Last Film You've Seen


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Technically, a two-part live action adaptation, but as it runs to three hours in total (wait... I think I've said this before :monster: ).

I've read the book on which it was based between my first viewing and this one, and I can now say: it is a good adaptation. Naturally, there are some differences between the book and screen version, but what marks it as a good adaptation is the same thing as what marks Stardust as a good adaptation: there are some things I prefer in the original, and some things I prefer in the adaptation.

Example: in the book, Death says "HUMANS ARE SO INTERESTING THAT THEY HAVE EVEN INVENTED DULLNESS". In the live-action version, he instead says "DID YOU KNOW, IN A UNIVERSE SO FULL OF WONDERS, HUMANS HAVE INVENTED BOREDOM?", which I think is a slightly better way of putting it. :monster:

Unfortunately, the adaptation loses the Librarian and the Cheerful Fairy, but their absence is not overtly noticeable (except with the Librarian: never specifically mentioned, but alluded to with extreme prejudice).

The actors are all first rate: Ian Richardson as the voice of Death and Marc Warren as Teatime are worth singling out. And yes, there is an actor portraying Nobby Nobbs. No, he does not do the part justice, but considering that in the books Nobby carries around a certificate from the "Benevolent" Tyrant of Ankh-Morpork attesting to the probability that Nobby is human... it would be hard to find someone in Roundworld who could adequately portray him.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster

A movie I really enjoyed and had a few downright SCARY moments.

Holy crap, that scene of the plane crash was just spine-chilling, right down to the bone. Still chills me even now, all those people screaming and wailing and on fire... *shudder* just plain creepy as fuck.

The movie was overall great and I thoroughly enjoyed it second time around too. :)

Batman: Under The Red Hood.

Really enjoyed it to be honest, been meaning to sit down with this for a while. I think that Jensen Ackles and Neil Patrick Harris' voice acting really sold it for me, very well done.

Ah yes, and another brilliant portrayal of the Joker.

^ This. I watched it recently myself and wow, I was just blown away by Jensen Ackles' performance of the Red Hood. Holy crapz that was just awesome.

The scene where he confronted Bruce about The Joker was amazingly emotional and very well done.

I'd absolutely love to see Ackles do more animation voice work, he seems to have a good knack for it :D

Also, about The Joker's voice, DiMaggio did an awesome job, imo, his laugh actually sounded pretty on-spot too. Trivia: DiMaggio also did known voice work for Dr. Drakken from 'Kim Possible' on Disney Channel XD.

~ Beel
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Avatar, again, but this time not in 3D. Instead, watched it (the 10 GB 1080p HD rip thing) on my new 40 inch tv (yeah, that's where I spend your donations on, :monster: ) - much, much better, I actually quite enjoyed it this time instead of trying to look at 3D things.

Story's still lame and characters one-dimensional though, :monster:.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Inception. About a week ago. (Or a few days, I lose track of weekends on school months >.>)

My friends got a headache thinking about what-the-heck happened. :awesome: It can't be that hard.

I find Joseph Gordon-Levitt to be really hot. I spent most of the first moments of the movie trying to recall where I saw him...

...and I remember that I watched him be gay in a gay film called "Mysterious Skin" (I dare you to watch it... IN A PUBLIC PLACE).

Also, Ellen Page. <3


...and I remember that I watched him be gay in a gay film called "Mysterious Skin" (I dare you to watch it... IN A PUBLIC PLACE).

Great film. It's the reason I have trouble finding him attractive, tbh. That and Third Rock from the Sun :awesome: The whole Inception cast was mighty fine, especially my boyfriend Tom Hardy + Ellen Page + Marion Cotillard.

Last film seen: Mulholland Drive. Haven't seen this movie in a while, but it gets better every time. David Lynch, you are one crazy muhrrfucker.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Possible tag-line: "only fools hold fire when angels get trigger-happy".

Quite a good film if you don't over think things, with some good performances in it (in particular, Paul Bettany as Michael and Dennis Quaid as Bob). Unfortunately, it's hard to discuss it without giving away too much.

Michael is the angel of the same name. Having been given an order by God that he cannot accept, he chooses to flee to Earth just as the apocalypse begins. The action then cuts to a small diner in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of people stuck there for one reason or another. Shit meets fan.
Oh, and where it says on the DVD cover that they're fighting off demonic legions? The DVD cover lied. And the posessed act similar to zombies at several points.

The first time we see an angel in battle on Earth... well, my first thought was "holy shit, it's Batfink", as he deflects bullets with his wings of steel. Second thought, "Hawkman", because he's mace happy (and I don't mean the spray).

See if you can recognise Doug Jones (Abe Sapien in the Hellboy films, and the Faun in Pan's Labyrinth) as quickly as I did. ;)


The Thorn Birds (80's miniseries)

I watched this for shallow reasons. By the end of it, all I have to say is: all the characters are bad people and should feel bad about themselves.

For what's it's worth, it really is like an epic novel come to life. It's a little heavy handed sometimes, but considering the production values/time period, subtleties aren't to really be expected. Christopher Plummer is amazing btw.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Absolutely loved it. I've always liked Edgar Wright's stuff, and this is no exception. It's unfortunate that it's performing weakly in the box office, because it's epic. The fights are great, the cuts are really interesting and unique, and it blends comic books, anime, & videogames in a way that nothing else even comes close to.

(The videogame also totally kicks ass)

The Expendables

Great justice.
'Nuff said.

The Human Centipede

So, morbid curiosity finally got the best of my girlfriend, and we checked it out.
Aside from the main person being a creepy (looking) motherfucker, it's pretty meh.

It seems like every time someone knocks over a glass, it either moves or gets re-filled by the next cut, or the blood on the stairs during the escape mysteriously disappears when the cop is walking down them, which irks me.

