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reality is a prison

Wow, just wow that was quite an interesting horror flick. I suppose the movie wasn't the greatest and a few bits of acting were poor, but I tell you go watch it because the idea of the movie is
about a girl with teeth in her vagina. O:


ACF Refugee
Resevoir Dogs, one of my favorite films ever. Still not as good Pulp Fiction, but still good.

and FUCK Quentin Tarantino loves to recycle actors.


fresh to death
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire.



ACF Refugee
I hated Goblet of Fire.

Last night I rewatched Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind. This is my third favorite Miyazaki film behind Howl's Moving Castle and Castle in the Sky. I don't know what I particularly like about it. Maybe the cast cuz Patrick Stewart's full of win.

Cookie Monster

Harry Potter should die in a great blaze of fire, lava, and brimstone, imho.

Gangs of New York. Daniel Day Lewis is godlike in this film.


terminator 4, quite old now, but it was ok i guess. Although i do miss the normal method of 2 terminators, one to kill, the other to protect. Hopefully in the next one, we will see the liquid terminators fighting in the war.


reality is a prison
The Tracey Fragmants.

Damn it was it good, but i'm the artsy type and it is more a type of film to be seen and some indie film fest. It's fucked up, but that's why favorite type. (:

It was fantastic, really good sci-fi without all the typical wacky special effects. I went in expecting it to be more like 2001 but I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be a lot less ambiguous (...not that I didn't like 2001).


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Finally got round to watching Fight Club. Awesome movie is awesome and strange plot twist is strange. :monster:


District 9.

It wasn't amazing or mind blowing, but it wasn't bad. I wasn't expecting it to be groundbreaking, though it was certainly entertaining. There were a few times during the movie when I was rolling my eyes, but there were also a lot of times when I was wanting to vomit because it was so gory. It was pretty fucked up in the psychological realm, too, exploring the idea of how humanity treats others (in this case creatures) who are different and even their own kind.

If you don't have a strong stomach, I'd suggest not seeing this movie. Even though I'm pretty desensitized, there were times when I thought it was disgusting. Otherwise, pretty entertaining. Worth seeing.


Titties 'n' Beer
Knowing 0/10

Not too subtle Christian creationism propaganda imo. I found it disgusting, to say the least. The film title alone makes me want to shoot the director.

Old Nan

valar morghulis
Lady V, Nat
The Station Agent - excellent film, starring the fantastic Peter Dinklage (who will be playing quite possibly the best role of his life in the HBO Game of Thrones series - Tyrion Lannister).

It's a sweet comedy drama that never becomes mawkish or sentimental.

I also watched Attack of the Clones with Mike Nelson's Rifftrax this weekend. :D


The Station Agent - excellent film, starring the fantastic Peter Dinklage (who will be playing quite possibly the best role of his life in the HBO Game of Thrones series - Tyrion Lannister).

It's a sweet comedy drama that never becomes mawkish or sentimental.

I also watched Attack of the Clones with Mike Nelson's Rifftrax this weekend. :D

Speaking of that. I'm going to see Plan 9 from Outer Space by Rifftrax in theaters on August 20. And I'm PRETTY FUCKING PSYCHED. :33

Old Nan

valar morghulis
Lady V, Nat
Speaking of that. I'm going to see Plan 9 from Outer Space by Rifftrax in theaters on August 20. And I'm PRETTY FUCKING PSYCHED. :33

The live one? Nice! I'm in the UK, sadly, I bet it'll be hilarious. :D


ACF Refugee
I saw Ponyo. It was good, but it was very family-oriented, moreso than even Tottoro. There were also a lot of hints of concepts in the movie that were never realized. Particularly, Ponyo's parents, played by Liam Neeson and Cate Blanchett. There seemed to have been a far deeper back story between all of them that was never explored.


Pro Adventurer
The Soloist. It was okay at times but mostly bored the crap out of me.
I've also recently seen Knowing, and gotta agree with SouldReapers' opinion on it. Was okay at the beginning but man the ending sucked.
Next i'm gonna see distrtict 9 as many say it's good and hopefully won't be the usual crap i've seen for the past month.
"Gran Torino". The best movie I've seen this year. One could write a dozen essays about the various aspects of this movie. Well done Clint Eastwood. You made each moment feel loaded like a hundred shotguns. See this movie if you haven't already. Goddamn it's good.

Oh, the story? It's about a racist american war veteran who has asians for neighbours. However soon his scarred heart softens.
The premiss sounds horrible and cliché, but this is a REALLY good movie.
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