Last Film You've Seen


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I might re-buy Serenity and Firefly on Blu-Ray, even though I already own the DVDs, just because they're so awesome. I'm really glad I watched Battlestar Galactica in HD; it really gained a lot from the increased level of detail.

I haven't watched any movies in awhile btw, but I finally finished up BSG. It may have had the deus ex machina to end all deus ex machinas at the end, but for some reason I didn't mind it. I was much more upset that the show was over than I was at the deus ex machina. I really liked the political subtexts as well; it's one of the few sci-fi shows that I feel depicts humanity as the creatures we actually are, rather than as some idealised version of what we'd like to be.
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Ⓐaron;216402 said:
I might re-buy Serenity and Firefly on Blu-Ray, even though I already own the DVDs, just because they're so awesome. I'm really glad I watched Battlestar Galactica in HD; it really gained a lot from the increased level of detail.
DO IT. The Serenity blu-ray has a commentary on it featuring Nate Fillion, Adam Baldwin (Jayne), Ron Glass (Book) (he laughs throughout), and ZMOFG Summer Glau (River).


Another section of Red Cliff, but I was falling asleep at the final battle, so I paused it and will watch that later :monster:.


Ⓐaron;216402 said:
I might re-buy Serenity and Firefly on Blu-Ray, even though I already own the DVDs, just because they're so awesome. I'm really glad I watched Battlestar Galactica in HD; it really gained a lot from the increased level of detail.

I haven't watched any movies in awhile btw, but I finally finished up BSG. It may have had the deus ex machina to end all deus ex machinas at the end, but for some reason I didn't mind it. I was much more upset that the show was over than I was at the deus ex machina. I really liked the political subtexts as well; it's one of the few sci-fi shows that I feel depicts humanity as the creatures we actually are, rather than as some idealised version of what we'd like to be.

I actually just started getting into bSg and have been watching the eps online. Is it really that much worth it to get a hold of DVDs/BDs? Because I'm really liking the series thus far but I don't know if I want to splurge a lot of money by buying/renting them.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I actually just started getting into bSg and have been watching the eps online. Is it really that much worth it to get a hold of DVDs/BDs? Because I'm really liking the series thus far but I don't know if I want to splurge a lot of money by buying/renting them.

I definitely plan on watching the series again at some point, so I'm glad I own it, but the complete series is pretty damn expensive. If you like the series enough it's probably worth owning, because the enhanced quality really does enhance the experience. (It was a gift for me btw, so I didn't have to pay for it).


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
A Pokemon film, called Raikou: the Legend of Thunder. No Ash, but stars the main character from Gold/Silver, and the female player character from Crystal.

Quite good as Pokemon films go, except for some of the English names (Jimmy, Marina, and Eusine is now Eugene) and the lack of the GS rival... And he appeared in the opening titles in Japan.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
The new Clash of the Titans, in 2D. Very good, but if you know mythology from more than just JRPGs, you may wish to repeat the MST3K mantra to yourself ("it's just a movie, I really should relax"). Djinn appear, being from Arabic folklore, and the Kraken is from Norse mythology.

Good old fashioned fun (if you've seen the original, or Ray Harryhausen's Jason and the Argonauts, it's similar in tone - this is an action romp). I loved Pete Postlethwaite's brief appearence, and I was impressed by Sam Worthington. Disappointed they made Hades the villain of the piece, but I can see where the filmmakers were coming from ("ooh, the god of hell, he must be nasty").

I liked him unleashing his bankai the Kraken, though. :)
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The new Clash of the Titans, in 2D. Very good, but if you know mythology from more than just JRPGs, you may wish to repeat the MST3K mantra to yourself ("it's just a movie, I really should relax"). Djinn appear, being from Arabic folklore, and the Kraken is from Norse mythology.

Good old fashioned fun (if you've seen the original, or Ray Harryhausen's Jason and the Argonauts, it's similar in tone - this is an action romp). I loved Pete Postlethwaite's brief appearence, and I was impressed by Sam Worthington. Disappointed they made Hades the villain of the piece, but I can see where the filmmakers were coming from ("ooh, the god of hell, he must be nasty").

I liked him unleashing his bankai the Kraken, though. :)
Please dont compare this subpar action film to the original clash.

the remake was specific scenes from the original mixed in with god of war. only with a moral kratos.
son of zeus' family gets killed, wants to kill gods, gets chance when hades wants to unleash kraken to make humans be sad to make him powerful. he fights his way through creatures and kills kraken. hades is beaten (tho he can come back at any time he wants), and everyones happy.