There's SO many stupid moves mode by everyone, I stopped even caring about them.

Both girls
- They don't turn on the emergency lights when their car blows a tire.
- They dont' follow the fucking road to find a cell phone signal, they wander into the woods.

Girl who escapes
- Goes back to drag her friend out rather than running for help.
- The cops mention that the neighbors heard her - if the dude has neighbors, she should've been able to get there in NO time.

Japanese dude
- Doesn't fucking kill the dude when he MORE than has the chance. Just injures him.

- Don't stay close together.
- Cop A doesn't call his buddy when he starts vomiting on the floor by getting poisoned, just keeps wandering around.
- Cop B doesn't call for backup when his buddy doesn't respond after he hears the shots fired.

I'm glad everyone died.


X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yeah, this. It wasn't nearly as disturbing as I expected it to be. Lame movie was lame.

Yeah forgot to mention that. Not NEARLY so.

Besides the fact that the guy's so fucking stupid to believe that the transfer of nutrients would be even close to enough to sustain anyone. Plus - on a morbid note, I'm pretty sure you'd puke and tear through the stitches, and die SUPER quickly.

But really, there's hardly anything REALLY disturbing in it. They're all basically clothed, and any wounds are barely visible, so it just looks like people with medical gauze planting their faces into eachother's asses.

Oh, and lastly - fuck the girl for going back, and dragging her friend out, and not even UNTYING the Japanese dude. Bitch.

X :neo:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
About the Human Centipede. It knows its a stupid movie with a daft premise, but it never truly embraces it and runs with it like other stuff thats equally as tounge in cheek does (Planet Terror, Drag Me to Hell, etc). Wasn't expecting it to be very good anyway though so thats not exactly a disappointment.

Last film seen: Mulholland Drive. Haven't seen this movie in a while, but it gets better every time. David Lynch, you are one crazy muhrrfucker.

Yeah this is an absolutely excellent movie. No question.

I haven't reviewed anything lately bawww. I will have to work on that tonight.


Harbinger O Great Justice
About the Human Centipede. It knows its a stupid movie with a daft premise, but it never truly embraces it and runs with it like other stuff thats equally as tounge in cheek does (Planet Terror, Drag Me to Hell, etc). Wasn't expecting it to be very good anyway though so thats not exactly a disappointment.

See, I enjoyed Splice quite a lot and was only disappointed with the very last arc in the film, when they turned from the creepy / disturbing horror into a little more generic slasher. (Still quite liked the film though).

I think that I was hoping for something a little more... edgy, or horror-like from this film, but it just really wasn't there.

X :neo:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I liked Splice better before it came out as a slasher. It was working exceedingly well at being an utterly disturbing 'family comedy/drama' (if you've seen the film, you know what I'm getting at. Pretty much all of Act 2), that was far more horrifying because of its implications than any of the actual horror that came in act 3. Still great film though, just kind of didn't end up playing to it's strengths.
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especially my boyfriend Tom Hardy
Excuse you?
Dayum, that man is fine though <3

Human centipede has an awesome demented doctor in it and that alone is worth the price of admission (or time you spent looking for stream sites). You can pretty much skip the intro of the girls though, because it's just horrible acting.

@ Splice: could have been tightened up a bit. Too much meandering in the first act and typical hollywood in the last. Shame.

...saw Inception. Again. In my defense it's half-price Tuesday :monster:
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Wait, I thought Spice was a terrible film :/


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Haven't seen Human Centipede, and it's so obviously relying on shock value that I never will, but I have to include this little gem from a film review magazine.

An article on ten reasons why you should see it (three of which WERE the shock value, and a fourth was they're planning a sequel), but the review simply told you not to waste your money. :lol:
Besides the fact that the guy's so fucking stupid to believe that the transfer of nutrients would be even close to enough to sustain anyone. Plus - on a morbid note, I'm pretty sure you'd puke and tear through the stitches, and die SUPER quickly.
The film's tagline is "100% medically accurate". The director/writer passed it by a professional doctor, with the promise that the doctor would never be mentioned. The doctor told him that it was doable, and moreso than he thought.

He mentions in the same interview that he relates this tale in that the doctor is his girlfriend's father, who has a surgery in, mm, Holland, I think it was. So, yeah. One life potentially ruined.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Absolutely loved it. I've always liked Edgar Wright's stuff, and this is no exception. It's unfortunate that it's performing weakly in the box office, because it's epic. The fights are great, the cuts are really interesting and unique, and it blends comic books, anime, & videogames in a way that nothing else even comes close to.

(The videogame also totally kicks ass)
mmmMMMmmm... as a fan... there's so many questions I want to ask about the movie. But, no, I must restrain myself.

Except for this one:
does Knives get her highlights punched out???
Oh, watched Solomon Kane before my last post too. It was pretty meh.
I felt it had a certain charm. Narm charm, perhaps. :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Except for this one:
does Knives get her highlights punched out???
This also being seen by me yesterday
. I riked it, best video game-like movie since Lola Rennt.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Celes Chere

Today I saw Vampires Suck. Pretty damn amusing. x'D I really love how heavily they bashed the Twilight characters, and it's shit plot. There were some parts that were just fucking weird and random, but hey, I kind of liked that. I won't say it was perfect, there were stupid parts... but it was mostly consistently humorous to me that I didn't mind it too much. Not to mention the guy they have as Jacob? NUM.

Also, the soundtrack rocks.


Except for this one:
does Knives get her highlights punched out???
I felt it had a certain charm. Narm charm, perhaps. :awesome:

You made me look up Narm Charm.

I ended up on TVTropes.

I hate you, sir, I hate you more than anything in the world right now. And that's saying something.
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