, but it keeps the viewer unsettled. So in that, it's a great success. You begin the film wanting the Babadook to kill the tragic mum and annoying son, but soon slowly begin to sympathise with their situation.

Definitely worth a watch. An intriguing film.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Going Clear

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a "religion" formed by an inveterate domestic abuser turned into an abusive cult, but it's still far worse than I would ever have guessed. Current leader David Miscavige is a fucking psychopath, probably every bit as much as Hubbard was.

I saw this tonight, making it the first non-Hobbit film I watched in a cinema since 50/50, I think.

I had never heard of the film before (lol) so I can't say if it lived up to the hype, but if the hype was that it's a good film, then yes, it's a good film. Very good. Great soundtrack as well, obviously.

J. K. Simmons won an Oscar for it, amongst other praise it's received. And yeah, the soundtrack is amazing.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Fast 7!

grand and wondrous pop corn flick and a beautiful send off to the late Paul Walker. :') Amazing film!


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Watched the Babadook the other day. A thoroughly upsetting film that keeps you on edge when you slowly begin to realise that the horror aspects are actually a facade for a film that is actually dealing with the themes of deep depression, pain and loss. The transition from theses themes, to horror, and back again is very gradual and subtle, but it keeps the viewer unsettled. So in that, it's a great success. You begin the film wanting the Babadook to kill the tragic mum and annoying son, but soon slowly begin to sympathise with their situation.

Definitely worth a watch. An intriguing film.

I just watched it. Certainly unsettling. And I agree about the viewer doing a 180. Like to begin with that woman was so inept like a dishrag, but then you come to understand that shes just at the end of her rope.

I kind of wish that they'd made their mind up - is it a psychological thriller or a supernatural thriller? I had pretty much decided that the mother had actually gone mad, that the book was something she had created herself (it was mentioned she was a writer at one point) - which also explained why it got fixed after she tore it up.

But then the ending, with feeding the Babadook in the basement. I dunno, I get that the Babadook is meant to symbolise grief, and that grief never goes away but it becomes small and manageable and you can manage it. But then they've made it an obviously real entity.

But then I guess, if it all was hallucinatory it makes her actions when she had lost her mind unforgivable? I mean in the 'real world'


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Watched Cinderella today. Quite a good version, I'd give it 4/5 stars. Lily James and Cate Blanchett were definitely the highlights, and the effects reminded me of how I fell in love with the fairytale when I was little.


John Wick, a decent but unremarkable action flick in which Theon pisses Neo off, provoking the latter to kill a lot of people and steal someone's dog.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Quite liked that, the action is well done (a lot more reloads than is typical), and I like that basically everyone is afraid of Keanu immediately, rather than initially underestimating him.

That dog is due to be put down, apparently.

Spielbergs first movie about a guy who's harassed/attacked by a tractor-trailer while on the road. it's pretty good, though drags in a few parts. The cafe scene especially. Anytime they're on the road, though technically not much is actually happening for big stretches, I'm not bored at all.


Lucy (finally?).
That's some Akira / Dr. Manhattan shit y0, :monster:. What's on the usb stick though?


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Just finished watching Spring Breakers. What a weird film, but I can see why it's so appealing. Totally weird seeing two Disney actresses, I guess they really wanted to move on from that image and be seen as more mature... or something. I wouldn't watch it again because it's too fucked up for me, but it was all right. :monster:


The Theory of Everything; a move about Stephen Hawking. I must admit I had different expectations; it's a movie based on his first wife's book, and by extension the movie is mainly about the guy and his relationship with his first wife. It sorta hints at his scientific achievements, and besides said relationship it's about his disease / disabilities and those troubles. It's definitely not some profound thing about his scientific wossnames though; that's only a subplot in this movie, and it seems that the movie intends to assume the audience already knows all about it, or at least knows that Hawking is Special for it.

Tl;DR... I don't think it's a great movie, generally speaking.

However, I'm going to give full credit to the actor portraying him - Eddie Redmayne - and his oscar was well-deserved; his role and acting and everything were all very, very good - also because it's not a regular role at all. In fact, it's probably the most abnormal role I've seen in a movie for a long time. I'm trying to think of anything that comes close. Gollum? IDK. The soundtrack was pretty good too.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Hit all the right notes, pun intended. :monster:

It was a great film. My personal highlights included Becca being sexually confused by the flawless German girl whenever they clashed, Chloe regretting not experimenting with Becca and every scene that had Rebel Wilson in it. I can't wait for the third one.
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