Worthington plays the exact same character he plays in all his movies, the tough, moral cute guy who at first doubts himself then gets confidence. I have no idea why hollywoods shoving him down our throats so much.

I had to see it in 3d, and oh god it was implemented terribly, if you wernt focusing on what they wanted you to focus on, it was blurry as all fuck. it was insanely distracting.

Im not dissapointed I saw it, I liked some scenes, like the scorpion fight, and medusa fight, and it's nice to see greek "mythology" back in cinema, I just wish I didnt pay as much as I did. And I'll probably only watch it again just to see how much better it is without that crappy 3d.

Honestly, it seems like they noticed god of war was insanely popular, and decided to splice it with a classic mythology movie to up the potential patrons without really caring if it was any good.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Please dont compare this subpar action film to the original clash
I stand by it. Neither are actually retelling a Greek myth, merely using Greek myths to tell an entertaining story. And both are entertaining. :)

War of the Worlds, the Tom Cruise and Stephen Spielburg (sp?) one. Well, where to begin...? Not having Tom Cruise in would help. And the 9/11 awareness of having everyone going "zomg, terrorists!11!" when the Martians start attacking... yeah, that just made them seem dumb. Because of course, terrorists have access to sci-fi weaponry(!)

And the camcorder. Dear God, the camcorder. An EMP takes out everything electrical, but a guy still grabs his camcorder to record the Tripod... worse, it looks like it works.

And I liked the whole
"We'll meet Robbie in Boston, and your mom will be there"
thing when it seemed more like denial... Because of course, the Tripods will devastate every city in the world
except Boston
. And that's what happened.
And Robbie escaped being blown up by the heat ray and then managed to not get harvested.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Trying to find that Astro Boy movie I heard about half an hour ago and am now cursing myself for not knowing about it earlier

... I'm doing this wrong aren't I.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Derp, the original Clash wasn't that great either when you ignored the special effects.

Both are dumb popcorn flicks.


Higher Further Faster
Watched both of the Family Guy Star Wars spoofs. Very funny. Makes me want to go watch the original trilogy again.


I watched Daybreakers the other day with a couple of friends. The plot itself was really great, but the ending was very disappointing.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
Gamer. :facepalm:

I rented it on PSN simply because it was by the same guys who did the Crank films, which are hilarious and criminally underrated imo. While the film accomplishes a lot visually on a shoestring budget ($13 million). The vomitorium style cinematography serves more to disorient than engage in those awesome wtf moments that made the Cranks cool. The violence is too in your face and look what I did to ever feel real and Michael C. Hall's techno empire is derivative and forced and culminates with a tribute to Sammy Davis Jr if that makes any sense. Terry Crews (the Old Spice flexing guy) makes an appearance, but is so two dimensional that when Gerard finally takes him out it's almost a mercy kill. In the end the good guy beats the bad guy at his own game and drives off into the sunset with a trail of bodies in his wake and blood thirsty populace cheering his name.

Stick to Statham boys.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Gamer. :facepalm:

I rented it on PSN simply because it was by the same guys who did the Crank films, which are hilarious and criminally underrated imo. While the film accomplishes a lot visually on a shoestring budget ($13 million). The vomitorium style cinematography serves more to disorient than engage in those awesome wtf moments that made the Cranks cool. The violence is too in your face and look what I did to ever feel real and Michael C. Hall's techno empire is derivative and forced and culminates with a tribute to Sammy Davis Jr if that makes any sense. Terry Crews (the Old Spice flexing guy) makes an appearance, but is so two dimensional that when Gerard finally takes him out it's almost a mercy kill. In the end the good guy beats the bad guy at his own game and drives off into the sunset with a trail of bodies in his wake and blood thirsty populace cheering his name.

Stick to Statham boys.

I actually thought Gamer could have been a better film with less baggage and bullshit and more action scenes that weren't shaky cam bullshit.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I just finished watching Stargate.

James Spader's hair in this movie is fantastic.


fresh to death
I watched Grave of the Fireflies last night.
oh my god, if you do not cry at this movie, you don't have a soul.

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
A very touching documentary film.

The Men Who Star at Goats

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
New Moon (Not by choice). Is it as bad as everyone says it is? No. Its a whole lot fucking worse. The only decent part was when one of the other vampires beat Edward into the floor.
How To Train Your Dragon

This was pretty sweet actually. Dreamworks is stepping up their storytelling and animation. And the 3d is some of the best I've seen. The flying scenes are amazing to watch


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I rewatched The Rock.

God Sean Connery is absolutely godly in this movie, he is totally Big Boss

(As a sidenote I went OOHHHHHH when he said to the guy "Your safety's on" and he flips the gun on him when the dude checks it)
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