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Ghost X


The one directed by Michael Bay. Intolerable in a lot of places, but generally not too bad. A polished average film. 3/5 stars.

How to train your dragon 2

I liked how the story flowed, and how many scenes were milked for all their potential comedy
like when the guy throws the flame sword off the boat twice, and the dragon plays fetch, all while the plot advances.
. I was honestly looking for more from the movie though. 3.5/5 stars.

Maze Runner

I just can't get into these young adult novels made into movies. Watchable at least, but not much meat. 3/5 stars.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Almost finished with Assault on Arkham.

Moi goodness that's a lotta violence. It's also kinda weird seeing an animated Batman movie plug a video game based on comicbook Batman. That's 3 levels of meta.

Also during a Netflix marathon:

High Anxiety
The Burbs (of which I had seen the Simpsons take on it first, so
the ending threw me off.
The Imitation Game

Well shit. Damn good fucking movie. I went to see it with my parents and my mom was awestruck by it, at a loss for words afterwards.

Ghost X

Learning Curve (aka Detention) (1998 film)

Though having inconsistent pacing, with b-grade actors and budget, I think it had interesting enough themes to make it tolerable. 3.5/5 stars.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Bourne Legacy, well written like the trilogy, nothing new though.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Watched Vampire Academy on Netflix. It was terribly corny, clichéd and the only good thing about it was Zoey Deutch. I'd personally give it 2/5.


Chloe Frazer
Boyhood. It's easily the best movie of 2014 and the concept of filming a coming of age story throughout 12 years it's absolute genius.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Boyhood. It's easily the best movie of 2014 and the concept of filming a coming of age story throughout 12 years it's absolute genius.


Boyhood was amazing, there's so much of that film that just perfectly captures the journey from adolescence to adulthood. A lot of it is obviously very male oriented (my girlfriend thought it was funny that ten year old kids would look at lingerie adverts and be all "I'm too young to have the horn, but if I was old enough, I would" and craic like that), but there's such a human element to that film, and all of Linklater's stuff. Before Sunrise is amazing too.

Gah!! Loved that film so much


crouching dragon, hidden tiger

I have one movietheatre voucher left, good till march. Dunno what to spend it on. recs?

Ghost X

Pulp Fiction

I don't think I've ever seen this movie in full before, so last night I took up the opportunity to do so. I didn't actually like half the movie, but for some reason I still want to give it 4/5 stars because at least those parts were vaguely tolerable, and the rest of the film was really interesting.
Pulp Fiction

I don't think I've ever seen this movie in full before, so last night I took up the opportunity to do so. I didn't actually like half the movie, but for some reason I still want to give it 4/5 stars because at least those parts were vaguely tolerable, and the rest of the film was really interesting.
I really hate the date scene. I find very little about it engaging, or fun to watch, the restaurant is by far the most interesting thing in that scene.

Dhoom: 3

Real fun fun movie that does well at making it appeal to NA audiences while still being distinctly bollywood. I really love Aamir Khan who plays the villain, really great performance. And he's 50?!?!? For the whole movie I would have sworn he was in his late 20s
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Ghost X

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Movie with lots of good action scenes and humour, but there were some eye-rolling cliches and corniness that grated on me. There's a particular scene that is rather... uh... gratuitous, which I'm sure will get some comment on Fox News (and similarly-minded folks), and just for that reason, I made sure to enjoy it :P. 3.75/5 stars.


It's an AI story that imo has a deep grounding in reality which is really refreshing and imo plays on our over eagerness to suspend our disbelief for a film. But I think that it does that might make people feel disappointed.

I really liked the fact that this guy could predict the AI so well, it's a discourse analysts dream! We all take for granted that people are sincere in what they say (Grice's maxims of politeness). The guy got so duped that the AI was human he never considered this would not be so. But twist on the same underestimation was really cool imo. Mind you it took too long to get to that point, I think it would have been more interesting to see what happens after the film.... bladerunner I guess?


Properly sat through the Indiana Jones trilogy. Doesn't speak to me the way Star Wars does but damn, compared to crystal skull SW prequel trilogy connects to the original three flawlessly, what a waste.


