Last Film You've Seen


The live one? Nice! I'm in the UK, sadly, I bet it'll be hilarious. :D

Tonight's the night, baby. Tonight's the night.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Fuckin' idiot me accidentally posted this in the wrong thread.

So I just came back from Rifftrax presents: Plan 9 from Outer Space and I couldn't have loved it any more if I tried. It was great. Very nostalgic, Corbett, Murphy and Nelson were all on fire. There were only a few rare times when I wasn't laughing my head off. Actually, my jaw hurts pretty bad from smiling so hard.

The only things I didn't care for were the songs by Jonathan Coulton and possibly the 'word from our sponsor' things, which I could have done without.

The short was awesome, too.

Bottom line: if you're a fan of Mystery Science Theater, I'd say you lost out if you didn't see it.
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hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Fucking District 9 bitches!

That movie was just awesome as hell. Oh my god with the aliens and the technology and their smexy ass weapons shooting foreign matter that detonated people into bits of squishy innards. :monster:

Okay my fangirling's done now, I promise. Sort of . . .

So the plot was beautiful. I loved the unique concept behind it. The fact that it was filmed mostly in a document-esque fashion only intensified it for me. It was interesting seeing the whole species segregation thing and it mapped out a lot of interesting points: how humans can treat a species differently because of their appearance, their vocalization methods, the knowledge they possess of certain concepts/situations/etc, and their technology (mostly this though).

I was surprised how this became less about action and at some point more about dramatics (i.e.: aliens wanting to go home, humans disallowing them to can you guess whyyyy :wackymonster:, crazy plot twists that I won't spoil for people who haven't seen the movie already, etc.).

So yeah it was great. The ending might shock you unless you're like my mother who ends up putting the puzzle pieces of a plotline together in less than ten minutes; and ends up being right about every freaking little thing.

Yeah so this movie is worth every single fucking penny especially if you're a total action movie junkie like me. Go out watch it squeal over the smexy ass special effects with all its shininess and cool sound effects and stuff, and just enjoy it.

Oh and I think that the director should make a sequel and expand the whole D9 universe because it would be epic. That's all.
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
I saw Halloween the old one on AMC last night. I like old movies like this. Not that full of gore but scary enough to give me nightmares. <3


reality is a prison
I watched Rocky last night (again) and I honestly cried, but I always do at the movie.

Btw, the one with Cher not the training video gawd..


Titties 'n' Beer
Braindead/Dead alive 1000000000000000000000000/10

Anyone rating this film under 10/10 should be shot at sight imo.


ACF Refugee
Porco Rosso, Michael Keaton gave a surprisingly lack luster performance, as did Cary Elwes. Odd...


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
"G. I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra" [8/10]

Honestly, I actually liked this movie. Was pretty awesome and I think it had quite the storyline in it as well.

They probably overdid it a little on the FX (depending on the person too) but I still enjoyed it very much. I love how the story seemed to come out piece by piece and all the flashbacks in and out that they had to outline certain characters' stories and whatnot.

The climax was a bit if a shocker for me and only saw it coming like 10 mins before it happened, but man, I just love it. I think they did pretty well with it and it's got plenty of action so it's real good for action-goers ^^.

I gave this one an 8/10 because one thing that was slightly annoying is that it felt like it went by fast and then slow, fast and slow, and so forth. As well, it bordered on going a tad over the top with the FX. Either way, still a good watch for a lay-back-action-flick.

+ Mikylia +


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
The Orphan was a lol'able movie... glad it wasn't me who paid for the tickets.


Kissed by Fire
I saw fight club on TNT and it wasn't as good as the first time I saw it imo. Still not half bad though. Brad Pitt is such a good actor.

Honestly, I actually liked this movie. Was pretty awesome and I think it had quite the storyline in it as well.
The storyline was pretty cliche but I liked it too. Girls with ninjas and guns and graphics and blowing up stuff is always a plus.


Pro Adventurer
I saw fight club on TNT and it wasn't as good as the first time I saw it imo. Still not half bad though. Brad Pitt is such a good actor.

The storyline was pretty cliche but I liked it too. Girls with ninjas and guns and graphics and blowing up stuff is always a plus.
I thought that the entire movie was about these guys just wailing on each other. But umm, even though it's an old movie. I would give it an Oscar.
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

Like CollegeHumor said, it is a movie very much like "Forrest Gump". But the movie is so good that you forgive any similarities.
Not sure what to say. Excellent acting, environments, storytelling... See this movie.
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

Like CollegeHumor said, it is a movie very much like "Forrest Gump". But the movie is so good that you forgive any similarities.
Not sure what to say. Excellent acting, environments, storytelling... See this movie.
it was written by the same guy who wrote gump, so I'll kinda forgive it.

Silent Hill.

Fuck >_> thar be some shit


Titties 'n' Beer
Forrest Gump is an atrocity in my eyes so I'll definitely pass

Across 110th Street was the shit. Yaphet Kotto wasn't so much. Talk about cardboard characters.


O rite, watched Slumdog Millionaire the other day.

Chick flick, but at least it got kids jumping into massive heaps of shit, :monster:.

(And I liked it)


fresh to death

I watched Shaun of the Dead again last night.
Nothing beats the scene where the beat the pub landlord to the tune of 'Don't Stop Me Now'. Absolutely brilliant.


Watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, it had some good moments but it was meh the rest of the time, and S.Darko which is a bit lame and weird. :monster:


X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I think I kinda liked it better than the previous X-men movies, actually :monster:.
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