Kingsman: The Secret Service

Movie with lots of good action scenes and humour, but there were some eye-rolling cliches and corniness that grated on me. There's a particular scene that is rather... uh... gratuitous, which I'm sure will get some comment on Fox News (and similarly-minded folks), and just for that reason, I made sure to enjoy it :P. 3.75/5 stars.

I really liked it. 4.5/5 stars. If they stereotypical british rich private school twits played so disappointingly straight had been excized from the movie it have been perfect.

Quite bloody, I should add too.
That church scene... oh my god. Beautiful <3

That ending shot, and the whole lil "plotline" in general felt really out of place with the rest of the movie. Kinda left a bad taste in my mouth, but didnt diminish the rest of the movie for me.

Dark Nation

Melodramatic much..

Watched Hanna earlier tonight...

It was a good idea but poorly executed.

I feel that they could have really given the film an edge had they refrained from blasting out mind numbing music at every chance.

I had high hopes for the film in the first 10 minutes but it goes down hill from there...



Watched Hanna earlier tonight...

It was a good idea but poorly executed.

I feel that they could have really given the film an edge had they refrained from blasting out mind numbing music at every chance.

I had high hopes for the film in the first 10 minutes but it goes down hill from there...

My thoughts exactly.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Skyline. Bloody awful.

It's really poor. Not Birdemic poor or Sharknado poor. From a technical standpoint it's ok. The cameras are pointed where they are supposed to. The actors aren't utterly terrible and remember the lines. The special effects are competent. The script is kind of meh - as in it makes sense's not engaging.

Radio Times gave it 3/5 and there was nothing else on. Anyway. within the first 5 minutes you pretty much hate everybody and want them to die. Bunch of LA pool party wankbags being obnoxious.

But it takes ages for the aliens to turn up, and when they do, they're totally unscary. Who decided neon blue glowing stuff was scary? IT ISN'T.

The main characters are a guy who looks like a young Dick Dastardly, and his GF who looks like the typical girls that end up in these crappy films. Totally forgettable.
A lot of tldr stuff happens, then these two get got by the aliens, in some sort of War of the Worlds type deal they're sucked on board the alien ship. The aliens like to harvest brains. They harvest the guys brain and put it in an alien body....because of reasons that would have been clear if the film had engaged me at all, the guy can somehow control this alien body unlike the other harvested brains. We know this because it is orange instead of blue. Helpful.

The aliens are about to do 'something' to his girlfriend because she's pregnant. So our hero steps in at the last minute and smashes one of them in the face and then......

because they obviously ran out of ideas/money. The credits roll and we're treated to 'bullet time' style shots of the ensuing battle but we don't get any idea of whether or not they survive. So even if you did give a shit about this movie you don't get to find out what happened.

EDIT: And I don't care if it was going to be an unhappy ending, it just wasn't an ending.

Utter pigshit. If anyone ever suggests you watch this film you should punch them very hard in the face.
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IIRC this was primarily done as a showcase for the effects company, under the guise of being a real movie. Sort of like Killer Clowns From Outer Space. Only that movie knew what it was, and had fun with it.


Titties 'n' Beer
Older low budget films aren't as remotely crap as some of the gazillion dollar films made these days imo...
Anyways I 've never seen Pacific Rim before so I gave it a watch. Fell asleep halfway. This sorta stuff isn't my thing.

Ghost X

I half paid attention to Birdman, whilst I was doing other things. My lack of attention thus forfeits my right to rating it, but I think I basically understood what was going on. It did seem good during the parts I concentrated on. It deserves at least a 3/5 stars. I have no interest in wanting to re-watch it properly though.

If I were to critique it, from what I saw of it (and thus this is probably unfair as a result), I'd say it was probably too chaotic. It seemed almost like an art film (which also isn't a bad thing, but there is a time and a place). I found the jazzy drums constantly playing in the background distracting too :awesome:. Apparently such a thing was unprecedented, but to me it seemed very film noir.

TL;DR: A must watch :awesome:.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Went to see Chappie. Quite liked it, although it could've needed with more Dev Patel and Hugh Jackman, a little less focus on the main gangster. The female one surprised me and she gave a good performance. How it ended was quite rushed though, I'd give it 3/5 stars.
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